What are the viewpoints of consumers about Brachfeld Law Group?
Date: Fri, 02/13/2009 - 09:06
What are the viewpoints of consumers about Brachfeld Law Group?
I like how they stress they are a law firm. Anyway, waiting for my dunning letter then I will send the DV.
Guess I'll let this one go as far as I can. If I end up getting sued I'll work out a payment plan with them to avoid actually going to court.
I wonder why LVNV/Resurgent doesn't just sue me themselves instead of getting these guys involved?
Brachfeld Associates is a collection agency. LVNV has a reputati
Brachfeld Associates is a collection agency. LVNV has a reputation of buying junk debts and passing it over to other collection agencies like Brachfeld Associates for collection. Send them a debt validation letter.
Brachfeld law group Houston
one of the brachfeld law group at houston told me if i fail to pay the settlement, they will take me to the court. is this true? since the way they spoke with me very treathening and impolite manner.
Here is some info on this bottom feeder from Bud Hibbs: http:
Here is some info on this bottom feeder from Bud Hibbs:
What state do you live in?
the brachfeld law group pc
I live in MN. I have received a few more calls from them, but nothing at all in the mail!! Should I still send off the DV?
brachfeld law group, pc
Ok..I'm sending out the DV today certified mail with return receipt. I informed them of their violation of Federal law by not sending me a written notice within 5 days of initial contact.
I also submitted a complaint on the FTC website which I know won't really do anything but it was still fun to report them for the violation!
the brachfeld law group, pc
Well, I went and mailed the DV yesterday and guess what I finally got in the mail the same day, the dunning letter from them. I was surprised to find out they are actually collecting for FIA Card Services and not LVNV like I expected.
The letter they sent was dated Feb 20, 2009 but I didn't receive it until the 27th.
I'm wondering, if they call but do not leave a message like they did on Feb 12, that is the initial contact correct?
Also, is the 5 days they have to send the written notice 5 calendar days or 5 business days? When I read the FDCPA it just says 5 days.
brachfeld law group scam
We settled with Brachfeld on an old debt for $4500. They were to take out $1500 for 3 months. They have now taken $6000 out of our bank account. We have filed an unauthorized withdrawal complaint with the bank. Brachfeld is giving us a huge run-around. In the meantime, we are overdrawn and worried that they will continue to withdraw and screw up our account. DO NOT LET THEM HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR BANK!
brachfeld law group,pc
I also got a letter from this group saying that they'll submit a judgement claim against me if I don't contact them to settle a debt with the Providan bank acount that I got with them years ago. I did check the Bud Hibbs web site & yes, they're on that list of "BOTTOM FEEDERS", & the numbers of complaints thats filed against them. Now, I'm not sure if I should reply to their letter or send them a cease & decease letter to them!?! any suggestions?
What state do you live in? When was the last time you paid on t
What state do you live in? When was the last time you paid on the account? Is it still showing on your credit reports?
Brachfeld Law Group
They sent me a letter that I need to pay them $4,500 before
the end of the mouth or they will take me to court for Capital one bank.
well, Brachfeld & Losers..I mean Associates never responded to m
well, Brachfeld & Losers..I mean Associates never responded to my DV from Feb. So anyone contacted by them make sure to send out that DV!!
Haven't been contacted yet by any other CA on this one either since the DV. So that has been an added bonus.
Dear Guest - Suggestion: to avoid further frustration log off an
Dear Guest - Suggestion: to avoid further frustration log off and do not come back. You will live a much more relaxed life. Have a nice day!
lol. It frustrates me when bottom feeders can't get it togeth
It frustrates me when bottom feeders can't get it together enough to OBEY FEDERAL LAW! No one is saying you can't collect, just *try* to act like a decent human being whilst doing it!
In Texas, call Dean Malone in Dallas, for harrassment suits, he
In Texas, call Dean Malone in Dallas, for harrassment suits, he works on contingency, doesn't cost you a dime. If he doesn't win the suit, you don't pay. I used him against NCO and won, over $30,000.00
Also, Texas has the "4 year law", if they don't collect on a debt in 4 years, it's dead.
They will try, but they can't do anything to you, and the closer it is to the deadline, the more they amp up the threats.
I refuse to pay a collection agency, I don't owe them, I owe the company the original debt was with.
I've been dealing with collection agencies for my EX-husband's debts, I'm not responsible for them, and he's dead, so, I get extreme pleasure out of telling these bottom feeders to screw off.
be careful!
Be careful with them. THey tried to sue me for something not even on my credit report anymore claiming I made a payment within the last 2 years which I didn't. They filed a claim and SAID they served me but they didn't. The only way I knew I was served was because my dad went online and it said it was served. I paid to file my rebuttal and I am STILL waiting for the court date. This was September or 2008 and it is now October 2009. I filed a counter suit for all the fees paid. They are dirty and do this to a lot of people. Keep on top of them and fight the entire way because apparently they sue a lot of people probably trying to make a quick buck.
These people are unbelievable in their practices. What is a DV?
These people are unbelievable in their practices. What is a DV? Thanks!
DV is Debt Validation, it is when you want the compnay to send y
DV is Debt Validation, it is when you want the compnay to send you proof they have and own the debt. Its also where you can see the break down on the fees and amount they are saying you owe. This is company DV doesn't really work. I delt with them and I had to send them a letter and then immediately dispuite the debt with the credit burea that is reporting the debt. You DO NOT have to dispuite all the agencies as suggested by some. The FCRA requires these companies to note your account as "dispuited by consumer" If they do not do this you have a violation. Listen I know alot of people say you can get paid from these suits, but to be honest you want the debt deleted by them. Your best bet is to hire an attorney with these guys, you will NOT get anywhere without one with them. I don't know your state, but look up Larry P Smith and see if he's associated in your state. Good, remember document everything.
Would someone please contact me at this email address: [EMAIL="s
Would someone please contact me at this email address: [EMAIL="sherwayf@lorettotel.net"]sherwayf@lorettotel.net[/EMAIL]. I have received 3 calls from these people. They have left messages and I have called them back, only to leave them messages. so while we are playing phone tag, i need some information on what to do/tell them. thanks for your help...
p.s. i still don't know why they are calling me...~Sherri
letter recieved
Just got a letter from the brachfeld law group and read a lot of negative comments about them. I was wondering what the dv letters are that alot of people are posting about. also wondering how the cease and decease letters work. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Mr white
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousJust got a letter from the b
Originally Posted by Anonymous Just got a letter from the brachfeld law group and read a lot of negative comments about them. I was wondering what the dv letters are that alot of people are posting about. also wondering how the cease and decease letters work. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Mr white |
A DV letter is a debt validation letter. The FDCPAct states that if a debt collector first contacts you, you then have 30 days to dispute and they must then cease collections and validate the debt for you once they receive that letter from you. Consumers should always send it certified mail return receipt requested. Some states have even stricter laws that you could use if you are in that state. You can find a DV letter on here under the do it yourself section or by searching the internet for "sample debt validation letter"....note that if a debt collector first contacts you and you go beyond the 30 day period, by law they do not have to validate though it is worth a shot to send them a DV letter anyway. If you do send a DV letter make sure it DOES NOT have a cease and desist in the letter.....
A cease and desist is a lawsuit waiting to happen in most cases. If the debt is still within the statute of limitations and a debt collector gets a cease and desist they have few options...one is to sell the debt off and another is to sue you. Most will sue so I say NEVER send a cease and desist unless these 2 situations are you...
If the debt is time barred, meaning that the SOL has passed....if the SOL is 3 years and 5 years down the road a debt collector is contacting you, you send them a cease and desist.
If you are disabled or have exempt income, have no assets and never ever plan on going back to work, a debt collector really can't do a thing unless the debt you owe is for child support, taxes or student loans...Otherwise debts for things like credit cards, auto loan repo, leased repo...they can't get anything from you, you are pretty much execution proof.....They can sue you but the judgment cannot be enforced because your assets and/or income is exempt. This is the only other time I would send a cease and desist letter, and I would make it very VERY clear to the debt collector that if they di file suit, it will not benifit them and they would be wasitng their time....again send it CM RRR.
stop blaming collectors.
everyone in this forum needs to chill! especially "ARB" just pay your debt's and you wont get into any type of mess! it's that simple! instead you choose to blame the debt collectors for what you owe, remember, your mad @ yourself for alowing this debt in going so far. it's true what they say "you only see what you want to see". think about it.
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymouseveryone in this forum needs
Originally Posted by Anonymous everyone in this forum needs to chill! especially "ARB" just pay your debt's and you wont get into any type of mess! it's that simple! instead you choose to blame the debt collectors for what you owe, remember, your mad @ yourself for alowing this debt in going so far. it's true what they say "you only see what you want to see". think about it. |
the only thing i'm Thinking about is another typical humaniod who comes on with the PAY YOUR BILLS lines.why don't you blow off some more steam on the phones humanoid.that is basically all you do while violating the FDCPA.
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymouseveryone in this forum needs
Originally Posted by Anonymous everyone in this forum needs to chill! especially "ARB" |
Thanks Dr Phil, I feel so much better now.
How much free time do you have to resurrect on old thread just to say that???
BTW...still no validation from Brachfeld after my DV request March of last year. :p
I just received a letter from Brachfeld stating that I qualify f
I just received a letter from Brachfeld stating that I qualify for a reduction and they will except $1,127.20 for my debt of $2,683.82 that was originally with LVNV. I have the money to pay the settlement offer but I'm not sure I should. I'm in CA and its been over 3 years since I've paid on this. I kinda just want to be done with the debt but how do I know this payment will reflect on my credit report and how do I know LVNV or someone else won't come after me once I pay Brachfeld? I sent a DV letter 6 months ago and got no response..
dont let people fool u they will get their money somehow wheathe
dont let people fool u they will get their money somehow wheather its a bank levy or property levy assests aevy or wage garnisments judgements like that stay for 10 years sometimes 20 think about it dont go the distence with them then get sued cause once u get sued they wont work out a payment plan they will go for the judgement just work something out before that happens
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousdont let people fool u they
Originally Posted by Anonymous dont let people fool u they will get their money somehow wheather its a bank levy or property levy assests aevy or wage garnisments judgements like that stay for 10 years sometimes 20 think about it dont go the distence with them then get sued cause once u get sued they wont work out a payment plan they will go for the judgement just work something out before that happens |
that's nice humanoid,but the next time this piece of garbage you violate the law for actually gets a judgement on the up and up.it will be the first time.now back to the phones drone.
Brachfeld Law Group
Originally Posted by Anonymous one of the brachfeld associate at houston told me if i fail to pay the settlement, they will take me to the court. is this true? since the way they spoke with me very treathening and impolite manner. |
Not...I've delt with there threats for years. If they where a law firm, they would've served me by now. I became dissable & was/am unable to pay. I've told them this countless times. They are BULLIES !. I Googled them. Very interesting. You do the same !
pay your bills and this wouldnt be happening.....everyone wants
pay your bills and this wouldnt be happening.....everyone wants to blame a collection agency but what if you were the one owed thousands of dollars??? would you just forget about it seriously not
they can't do anything ask them for the original documentation a
they can't do anything ask them for the original documentation and tell them you will file with the attorney general a complaint they cannot harrass u it is illegal
They aren't going to sue. They want you to believe they are goi
They aren't going to sue. They want you to believe they are going to pursue legal action so that you are scared and pay. The law group does not have any actual employed lawyers or attorneys. They are strictly a collection agency. Google them and you will find countless complaints about their practices, they break laws, they don't respond to or acknowledge DV letters. Often times they are trying to collect on debts that are too old to be legally collected. Paying them does NOT erase the debt from your credit score. Just live with the calls, send the number directly to voicemail, or change your number. They are a scam company.
Kind of surprised to hear about the problems people have had with Brachfeld. They usually settle accounts for anywhere between 30% and 40% of the balance, and the banking issues I'm hearing about on this forum haven't been seen by anyone I know.
Sorry you've had to deal with this mess. I wish you the best.
Donaldson Williams
Debt Settlement Specialist