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Kramer & Frank - Are they for real ?

Date: Thu, 11/30/2006 - 16:38

Submitted by jeffc762
on Thu, 11/30/2006 - 16:38

Posts: 21 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 135

Kramer & Frank - Are they for real ?

Has anyone heard of Kramer & Frank PC Attorneys at Law? They are handling one of my HSBC accounts, I cant seem to get a hold of them though. I keep calling and leaving messages to discuss payment arrangements, and they keep sending me letters.
Any suggestions??? I talked to one person there and she said to call back in December to make arrangements because the person handling my account wasnt in.

I agree with you Gretchen that there should be a minimum standard by which these companies must prove a debt is valid before they can drag us into court. Otherwise they can file a civil case based on nothing, hope nobody shows up, and simply collect garnishments from some ignorant but possibly innocent person. Anybody could do that. And when the person DOES show up, they string you out hoping you will surrender. When you don't, they withdraw the case at the last minute before the judge can actually review the details. The systems su.c.ks.

I went to court today for my Midland bench trial. The K&F attorney sidled up to me and said Midland was willing to accept 50% of the total within 90 days. She asked if I'd be interested in that, I said "no." She asked if I was still disputing the debt, I said "yes." She walked away.

The judge called up my case and the K&F attorney said "We understand the Defendant is filing for bankruptcy so we would like to dismiss this case without prejudice." I never said anything to her - specifically - about bankruptcy. I told a DIFFERENT K&F attorney that I would LIKELY file for bankruptcy. The judge looked at me like he was expecting some sort of confirmation from me but I sat there stone-faced. Then he said "You are dismissed."

The scariest part of the day for me was I looked at the court itinerary and saw that Portfolio is now suing people in my county. Those guys are beneath contempt.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 09/21/2010 - 11:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I agree with you Gretchen that there should be a minimum standard by which these companies must prove a debt is valid before they can drag us into court. Otherwise they can file a civil case based on nothing, hope nobody shows up, and simply collect garnishments from some ignorant but possibly innocent person. Anybody could do that. And when the person DOES show up, they string you out hoping you will surrender. When you don't, they withdraw the case at the last minute before the judge can actually review the details. The systems su.c.ks.

I went to court today for my Midland bench trial. The K&F attorney sidled up to me and said Midland was willing to accept 50% of the total within 90 days. She asked if I'd be interested in that, I said "no." She asked if I was still disputing the debt, I said "yes." She walked away.

The judge called up my case and the K&F attorney said "We understand the Defendant is filing for bankruptcy so we would like to dismiss this case without prejudice." I never said anything to her - specifically - about bankruptcy. I told a DIFFERENT K&F attorney that I would LIKELY file for bankruptcy. The judge looked at me like he was expecting some sort of confirmation from me but I sat there stone-faced. Then he said "You are dismissed."

The scariest part of the day for me was I looked at the court itinerary and saw that Portfolio is now suing people in my county. Those guys are beneath contempt.

I found an interesting website you might want to take advantage of as it gives us the opportunity to voice our opinion about the judge who heard your case. For myself and my case, the judge who handled it was complicit in the misuse of the courts to be used by these deadbeat collectors who, as you say, mostly haven't a thing to substantiate their claim.

The judge is not stupid, he knows these deadbeats file hundreds of cases all across the country and he's seen them come into his courtroom with no proof of the validity of the claim but he plays along and in some cases he outright assists in their misuse of his courtroom. I don't know if he gets a cut of the proceeds or what but something has a bad odor and its coming from his bench.

Here is the link:

There is a federal court map of the U.S. and if you refer to that it will give you the proper district to look in to file your assessment of the judge. They pass judgment on us every day. This gives us a chance to give our assessment of them.

In my case, the judge hearing the case is up for re-election in November and I sure am going to vote NO to retaining him.

I admit to being somewhat naive before and believed that most of the judge were moral and upright people but now i know for sure at least one of them who isn't.

There is also a link there for news and you can get news there about judges who have been suspended, etc.

Good for you for facing up to "the man". Yes, they were playing poker with you. Without one card in their hand to beat you they played anyway hoping you'd buy their bluff and pay their blood money.

As far as I'm concerned their disreputable behavior negates any possible collection due them. They are pond scum.:cool:


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Wed, 09/22/2010 - 05:39

( Posts: 259 | Credits: )

I believe I saw your statement regarding Judge Standridge on that link.

Again, for me to accurately assess the judge in my case I would likely need to spend more time observing his treatment of others in my situation. From my limited perspective he seemed to favor the plaintiffs.

I used to be a newspaper reporter and covered the courts in my county when I lived in California. At that time, I watched the judges day-in and day-out and had a very good handle on their fairness factors. But unless a person wants to quit their day job and sit in a judge's courtroom at length, there may be no easy way for a citizen to gauge the general fairness of any particular judge.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 09/23/2010 - 08:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

he is so far over the line with Plaintiff it is ridiculous. It's like he is her mouthpiece. She never makes motions for continuance they huddle together in an aside and discuss it and then he says CONTINUED. This has happened repeatedly. The case having been filed in May 2010 using some very shady independent process servers whom I have found complaints about by others for stalking, Plaintiff has proved nothing. The only "proof" is that attached to their complaint is a paper without letterhead just a plain white sheet of paper and a box drawn such as you could do with any basic computer programming. Above the box it says AMOUNT OWED and in side the box is the figure of aprox $2,200 (I haven't it here in front of me). that's their proof. They drew up a graphic and put a figure in it and thats the proof. It does say FOR MONEY LOANED. Further I have never had an account with Citibank whom they refer to as the original debt holder but Citibank is not a party to the suit. The attorney is an attractive young woman who it appears has plentiful cases (40 or so) heard in one afternoon and I don't know how many afternoons or mornings its repeated and so they are quite familiar with each other. I filed my Response to the Complaint and I had proof of delivery from the post office yet he admonished me to be sure to always mail plaintiff a copy even though I asked him if he would like to see the proof of delivery and he said no. So I had proof they received it yet without a word from her he Continued the case and ignored my motion for Dismissal and Summary judgments because they had failed to state a claim upon which relief could be granted. In my second motion I also noted that the court was being used as a fishing grounds by Plaintiff because to date, all this time later they have yet to show one single solitary piece of information that I owe anybody anything much less them. Judge Standridge is not stupid, whatever else I think of him. These cases are filed a dime a dozen and the hope is that nobody shows so they get default judgement. The fact that they speak in hushed tones so they cannot be heard by anyone else within the courtroom and then he, like her puppet, does as she wishes. No motion for continuance is necessary to be filed by her he just magically continues it. I have to pay parking among other things and go downtown only to get their and spend at most five minutes discussing the case and it always ends up being continued now until November for trial. Judge Standridge is fully aware of the history of Midland Funding and Kramer and Frank, its all over the net and futher based on the number of cases he hears of theirs he has first hand knowledge that these people file Complaints which are shoddy in preparation and service and then they serve discovery documents expecting me to give them the evidence their claim is valid. You'd have to witness it first hand but its really quite disgusting to watch. I usually am in his courtroom for over an hour waiting for my case which always manages to be near the end so it is a great inconvenience to go there and pay $8 parking on my disability income only to have it continued again. He challenges everything I say in such a way as to be embarrassing to me and her wish is his command. Not to be gross, but the whole thing is enough to make me sick to my stomach. I've never seen anyone come there and actually have anything transpire its just a process to wear people down hoping that I'll be late or not show up and then they will do a default judgment. He rubber stamps what she wants and its a disgusting display. You'd have to see it to fully understand as there is no way to accurately portray the whole thing. I'm no stranger to the courtroom as I used to work in a law office and have had opportunities to see the way courtrooms are supposed to work and the way his works. She has her desk set up near his bench with her myriad files and while they talk quietly between themselves I've yet to hear her say one damn thing.
I can't really discuss it dispassionately because by now I am so sick of this infatuation he has with her apparently. Of course I have no proof but I've been around lets say. I once made the mistake of slightly touching his "bench" with my elbow after being "summoned" forward to talk to steady myself and he very rudely and loudly told me not to LEAN on his bench yet she is up there throughout the whole thing quite cozily comfortable. If they would speak up loud enough to be heard without it being necessary to TOUCH his bench nothing could please me more. But everything is done so that no one can truly hear but random words until he makes his verdict or continuance. The whole afternoon is for her cases in front of him. He knows what she's doing and he enables her to continue to fish, to draw this out, to inconvenience me without proof of anything. Why he does never rule on my motions to dismiss but tells me I used the wrong "form" but it is no form but it is better than her forms are non existent. She tells him obviously what she wants to do with this case and then he, like a good little puppet, either dismisses, continues, whatever.
I have seen proper courtroom decorum and this doesn't come anywhere close this cozy relationship they have set up.


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 01:19

( Posts: 259 | Credits: )

I file motions which he ignores. I point out that they are speaking about a debt owed Citibank and Citibank is not a party to the case, has entered no appearance. She on the other hand files nothing just magically her wish is his command. They have demonstrated no legal standing, its no different than if someone were walking down the street I live on and finding themselves in need of money knock on my door and say You owe me money pay up. I wouldn't pay someone obviously who did that and I certainly wouldn't be found owing in this case either. I resent being strung along like this is some sort of game of endurance.
With the number of cases the two of them work together on it has to be obvious to him just as sit is to me that they haven't one shred of evidence. Why does it take until November now we will be going to trial with no evidence. Due to another matter I have not had time to do my own discovery documents but I will be doing so shortly.
This man's behavior, especially as you say, having observed on different days on a consistent basis the conduct in the courtroom. For one thing not being able to hear what they are talking about nor anyone else in the courtroom can hear either. When its all to be a matter of public record. My own case aside, the thought of taxpayer money paying the salary for this bloated toad is just too much.
This man is so contemptible it is hard to appear before him any further because its so obvious that she is given every courtesy while my motions go unanswered just added to his file.
I have appeared myself before on a pro se basis and so I'm familiar with how its supposed to work and how it works in his courtroom and there is no resemblance of how it should be. The voters are unaware of what goes on and even if I did not have a case with him that is being strung out in a manner to frustrate me I would still want to alert voters to what he does. I'm very aware, politically/legally/morally and in certain matters I have firm views about such as animal abuse I go the extra nine yards to make the public aware. And what goes on in his courtroom screams for attention. I would also say that Kansas City politics are a zoo, a circus with one scandal after another. I could sit here writing all night about what manages to pass for professionalism that doesn't come close.


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 01:27

( Posts: 259 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I believe I saw your statement regarding Judge Standridge on that link.
Again, for me to accurately assess the judge in my case I would likely need to spend more time observing his treatment of others in my situation. From my limited perspective he seemed to favor the plaintiffs.
I used to be a newspaper reporter and covered the courts in my county when I lived in California. At that time, I watched the judges day-in and day-out and had a very good handle on their fairness factors. But unless a person wants to quit their day job and sit in a judge's courtroom at length, there may be no easy way for a citizen to gauge the general fairness of any particular judge.

Since you are unregistered I have no way of knowing if you have responded in this threaded topic before or where you live if you are now local here in K.C. so I am at a disadvantage to understand your references to your case and the judge in it.

After having been worn out for 2 years trying to deal with Bank of America that is all my life has consisted of is jumping through hoops for these people and Judge Standridge is just another ringmaster.


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 01:38

( Posts: 259 | Credits: )

IF the Ombudsman's office, the venue for complaints, worked any better than anything else in this corrupt city, it would be very easy for the common citizen to get an idea of his worth because there have to be statistics to show the number of cases involving Midland and Capital One (She represents both), how many result in default judgment, how many are dismissed after a sufficient amount of game playing, and how many where the Plaintiff actually PROVES anything it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out whats going on but Kansas City being the bastion of corruption it has a history of being for over half a century its all brushed under the rug and I have a life and do not wish to spend every waking moment dealing with this in an effort to get the word out to the public.

I appeared before another judge five years ago as a witness in a domestic violence matter and I was very impressed with the fairness and impartiality, giving benefit of the doubt to neither party, and Standridge's conduct is so far away from what is proper. He's an "associate" circuit court judge which means he's not getting the glare of the spotlight often and so he continues on playing games with the people unfortunate enough to come before him.

He used to have a blog to help Pro se defendants out, to know the rules and procedures but it has since been abandoned no doubt to better serve his mistress.


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 01:53

( Posts: 259 | Credits: )

Gretchen, I believe I have been all of the "unregistered" posters on (at least) the last couple pages of this thread.

Have you checked your case on ""? If it is being updated (which it should) then you can do docket searches and possibly get some handle on what is going on. Continuances in my cases were always requested by the Plaintiff and these showed up in the docket entries.

One thing you can try is contacting any local newspaper that might be interested in viewing the process. I know when I worked as a reporter and things got slow, we were expected to pursue a little investigative journalism, which means to uncover possible corruption. But it can't be a regular court reporter because the judge would recognize him/her and suddenly be on his best behavior. You'd probably need a reporter that usually covers a different beat.

You might also try to change venues and request a different judge. I would be hesitant to try this unless I was pretty sure I could get a different judge, otherwise he might get spiteful and be even worse.

Man, I don't know what else I would do. I knew which courses of action were successful in California but these Missouri courts are a new animal for me.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 10:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well that's pretty good proof of what my instincts have told me. I have learned my instincts are USUALLY pretty good.

He entered a default judgment against me in September when he told me in Court that Plaintiff needed time and that it was going to go to trial in mid-November. So he continued it, again WITHOUT ANY WRITTEN MOTION ON PLAINTIFF/HER PART and WITHOUT ANY WRITTEN ORDER ON HIS PART. The recorder was presumably going but I questioned if it would do any good or was meant to do any good because we were always so close to HIS BENCH (remember DON'T lean on my bench!) that no one talked loudly, it never seemed appropriate to me to speak loudly, which is usually what is desired in court like I did in the Domestic case I had a few years ago. But being so close modified tones were used. So I wonder if this recording device might have had a malfunction on that particular day when he gave me the November 2010 trial date? I wonder if he has manufactured false Motions and Orders and Certificates of Mailing/Service because I got nothing. I was online looking at CaseNet to see what happened to cases like mine involving Midland and Judge Standridge when on a whim I decided to check mine, just to see what kind of notes were on mine because all the ones I saw were DEFAULT JUDGMENT and nothing else really entered. No entrys on the docket. So I wanted to see if mine would show more than that on the docket and then I saw that S.O.B. entered a default judgment against me. It "flowed" right, I had first come to his courtroom in July and again in August. So I wondered why all the way to November but then I thought well maybe it needs more time because its a trial thing and not just a hearing where they jerk you around again. He asked me if November was okay when frankly I half expected them to dismiss it because no amended complaint was ever filed even though I had challenged them successfully and appropriately. All their claims referenced a debt to CitiBank but CitiBank never filed an appearance. Midland Funding represented by Kramer and Frank. Until they amended the complaint I didn't see it going anywhere because it was about an unproven debt to a company not party to the case. So it would have flowed, going by previous two times to show up on September but we skipped ahead to November. Which I now feel was purposeful on his part/their part (can there be any doubt now that the law firm/Midland Funding and the judge work in concert with each other? It would have been another two months almost till I found out about the default judgment when I showed up ready for this "farce" of a trial in November.

This guy is a flat-out crook, no if's ands or buts about it. She (the attorney from Kramer and Frank) and he were in agreement that it would be going to trial in November. It defies logic that the both of them and the court clerk got it all backwards and somehow showed up with my case on the calendar. Everyone forgot/got it wrong? Why would I have had them basically on the ropes, filed all my motions, answered their discovery, submitted requests and proposed orders for Dismissal and Summary Judgment, why would I have done all that and they not even having one leg to stand on, why would I have not shown up had it been set in September?

Now I have to wonder if there are false Orders and Motions in the file at the courthouse, I must go down ASAP monday morning to see what's in the file and get copies and get a transcript of that tape.

I always suspected he was a crook but I did not think he/they would be so flagrant about it. And I ask myself, surely he has done something to try to cover for himself???

I am in shock, actually, not that he is a crook and so is Kramer and Frank's attorney, but that he would risk so much for what I thought was probably a case of the two of them having fun flirting and/or sex. His wife is a judge also. If I can appeal this and anyone gives me credibility (I no longer expect it, I have seen too many times where I've told someone in my personal life something important only to have them say they don't believe me about one thing or the other) and if he hasn't done something to file fake documents and altered/destroyed the audio tape, then there is no answer except that he flagrantly violated his position with the court.:eek:


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Sat, 09/25/2010 - 21:10

( Posts: 259 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I've been sued by Capital One, K&F is their attorney. This case has been going on for 11 months. I just saw on where the K&F attorney filed a withdrawal of summary judgement, can anyone tell me what this means?

It sounds as though she may have previously filed a motion for summary judgment (a dispositive order resulting from the fact that there are no issues of law or fact to be heard at trial.
You don't say enough about what's going on for me to know exactly but it sounds as though this is the case. Anyway, if so, it sounds as though she is asking to take back that motion.


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Wed, 10/06/2010 - 03:03

( Posts: 259 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Thankz, I didn't know to ask about validation cuz I do know that the account they are referring to is real account and it was my account....but I look them up and Kramer and Frank do do work for this company. So I think it is legitimate, but I am going to ask for it anyways. And I think I have my receipts for everything to show that I am current on my bills. Thankz, for your advice.

Please be aware, the fact that there is a, as you say, "real account" that you had does not by any means prove that you owe THEM anything. They must have proof they have the right to collect and often/most times Kramer and Frank doesn't have anything but a worthless "Affidavit" signed by one of their client's employees and it may not be clear on the Affidavit that the person signing it is one of them. Just how much validity a document gets in court that says I'm so and so and I say this debt is valid, trust me, and oh, by the way I work for the company that I say this debt belongs to? Not much. And their is nothing to back up the Affidavit but it can appear to the unwary to be proof and/or intimidating but don't fall for it. It proves nothing. Go to court and take these scum to account. FORCE THEM to show their hand and if they have no proof they get nothing.

Let me tell you, there have been cases where a debt has been sold by the original creditor to multiple purchasers and so if that happens to be the case you can pay off one and then another will show up holding, supposedly, the same debt, which I am not sure but I think this falls under the RICO statutes (racketeering) on a debt that you might not ever pay off because multiple people claim the debt.

And that is why you are not being a low-life non payer as some of this questionable accounts (kramer and frank shills) claim, you are being a smart person who is not going to be duped into perpetual servitude paying a debt they don't own.

KEEP RECORDS OF EVERYTHING, even if you think it won't matter. Better to hang on to documentation and notes and throw it away years from now then to pitch it and regret it.

Don't cave to these lowlifes.

And even in the courts you are not safe. The reason I say that is because the judge in my case has committed acts of judicial misconduct, he gave me false oral information (never in writing) about the court date and then craftily entered a default judgment against me. Problem is, his @$$ is on the line because I am not some rube who fell off the turnip truck yesterday, I have proof of his illicit and dishonorable conduct and I am not going to stop until the world knows about this slimey guy and the K&F attorney who participated in this and they are hopefully going to end up losing their law license and/or get censured/banned at least temporarily.

I have seen with my own two eyes what I did not want to believe. That an "honorable" judge is a criminal, a liar, a thief.

I have gotten heat from some people for saying those things. They want me to change my "story" to say that I MADE A MISTAKE, MISUNDERSTOOD the hearing date but that ain't flying baby, because its on the courtroom tape recorder where he gave me the date 3 months from then and then the next month put my case on the docket and wrote me down as a no-show. This guy and this attorney/"law" firm deserve to go down and I'm not changing my "story" to its me that made the mistake because that is not the truth. There is no doubt in my mind, and I have documents of questionable nature that back up my story as well.

So don't cave to these scum and unfortunately even when you get to court, don't think that the judge will necessarily be straight up with you. HOPEFULLY HE/SHE will be, but don't count on it. COVER YOUR @$$, keep notes, trust nobody.


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Wed, 10/06/2010 - 04:45

( Posts: 259 | Credits: )

I have been dealing with K&F since 1992. We made a settlement in court where we would pay $2800.00. So we started making payments. We had a year to make the payments. We got behind, but Jeff Kramer allowed us to continue making the payments and counting them off as the knocking off payments of the judgment that the court made. When the account got down to $150.00 another representative contacted me and told me that my deal had been with drawn because the money had not been satisfied by the due date and now they wanted the entire amount. I called and asked for Jeff Kramer, and was told that he no longer worked there. I then threatened to go back to court and got into an argument with the man. He garnished my wages, one year, and garnished my wife's wages the next. In 2000 I spoke to an attorney in columbia, MO and he informed me that K&F were doing this to several families and they were working on two families and he would write a letter to them on my behalf telling them to back off. After that we only heard from them either once a year letting us know that Ford still said we owed the certain amount of money, or ever other year, until today. Today we got a call from our bank letting us know that our checking account and our son's checking account had been garnished by K&F. So I guess it's back to getting an attorney. I tried to call K&F and was unable to get anyone on the phone. So I guess when they get another letter from attorney maybe I'll get some response from them.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 10/19/2010 - 16:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm sorry you are going through that with Kramer and Frank as you are obviously trying to do the responsible thing. It seems abusive to me and that by allowing you to continue to make your payments after talking with Mr Kramer, the fact that you never heard any complaints until now seems like an unspoken agreement to honor Kramer's commitment to you. I question however whether Mr Kramer actually doesn't work there anymore since these people have a whole bag full of dirty and underhanded tricks.

I urge you to consider filing a complaint against them with the censuring committee. Even IF nothing comes of it immediately, word gets out and maybe with enough complaints some day they will lose their license.

I'm not sure I understand how much more you have to pay off. What did you start off with owing, how long have you been paying, what do they say you owe now?

If I were you I'd consider give K&F a call again just to see if you get someone else if they will play hardball too.

Be sure to get the name of anybody you talk to there.

Keep extensive notes in the event you need them you will have names and dates already.


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 00:20

( Posts: 259 | Credits: )

I was making Kramer and Frank payments, and got behind once and they put a freeze on my checking account. The only moneys in this account are from my husbands social security. By Federal law they can not freeze social security moneys, and yet they did. We had to contact the judge who ordered the freeze in a court 3 hours away from where we live to have it lifted. It took 7 days to get the freeze off our account. I never recieved anything in writing from kramer and frank or the judge stating that this was being done. These guys are total ass wipes! I am hoping to pay them off for good this next month.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 12:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I hope anyone who has been wronged or treated rudely by these lowlifes will take the time and make the effort to complain to the FTC as well. They have a complaint process on line that is free and easy to use. I see that the FTC is becoming aware of the corruption and lack of integrity in the junk debt industry and it is well worth your while to complain. We need to be heard. If enough people speak up they can be stopped and I for one would love to see them crumble.
:p The link takes you to the FTC complaint form. :cool:


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Tue, 11/09/2010 - 09:40

( Posts: 259 | Credits: )

I got a judgement of $1200 dollars from Kramer & Frank on behalf of Capital One who I had not heard from in about a year and had last only owed about $500. They are bullies and are not trying to settle any debt only collect as much money on it as possible. I went to court and tried to explain what was going on to them and work out a payment schedule and was told I shouldnt have gotten the card if I knew I couldnt pay it by their representative. Not wanting to deal with them, I sent a settlement offer of $800 to Capital One with a check stating that upon cashing Capital One accepts my settlement offer. They cashed it and the following checks which had the same thing written. on the final check they cashed I wrote paid in full. I recieved another notice from K&F of a court appearance the following month. The lady there I had dealt with before and she was rude as always. I pointed out that I made this settlement and she had no information on it until calling in to K&F. She then tried to tell me that I couldnt settle my account in this way and I gave her a copy of what was sent and accepted. I left and the following month I get a letter from K&F showing the payments I made to Capital One and interest and stating that I owed another 1299 dollars on top of it. The judgment on my credit report only shows 1200, meaning they arent reporting this amount to the courts and are still trying to collect even more. After talking with a FTC couselor I was told that the account should be considered settled because Capital One accepted the payments thus the settlement offer. K&F however are still trying to collect another 1200 on top of that even though they have knowledge of it.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 14:15

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Me and my wife are working with a lawyer to sue kramer and frank. If you are in MO or IL email me at


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 13:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am dealing with Ron Olson [] for my debt and he is very nice and willing to help me pay off my debt.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/17/2011 - 14:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

K&f are rude and disgusting animals. Cant call them human. I paid 100 a month on an account for over 2 years and when Was 3 days late cause I forgot to call one month they put a lien on my checking account bouncing enough items to incur 700 dollars in fees. Then garnished my pay check. 2 years later (today) I was looking on and see the just filed a case against me from a company I never heard of. Really? No letter no phone call ..... Come on. I did collections for 5 years and I know its hard to be nice everyday but I went home at night and knew I didnt treat anyone unfairly. I hope their lives are miserable.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 06/21/2011 - 23:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Providing you with an itemized statement is not a verification of the debt. Demand the "charge" receipts, signature receipts etc. The'd love for you to believe that an itemized statement is's "their" accounting and is nothing more.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 06/30/2011 - 07:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am dealing with the same thing with Kramer and Frank. Have already had one judgement against me that lost me a very good job. Now I have ANOTHER account and when I pay on the newest account, they are putting it into my old account so that the new account keeps accuring interest. I keep watching case. net to see when I need to go to court since I was NEVER notified of the orginal court date. Please post the lawyers information. I live in Missouri.


Submitted by pamtetens on Wed, 03/14/2012 - 14:01

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I keep watching case. net to see when I need to go to court since I was NEVER notified of the orginal court date. Please post the lawyers information. I live in Missouri.

Did you receive summons? Did you answer them? As a general rule it is not plantiffs responsibility to inform you of the court date. What court hearing are you waiting for now?


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Wed, 03/14/2012 - 15:56

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Wow, amazing info being thrown out. I worked for them about 12 years ago, and knew they owners very well. They are lawyers who own it/run it(Jim Frankel, Dave Kozeny, George Skupnik) and staff it, there are many lawyers. Not that you will likely be talked to by a lawyer... they have a call center, staffed by no-names, being paid very little, trying to get settlements. Yes, they will take you to court. You should ALWAYS appear rather than suffer a default judgment.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/15/2012 - 11:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Unfortunately I had some bad luck and defaulted on a credit card. I was never notified about any action until one day I wasn't able to us my checking account. My debt card kept being rejected and my checks stopped clearing the bank. When I finally got the bank to talk to me, I found out that Kramer and Frank got judgment on me and completely took over my checking and savings account. The only money I had to my name was tied up. I couldn't even pay my mortgage or put gas in my car. I now have two paychecks deposited into the account and can't access it. There is a release date for this week, but my question is, are they keeping all the money in the account or are they teaching me a lesson and will allow me to set up a payment plan.

I am having to borrow money to have gas to get back and forth to work and my groceries are getting low.

Lesson learned......get rid of all credit cards.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 07/18/2012 - 05:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Actually I am dealing with them right now. I had a medical bill that they are handling. The lady was really nice. I set up a payment plan with her and really have had no problems. they send me a reminder before each payment to make sure the funds are availavle. Seem really willing to work with you


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 05:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Forgive me if I don't believe that Kramer and Frank are so nice to work with. You must be a shill from K&F.

Experience tells me what you are sayin just ain't so. Course that is just my opinion but its a strong one and I'm stickin with it.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 10:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Kramer & Frank took us to court after I made payment arrangements without serving us it took 1k to an attorney (more then the actual debt owed) and we had the court action overturned last Feb.....Since then they refuse to return our calls to pay debt and we were billed by capital one in june with a reversal of court fees then 4 months interest and Capital One says the debt isnt theirs so they wont take payment either! all the while they are hitting our credit for a debt unpaid!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 11/09/2012 - 10:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )