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Lombardo, Davis & Goldman

Date: Thu, 11/19/2009 - 17:08

Submitted by Bayley5
on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 17:08

Posts: 240 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 107

Lombardo, Davis & Goldman

Has anyone ever heard of this law firm? I searched on the internet only to find that they are a supposed scam law firm representing payday loans. She told me in her voicemail that if I don't return their call by today, they will be filing papers in my county and she actually named the county. The number she left was 800-351-4253. Her name was Rebecca. Has anyone dealt with them?

Haven't dealt with them, but... That statement about filing papers unless you pay RIGHT NOW is called 'overshadowing.' It's designed to overshadow (deprive you of) your right to have them validate the debt, and it's illegal as hell. That alone should tell you something. Did she say what she was collecting for?


Submitted by unclewulf on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 17:56

( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )

No, the only message she left me at home AND word, was she was calling from Lombardo, Davis & Goldman and I have two complaints against my social security number that she needed a return call. There was another number that came up on caller ID 716-335-9654, but she left me an 800 number to call. If they were a ligit law firm, shouldn't they have a website?


Submitted by Bayley5 on Fri, 11/20/2009 - 04:53

( Posts: 240 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not all law firms have web sites.
It does not sound legit however , merely by the threats

excatly right.i would not return the call except to tell rebecca you will not speak to her again until you get something in writing.couldn't find a thing except for this post when i searched the name,and both numbers.a scam if there ever was one.


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 11/20/2009 - 04:59

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Just curious here... Do you have any idea what they might be calling about?

You can certainly call them back if you like. I'd think seriously about recording the call, if that's legal in your state. Verify your name and mailing address, then tell them you'll be expecting something in writing. Then, just hang up. There's nothing to be gained by conversing with them. If they become abusive, hang up. You aren't required to put up with that.


Submitted by unclewulf on Fri, 11/27/2009 - 13:52

( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Bayley5
How do you know if it's legal to record a conversation in one's state? I live in PA. If I call them, can I tell them it's being recoreded for legal reasons?

What state do you live in? We can check it for you, right fast like.

Also, do you know how to record a call? Lots of folks don't. If you need help, ask. I have a guide I can send you.


Submitted by unclewulf on Mon, 11/30/2009 - 09:32

( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )

I live in Pennsylvania. And No, I do not know how to record a call. They just called me AGAIN at work and on my cell. She said that I have two formal complaints against me regarding contract & theft by deception. What the heck does that mean? If anyone has an address for these people, that would be helpful so that I can write them a C&D letter. I just checked my work VM and she said that I have two formal complaints against my SS # and she wanted to discuss some options with me before she files paperwork with my county's clerk. Is that possible?


Submitted by Bayley5 on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 10:32

( Posts: 240 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Bayley5
I live in Pennsylvania. And No, I do not know how to record a call. They just called me AGAIN at work and on my cell. She said that I have two formal complaints against me regarding contract & theft by deception. What the heck does that mean? If anyone has an address for these people, that would be helpful so that I can write them a C&D letter. I just checked my work VM and she said that I have two formal complaints against my SS # and she wanted to discuss some options with me before she files paperwork with my county's clerk. Is that possible?

no that is not possible.they want to try,and scare money out of you.she will not file anything.see if there is an address in this thread,or with the serach bar at the top on the right.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 10:47

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Bayley5
Do I have the right to tell them I am recording the conversation and if so, how do I go about recording a conversation over the phone? I cannot find any other information on this supposed law firm.

before the call even gets going you just say something like.

this call is being recorded.if they don't protest or hang up,then they that's could PM unclewulf.he has been advising others on this very subject,and might be able to help in the recording of calls.the techincal side of it i mean.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 11:07

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Bayley5
Has anyone ever heard of this law firm? I searched on the internet only to find that they are a supposed scam law firm representing payday loans. She told me in her voicemail that if I don't return their call by today, they will be filing papers in my county and she actually named the county. The number she left was 800-351-4253. Her name was Rebecca. Has anyone dealt with them?

Hey im Dainel. Did they ever serve u papers?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/02/2009 - 13:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[samebox="Vikas"]Content removed since I received a Fax from Frank at Lombardo Davis & Goldman Firm certifying under penalty of perjury that the content posted is false. This was done as per policy posted at
The fax has been kept on file.[/samebox]


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 12/03/2009 - 07:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Bayley. If you only knew. I worked there. It's owned by Frank Davis. Basically he bought a payday loan portfolio. He would have us collect on it for a 25% commission. Well, we'd take the payment info (check or debit whatever) and he'd run it. When it cleared, he'd pay cash. Well, this greedy **** would lie and say the payments never cleared or whatever and he would give us different work to collect. Each of us would get the run around til our patience waned and we left. Then he gets more collectors to work for free.

Let's keep it PG-rated, OK? - Uncle Wulf


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 12/11/2009 - 17:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Sorry for the profanity.

The way he does this is by making his shop portable.
A couple sets of cubicles and a few computers with vonage or magicjack and POOF, you have a collection agency.

As far as collectors taking advantage... PDL's are a different kind of debt. So you have to use different tactics.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/14/2009 - 19:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

None of the PDL's are illegal. Are they fair? NO. But before you apply for a pdl, you know what you're up against. The interest rates are right there online. You choose to put your check info in there. You actually get finds deposited into your account, and you literally give whichever pdl company to withdraw it.

What makes it different than a credit card is that the check info you put in is basically you writing a postdated check. It's easier to explain it on a personal level. Say you hand me $300 to get my car fixed. I say "Well, Bayley, I don't get paid until two weeks from now. So, here's a $400 check for such-and-such date, you can deposit it on that day." On that day, the check bounces. What would you do? You'd flip out. Writing bad checks IS illegal. I think the anonymity of online payday loans make people think the funds are coming from thin air and they don't really owe it back because they can't see the face of the person who gave them the loan.

It really gets crazy when the debt is sold to some rinky dink debt buyer. That's when the really crazy calls come in. Only because the debtors aren't seen as regular debtors. These people can't be approved for any kind of credit, so they go online and get a loan. They've been in collections before for all kinds of debt so they're a lil callous to normal collection tactics.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 12/18/2009 - 23:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You may want to read the posts on here about this company. From what I have been told, the owner is a convicted felon. I can only give you advice and what i would do is contact your bank and tell them the situation and close your account if you can. There are other folks on here that can direct you better on what to do. That is only my opinion. Allot of the places are illegal and will do whatever they can. Did you get validation that you owe the money?


Submitted by Bayley5 on Thu, 01/07/2010 - 07:38

( Posts: 240 | Credits: )

[COLOR=black]Sorry; you're wrong. MANY of the internet PDL companies out there are operating illegally. People who are desperate go online looking for any way out of their financial situation thinking a PDL is a good idea. They don't realize that (a) the company lending money isn't legally allowed to do so (b) the fees the company is charging are exorbitant and illegal and (c) many of these companies will withdraw thousands of dollars from your bank account without your authorization, which is illegal, before you realize what's happened.[/COLOR]


Originally Posted by Anonymous
None of the PDL's are illegal. Are they fair? NO. But before you apply for a pdl, you know what you're up against. The interest rates are right there online. You choose to put your check info in there. You actually get finds deposited into your account, and you literally give whichever pdl company to withdraw it.

What makes it different than a credit card is that the check info you put in is basically you writing a postdated check. It's easier to explain it on a personal level. Say you hand me $300 to get my car fixed. I say "Well, Bayley, I don't get paid until two weeks from now. So, here's a $400 check for such-and-such date, you can deposit it on that day." On that day, the check bounces. What would you do? You'd flip out. Writing bad checks IS illegal. I think the anonymity of online payday loans make people think the funds are coming from thin air and they don't really owe it back because they can't see the face of the person who gave them the loan.

It really gets crazy when the debt is sold to some rinky dink debt buyer. That's when the really crazy calls come in. Only because the debtors aren't seen as regular debtors. These people can't be approved for any kind of credit, so they go online and get a loan. They've been in collections before for all kinds of debt so they're a lil callous to normal collection tactics.


Submitted by OhioGal1 on Thu, 01/07/2010 - 08:13

( Posts: 5253 | Credits: )

Got a call from this number 716-335-9598 and was a guy named Mr. Fortunate and said he was from Lambardo, Davis and Goldman and he add a civil action lawsuit against me. After multiple attempts to contact him, I finally called back and gave them my debt consolidation company that I hired to help with my Payday loans. He hasn't called back since. This company is a Fraud, they find out somehow that you have unpaid Payday loans then they call you and scare the crap out of you. Normally people say oh no I must pay now. But don't after a day or so they want call no more, or give them something about who they can call for your legal team. Nothing else has been done to me, still sitting here and they did not get any money from me. If they won't tell you what Payday loan sent them the request it not legit, and besides, no law firm will come after you for a Payday loan anyway, seeing has how they are illegal in most states. This company is committing Fraud and can be fined. I have contacted my local government and have reported them and this number and Mr. Fortunates name. So don't be scared they can't do notthing.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/19/2010 - 09:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

they are legit. and no they dont have to have a website. and they are ana ttorneys office and can submit papers to the courts on behalf of a company against you. i have dealt with them for my 2 payday loans i didnt pay.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 22:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I got a call from this company today claiming that they are going to file papers against me for fraudlent check and so on and so forth. They have my address and they will serve me at work or at home.

I would like to know if anyone has an address for this "law firm" so I can write to them a cease and desist letter and remind them that Payday loans are illegal in the state of New York. Also, the AG's office has been building cases against the payday loans and there has been successful lawsuits against them.

I don't even know which loans they are talking about, but I'm not dealing with no law firm. I will only deal with the company I had the loans with and on MY time. I have been too busy trying to stop getting evicted because I haven't been able to pay my rent due to these loans. I am not going to be homeless because of these people. I'm tired of being used. Even if I lose, at least I would have fought back. And I don't believe they really want to go to court. They want the money.

I will make the New York State Attorney deal with this if it comes to that. So if anyone has an address on this company, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 14:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
i got a call saying they were going to file criminal and civil complaints on me for $ 500...................Are these guys legit?

They are calling me and I have no idea what company they are representing and I'm NOT going to talk to them. I will write them a letter telling them to desist from calling and they are to put everything in writing.

If it has something to do with a Payday loan, then I'd make them put- in writing- who they represent and what is the amount they claim they can collect LEGALLY in New York State, since payday loans are illegal in NYS.

Read other posts on here about this company. Knowledge is power.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/06/2010 - 13:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
They are calling us to home work and threathing with judgements and doing at his work and that i cant file bankruplty and it can go up to 5000 instead 510 and all this. can some one help me!

of course,for one this is a bottomfeeder in every sense of the word.they can't prevent you from declaring BK.this debt is dischargeable in BK.file a police report for the calls,and file AG and FTC complaints against this bottomfeeder.they can't do anything they threaten.just know that.


Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 10:41

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

they harassed me daily and i told them i was in the process of bankruptcy. they said it didnt matter because it was a loan against future earnings. well my attorney proved them WRONG. it was discharged. matter of fact on april 11, 2010. tell them to buzz off. dont let them con you. talk junk to them.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/28/2010 - 10:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Bayley5
I live in Pennsylvania. And No, I do not know how to record a call. They just called me AGAIN at work and on my cell. She said that I have two formal complaints against me regarding contract & theft by deception. What the heck does that mean? If anyone has an address for these people, that would be helpful so that I can write them a C&D letter. I just checked my work VM and she said that I have two formal complaints against my SS # and she wanted to discuss some options with me before she files paperwork with my county's clerk. Is that possible?

It's not legal ... but that does not mean anything with some of these flybynights. They fabricate Affidavits of Service (serving summons and complaint) and then take default judgments. They can not just go in and file papers. Since some of these places will create fake summons and file fake Affidavits of Service your best bet is to check with your courts -- if they say they have anything on file, immediately send the court a brief paragraph DENYING any knowledge sufficient to form a belief about anything in their summons and complaint. If you didn't receive the summons and complaint, ask the court for a copy and then mail the general denial to the law firm and demand they give you the info to legitimize the so-called debt. This will prevent them from entering a default judgment. You cannot assume that since you weren't served that they won't falsify the documents claiming you were. You have no idea of any many judgments are filed that should not be filed.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/04/2010 - 18:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

As a continuance of my post above re the judgments and keeping in touch with courts -- apparently this firm is another Buffalo, NY collection agency. They had a want ad for help listing an area phone number. I will check with the Secretary of State to see if they are incorporated in NYS. You can also check with the site ... they are EXCELLENT in helping consumers.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/04/2010 - 18:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Bayley5
Has anyone ever heard of this law firm? I searched on the internet only to find that they are a supposed scam law firm representing payday loans. She told me in her voicemail that if I don't return their call by today, they will be filing papers in my county and she actually named the county. The number she left was 800-351-4253. Her name was Rebecca. Has anyone dealt with them?

I recieved a phone call from that firmas well, but no demands were made like you received, we worked out a payment plan as to where I can make two paymenrts and have my debt cleared up. It's been since last Thursday, and withdrawals were made tried to call back phone # 719-989-5217. OPerator told number has been disconnected....hmmmmm, sounds interesting. Also, if anyone gets phone calls from Dispute Resolution Center out of Poulsbo WA, report them immediately to Dispute Resolution Center out of Silverdale WA. The rep I spoke to told there is no DRC in that area. THe person I spoke to said they are collecting on a debt I occured, and upon further research into that, I never owed that debtror since I never recieved the funds in the first place. These people wanted 747 dollars within two hours after our conversation or we go to court. Told him I dont have that money, he said I can sell my car, furniture sell my jewelry, borrow form my spouse, children or parents. THey were going to charge me with fraud, I told them it was never intended to be fraud inthe first palce I had too many payday advance notices come up can I do monthly payments, he said no 747 dollars in two hours or we go to court in your state, which we will ask for 5984 dollars, you willbe charged with fraudulent practices, lose ytour job, spend jail time, and ahve big black spot on your credit report. He told me I have average credit I dont want to mess it up, I told him I filed chapter 13 last year, my credit is already screwed up. They gave me their address which was in Temple FL, there is no Tempple, the street address is in Tampa, The zip code is in Pompano BEach FL. Ther is a legal firm on the street listed, but Dispute Resolutoin. Anyone else gets a call from these bozos, contact the Silverdale WA DRC, any kind of debt collection will let you pay in installments, never haul you to court, hope this helps and would like to hear from anyone else who to deal with these bozos, thanks!


Submitted by Arnold Sartin on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 10:03

( Posts: | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
It's not legal ... but that does not mean anything with some of these flybynights. They fabricate Affidavits of Service (serving summons and complaint) and then take default judgments. They can not just go in and file papers. Since some of these places will create fake summons and file fake Affidavits of Service your best bet is to check with your courts -- if they say they have anything on file, immediately send the court a brief paragraph DENYING any knowledge sufficient to form a belief about anything in their summons and complaint. If you didn't receive the summons and complaint, ask the court for a copy and then mail the general denial to the law firm and demand they give you the info to legitimize the so-called debt. This will prevent them from entering a default judgment. You cannot assume that since you weren't served that they won't falsify the documents claiming you were. You have no idea of any many judgments are filed that should not be filed.

I dont know if my follow-up info posted. Just go to for all kinds of information on collection. He is an EXCELLENT consumer advocate, nationally syndicated.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 12:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )