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Garnishing wages

Date: Mon, 05/11/2009 - 07:55

Submitted by anonymous
on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 07:55

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 8

Garnishing wages

I should first start by saying that I run a business from my home in which I have a website presence. Quite often I get all kinds of calls (normally 1 or 2 different callers or numbers per week) calling me in which most I find are looking to obtain some outsourcing work from me. With these calls, I just got tired of answering them.

I have gotten several calls from CBE Group, Inc based out of Iowa. A few times I have answered it but then no one was there on the other end. For the next few weeks, they kept calling. At one point I did answer and I actually did get a live person but I asked them to remove me off from their list (thinking it was another business seeking work from me) and the hung up.

Just a few days ago I got a letter from CBE Group and stated the following:

U.S. Department of Education
Student Financial Assistance

Subject: Request for Information
RE: Jack W (last name removed by me to protect this person's privacy)

Your company has been reporte as an empoyer of an individual indebted to the U.S. Department of Education. The Department of Education has issued or will be issuing withholding orders under the authority granted to it by the debt collection improvement act of 1996, at U.S.C.3720D.

The department is currently seeking your assistance to ensure that withhoulding order(s) issued to your company are properly addressed adn correctly identify your company or corporate identity. Therefore, we are rquesting that the following information by provided.[/quote]

From there it asked me all these personal infomation including my tax id in which I use my SSN. The name above (Jack W. (blank) is not someone I know. As a matter of fact there was never any employees for my company because I am the only one that runs the business. Clearly, they are looking for someone that does not exist in my business or in my personal life.

At the end of the letter it indicated to send the filled out form to the U.S. Department of Education Administration Wage Garnishment Branch but it's addressed to CBC Group, Inc. More importantly, I am cautious to provide such information.

Now I understand from many post here that CBC Group, Inc. is a legitimate company but I really still don't want to provide my personal information. I don't even own any credit cards and haven't owned them since 2003. Also, I never had any association with the U.S. Department of Education or it's affiliates.

Any suggestion on how I should handle this letter or any other contact by this company?

Thanks for your feedback.

The letters reads like it is requesting my personal info but a bit further done it seems to be requesting the empoyee's info. Here's form:

Company/Corporation Registered Name:_____
Company/Corporation Tax ID (FEIN):_____
Street Address/P.O. Box Number:_____
City:____ State:____ Zip:_____
Telephone Number:_____ Fax:_____
Employment Start Date:______ Termination Date:_____

Although I have my own business, I'm a sole-proprietor thus I am the only one that runs the business and that I use my SSN instead of a Tax EI number. This is the information that I do not wish to give out.

So do you think that by filling out this form without providing a Tax ID along with a brief letter that this so called person (Jack W.) does not work here nor has he ever worked here will suffice?



Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 12:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )