Orchard Bank
Date: Wed, 08/06/2008 - 15:43
Orchard Bank
I filed a Chapter 13 bk last year. I included my Orchard Bank credit card that I had at the time in my bk. In the meantime, Orchard sent me a new credit card with a $300 limit. I know I shouldn't have accepted and activated it, but I did. My question is, if I sign up with their online bill payment to make my payments, what are the odds that they might drain my bank account for the old card that I had and included it in my bk? Do you think I would be safe to make payments through their website, or should I just do money grams and money orders?
The are legally prohibitted from collecting on the old debt. If
The are legally prohibitted from collecting on the old debt. If they do contact your BK attorney and he can file a suit against them. Sear's got sued big time a few years back for doing that exact thing.
Also Orchard is a dangerous card. So be real carefull.
i agree, orchard is a very dangerous card. full of hidden fees,
i agree, orchard is a very dangerous card. full of hidden fees, costs, etc. i am having problems with them now.
Dangerous is right. I never even GOT my card because, according
Dangerous is right. I never even GOT my card because, according to their customer service, THEY RAN OUT OF PLASTIC.
I ran screaming from that company. You're better off not dealing with them. If you want to rebuild your credit, you're better off working with a secured card from one of the bigger banks, or a small card to a department store. Orchard will find ways to "fee" you to death. And if they decide you are doing a good job of paying on time, they will give you a sneaky credit limit increase! which of course, entails another fee....
I have a card with them I'm trying to get rid of, way to many fe
I have a card with them I'm trying to get rid of, way to many fees. I might have to place them with my debt management program just so they will stop the fees and quit hiking up my interest.