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Midland Credit Management Inc listed on my credit report

Submitted by on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 13:51
Posts: 202330

I recently recieved a settlement offer from midland credit management, Inc. It has Associates listed at original creditor. It is also listed on my credit report under Midland Credit Management. But was not on my credit report in July 2005. What should I do about this problem?

I received a letter from MCM stating that I owed Citibank, and they would discount the amt by 50%. I paid this offf years ago
and do not have the files anylonger. What is the SOL in calif? This debt has not come up on my last 2 credit reports. I will send the validation request letter.
Should I do anything more??

Submitted by on Thu, 01/03/2008 - 11:28

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California Statutes of Limitation

Written agreements: 4 years, calculated from the date of breach.

Oral agreements: 2 years.

The statute of limitation is stopped only if the debtor makes a payment on the account after the expiration of the applicable limitations period.

Submitted by kashzan on Thu, 01/03/2008 - 11:39


( Posts: 5401 | Credits: )

what is a phone number i can call about paying off a account in collections with you

Submitted by on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 02:30

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I don't know why I received this letter because i don't remember having this credit card ever.

Submitted by on Mon, 01/14/2008 - 16:41

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If you don't remember having that card send them a debt validation letter (you can find a good template for one via the first link in my signature) send it certified mail, return receipt requested. This will force them to provide information on it, until they can do so they must cease all collection activity.

Submitted by JCEMT on Mon, 01/14/2008 - 16:44


( Posts: 2934 | Credits: )

yes they are crookard.
they buy expired credit files from credit card companies.
at one time the person has had a credit card purchas and what happens is midland credit buys the old file.
the creditor who at one time had that file turned around and sold it.
now even tho that past bill has long since been paid they will call or hound the victom hoping that the victom will simply pay the bill again.
dont pay them they are a scam company.

Submitted by on Thu, 01/17/2008 - 15:35

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[color=Red][/color] I have NOT had a credit card in my name in over 7 years .The first letter to me, stated that if i responded in 30 days they would disclose creditor's so i did by regisatered mail CBCS wanted very personal information and i responded to them ,the have not lived up to the orginal agreement of the first letter because my identy has been stolen before i sent copies of the proof along with a nasty comminet stating they had not provited what they had promissed in the first letter to me .(Be aware could This be a scam?) Pissed off too

Submitted by on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 05:46

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I just contacted Mid Land Credit Management twice the fist phone call was with a Tresa .When I gave the operator my account number she told me that the account number that was on my letter wasnt the account number and she then kept asking me for my social security number and I asked where Mid Land was located and she told me three differnet states (India ) and I said the country India and i stated this is a scam, and she then she hung up on me .Then i called the second time and talked to a robert and i again try to give the account number and he said that all their account numbers start with 85 and he then tried getting my social security number again and i refussed and he then hung up on me .
So what do i do im trying to get to the bottom of this ?

Submitted by on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 06:17

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I applied for a loan today and received a report back stating that Midland placed a judgement against me in August of 2007. I have not received anything. What do I do? I haven't been able to reach the court yet. The judgement was filed in a city that I moved away from 1 1/2 years ago.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 18:25

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Were you served notice that you were being sued? The fdcpa states you must be sued ONLY in the judicial district where the consumer resides OR signed the contract. Check with the clerk of courts and try to find where you were supposedly served and go from there.

Submitted by on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 03:06

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hi earlier last year i recieve a letter from midland credit financial stating that i owe money on an account that was opened with sbc. i never did open an account with sbc. last week i recieved a letter from an attorney stating i owe the money.. what can i do? please help

Submitted by on Sat, 02/02/2008 - 11:57

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How the heck are you getting anyone on the phone with this company? Please email me with any phone numbers you may have for them I keep calling the number I have and it keeps going back to a recording. I am working on disputing a collection attempt from them that I think is fake. My email address is email address removed as per forum rules - Mike. Thanks!

Submitted by on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 17:49

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I contacted midland credit concerning my debt and made arrangements with them for a settlement amount, but in the mean time I disputed them from my credit report, and 30 days later the credit bureaus deleted them from my file. Do I still have to pay them if they are no longer on my credit report?

Submitted by on Sun, 02/17/2008 - 11:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received a settlement offer from Midland Credit for 50% of the original amount I owed on a credit card from about 6 or 7 years ago and I was wondering if I do pay Midland can the original debtor still collect from me too? :?

Submitted by on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 15:07

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Welcome to the forum guest.

midland credit management is a collection agency. If they are appearing on your credit report then you may have a account in collections with them. I would suggest sending a debt validation letter to them (you can find a good template for one in my signature) send it USPS, certified mail, return receipt requested. Be sure to send the enclosure along with it provided in the link.

Submitted by JCEMT on Sun, 03/02/2008 - 15:57


( Posts: 2934 | Credits: )

I have read almost all 19 pages of this Forum, and as many other guests here have found myself to be a victim of MCM. i found their letter today stating that i owed BANK of Marin. so i googled Bank of Marin right away and called them, to verify if someone else had stolen my id perhaps and opened an account. Much to my relief with Bank of Marin, the operator there in the lost cards department said they can't find me in their system neither with my name nor my social sec#.
so then i googled midland and found these 19 painful pages dating back to 2005. I was planning to call them tommorrow explaining to them how this does not belong to me, but after reading this forum, i guess it is best to just send in the validation letter first- so they don't bother me with unwanted phone calls. There's 3 addresses on the stupid letter, i don't really want to spend 3 times the certified letter. does any other victims here have an updated Midland address, since the last address i saw was many pages back. But i guess it's cheaper to send a few dollars worth of certified mail vs. high interest from bad credit.

These people (Midland) seem to be practicing bad business for a long time. Like many others on this forum, who have either never own the alleged accounts accused by Midland or have previously paid the accounts, I just have been victimized by them. Has anyone else here filed with Ftc or BBB or att. gen. ? the forums been going on since 2005 for this same company. there seem to be a higher trend in the most recent postings involving false claims by Midland rather than postings about how to lower claims as in the earlier pages... Is this company going belly up and is now trying to fish for money? (as one other guest on this forum who has worked as a collector has suggested that this may be true)
Has anyone tried initiating class action?
Is there nothing else we can do except to dispute/validate, spend money/time- wait and search for negative credit, then dispute again with the credit bureau, then risk Midland selling your account to another creditor (when they realize they can't collect) and let the cycle began again? (this is not paranoia, if you read the 19 pages of this forum it has happened to others here). Is there really nothing else that people, (you or me or anyone) can do to stop this Midland, so that this forum on Midland may end in the near future on Page 20, rather than finding it continue into year 2010- with the same resolution of "start writing Midland a validation letter". I am an E.R. doc, not a Lawyer, if anyone here from the law/judiciary/justice depart/field care to brainstorm with this latter part i am sure many here including myself would be very grateful.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/14/2008 - 01:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Welcome to the forum ER
So, your an ER physician? Great, I used to be an EMT, anyway, you should certainly send the DV letter and see if they can validate, as to the suggestion of a class action... there's a problem. The problem is the general consumer's ignorance of their rights, they either don't know their rights have been violated or just don't know who to turn to/what channels to go through.

Submitted by JCEMT on Fri, 03/14/2008 - 03:29


( Posts: 2934 | Credits: )

Please charge off this acct. My wife, Linda is terminaly ill! We have been supported by family for the last few years. I will file BK as soon as I am able. Sincerely
Len Wisniewski

Submitted by on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 20:20

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Hi Leonard, I'm so sorry about your wife. But we are not authorize to charge-off any account. We are a debt community and we can help you if you are into a debt problem.

Share your financial issues with the community and let the members help you out of the problems.


Submitted by Jason on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 21:55


( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

I received 5 different notices from debt collectors working for MCM, stating that I owed on a credit card bill which I did not owe. Requesting proof of the debt, none of the collectors could provide it and said they would cease attempts to collect. Then MCM contacted me directly. I wrote them stating to prove or cease collection under the FAir Debt Collection practice--???????require, in writing, the name and address of the original debt holder, the account number, the date of the last transaction, and the amount of the original debt. As consumers, you have a right to that information.???????

If the statute of limitations has expired on a debt, it cannot be entered on the consumer????????s credit report. If the new creditor threatens to report non payment to the credit agencies, it is a violation of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act." this is from another site re: MCM.

I also informed MCM that I had contacted NYState Atty' General's office and complained about them.

Atty General's office turned the matter over to Dept. of Consumer Affairs. Consumer affairs both wrote to me and phoned me stating they had asked MCM to stop harrassing me.

Today, I received a letter from Consumerm Affairs, with a copy of an enclosed letter from MCM, stating that they, MCM, would consider the account close, and that there would be no further collection activity or sale of the account.

Please take care of this. Don't ignore them. Respond to any inquiry.

MCM said the alleged account was charged off in 1998-that's 10 years ago, and the law says they can't pursue a debt after so many years.

Hope this helps.

If there are other sites like this, please pass along this message.

Submitted by on Sun, 04/20/2008 - 14:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I recently contacted midland credit management, Inc. I have a debt that totals $1,915.87. I requested a settlement amount and they said I could only get a ten percent reduction. Is this true and I also don't know if I should let them debit my bank account. I need advice. What is the statue of limitations on an old deby :x

Submitted by on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 11:14

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Midland really sounds like a hard company to deal with. They hava an account of mine. They called and I actually spoke with someone and they asked what I was planning on doing with it and I told them nothing do not call back. Now they call my relatives instead. I figure this is an embarrassment tech. to get me to pay. It is past SOL and they have been soo ignorant in the past that I don't care to work with them. I didn't chose the way life happened it just did...they could have showed some courtesy.

Submitted by fireyone_02 on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 11:55


( Posts: 73 | Credits: )

It is against the law for them to contact your relatives after they have already established contact with you. This is in fact an attempt to strong-arm you into a payment. I would slap them with a DV with a limited cease & desist. I would also mention in the letter that they have already violated the fdcpa and FCRA and that you are keeping a record of these infractions and will not hesitate to take them to court if they continue.

Submitted by goldenbast on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 18:08


( Posts: 2884 | Credits: )

I made a settlement payments for a little over $600 to Midland in October and received a letter that the account was now paid down to $0. Now they are reporting on my credit report for over $1000. Any advice?

Submitted by on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 16:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

a few questions........

1. midland is reporting an open, factoring company account, 120++ days late on an old associates card back in 2000/2001. associates is nowhere on my credit reports.

2. i have sent 2 debt validation letters, both cmrrr, and both have gone unanswered.

3. after the debt validation letters, where i specificallt stated only to contact me throught the mail, they have had brackfeld and assoc. calling the house. is this not a violation?

i sent all copies to the CRA'S. stating i didn't send enough ID. but they reopened the cases anyway.

what is my next course of action?

Submitted by urinalboy333 on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 21:38


( Posts: 3 | Credits: )

Here is who to go fater, she is also a major stockholder for them.

Encore Capital Group, Inc./ dba/Midland Credit Management, Inc.
J. Brandon Black, President & CEO
Paul Grinberg, CFO
Robin Ross Pruitt Attorney, x4651
8875 Aero Drive Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (858) 560-2600
Toll Free: (877) 445-4581
Fax: 800-306-4443

Submitted by on Thu, 05/15/2008 - 07:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just had my credit report ran today and it shows a judgement for a civil case filed in 2006 in a state I havent lived in since 2000. My file was sent from Midland to a law agency and they filed it in 9/32/2006. Midland gave them a address that I have never heard of and because the letters were never sent back I have to pay the awarded interest and fees. I paid my original balance in 2002, however, I never demanded a letter and never followed up to ensure it was removed from my credit report. I do not have any records now for it. Am I srewed or can I fight this without getting an attorney. Thank you so much for anyone's help

Submitted by on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 12:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I got the same letter in response. i called the original creditor and they didnt have anything either. So now what? I also noticed Midland is reporting the last late payment date different to all three. So where do I go from here? Midland is also adding interest to the debt, which I thought they could not due.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/09/2010 - 07:27

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write them a letter and tell them to they have access your personal information and in violation and do not have any permissible purpose to pull your credit report. demand them to certify written proof, signed agreement or other documentation which states you provided authorization for their actions; otherwise consider the company has violated your rights and the law. Company Midland Credit Mgmt does not have any permissible purpose to pull your credit report. demand their frequently access to your report is to stop immediately.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/28/2010 - 15:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Midland Credit Management et al collection agencies repeatedly abuse 15 USC s. 1681 s-2 (5)(A), in that report debt newer on your credit report than when it originally and allegedly went delinquent. This is a violation of the section of the Fair Credit Reporting Act which I have just mentioned.

I have sued them in Federal Court which has jurisdiction I suggest that you do the same.

If anyone has question call 302-561-1132

Submitted by on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 08:48

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