Faber and Brand update
Date: Tue, 02/24/2009 - 05:04
Faber and Brand update
Let me tell you that a collection agency has no right to garnish
Let me tell you that a collection agency has no right to garnish your wage. A court can garnish your wage if and only if judgment is given against you. First of all you should have received a summons from the court. Inquire about any such judgment in the court. Contact the clerk of the county court.
Hi, Well, technically, they can ask your employer if they wil
Well, technically, they can ask your employer if they will perform a wage garnishment voluntarily. Most employers will not do it without a court order, but many will.
charbo62, btw, once you do pay the balance, I'd put a stop payme
charbo62, btw, once you do pay the balance, I'd put a stop payment on that check that wasn't cashed in a heart beat.
Thanks. I have taken care of this and I am so glad to get rid of
Thanks. I have taken care of this and I am so glad to get rid of these people. I rec'd a letter friday from them addressed to my court stating they are stopping the garnishment (I paid them off). If anyone ever has the misfortune of dealing with this attorney office, I feel for them.