Avante USA - Are there any allegations against them?
Date: Mon, 05/12/2008 - 08:41
Avante USA - Are there any allegations against them?
avante usa houston texas
AvanteUSA Ltd.
2950 S. Gessner Rd.
Ste 265
Houston, TX 77063
That would explain it! Thanks. I guess they have it now! Why don
That would explain it! Thanks. I guess they have it now! Why don't they leave a message. If it were not for caller ID I would never know they called! How does that help them?
avante usa and hsbc
They keep calling me with a recorded message, even though I'm on a do not call list and no business with HSBC. I called back twice to ask them to stop calling me, esp. since I found out they were looking for someone else who'd given my number.
One of their "agents" -- probably an ex-felon lucky to have a job-- named RON would not listen to reason or take my phone number off their stupid list. He became very abusive and was screaming at me. I am looking into further action against this company.
I have reported Avante to the do not call list as well.
They need to be reigned in.
The do not call list does not apply for collection calls. Howev
The do not call list does not apply for collection calls. However, since they are calling for someone not you, you do have recourse. Send them a letter, certified with return receipt explaining that you are not the party they are trying to reach and to cease & desist completely. If they contact you after getting that letter, it is a violation and you can sue them for a tidy little sum.
avante usa scam
He also called me! What is HSBC? As far as I know I have no business with them. He threatened that he would be taking some action without my consent but could not tell me what this was on voice mail. Now I think it's just a scam. I can't believe they are getting away with this kind of misrepresentation. I also keep getting calls about debt consolidation and foreclosure and I do not own any property or own any credit cards! Is this also them?
Double check your credit reports immediately, you may be the vic
Double check your credit reports immediately, you may be the victim of either identity theft or a concerted effort at phishing. Check out the 1st link in my signature. I would also file a complaint with the FCC because they are using the phone lines to harass you.
I have already filed an FTC complaint, because I keep getting ca
I have already filed an FTC complaint, because I keep getting calls from them from someone who I've never even heard of. The FTC will advise you to send a cease and desist letter, and to contact your phone company's unlawful call division. By law, they are allowed to contact you one more time after receiving the letter, but only to inform you of what action they plan to take against you, they cannot demand payment during this call. If they violate this law, you can file a complaint with the Texas Attorney General's Consumer Protection division, at 800-621-0508, and the Office Of Consumer Credit Commisioner at 800-538-1579. Best of luck to you.
avante usa phone calls
Dunkin Donuts had a gift certificate promotion several months ago. My daughter completed the card and sent it in with my name and phone number, this is how I believe that the phone numbers are gettign out. I also have my phone number listed for no solicitations since 2003. This has worked well. I now find out that the card for Dunkin Donuts waves the do not call! Great!!
avante usa collection company
Got a message from a woman from this company today. as soon as ans mach ans'd she began laughing hysterically for like 3 min's then hung up.... such a professional company, eh? They need to be sued & shut down quickly. No hate or $$ for them.
avante usa houston debt i already paid
they are calling me about Bally's and I actually paid that account in full...and bally's shows that in their records and also on my credit report. however avante says they bought the debt from ballys and southwest....but when i called bally's they never heard of either of the companies...avante is calling and harrassing me...about money i don't owe them...so frustrated with this!!!
avante usa fraud
They are calling supposedly about a Bally's account for my husband - which he cancelled when he deployed to Iraq a year ago. I have never heard anything from Bally's that we owe them money and when I called them today they said they've never heard of AVANTE. Avante is saying we owe $1700 which is a ridiculously enormous amount of money to owe a gym no matter what! The "representative" told me - when I told her that I would be disputing this - that she would see me in court and I could pay my f****** $1700 there and then hung up on me. Unbelievable.
avante usa Houston
These bottom feeders keep bothering me at work with their bogus debt collection on a paid (in full, never late) account for Bally Total Fitness. Hope they continue to harrass and post it on my credit report so I can sue them.
avante usa collections
I recieved a call from AvanteUsa stating that they were collecting on behalf of Bally's total Fitness. After harrassing me for sevral days, I decideded to set up two payment plans with them. Then after my first payment posted on my bank account I recieved a call a week later stating that I had to make a payment again and it was after I didputed with him that he found my first payment. That's when I started to research them and called South West Credit Card Services which they stated that they were representing, Figures, number is out of service, I regret ever making a payment to them. They are very rude on the phone and try to bully you and yell at you. This is the worst company and I an now out of almost $200.00 bucks. how can I get this money back from them?
These people are attempting to scam people out of money by claim
These people are attempting to scam people out of money by claiming they have outstanding debt with Bally's Total Fitness. These claims are not true and it appears that this company is getting away with it. Contact your attorney general's office as well the Houston Better Business Bureau to file a complaint. Record the dates, times, and name of the person who is calling you from this company. Hopefully they will either be stopped by the attorney's general or through class-action lawsuit. I certainly hope Bally's Total Fitness is paying attention to these complaints since it is ultimately their name/brand being dragged through the mud by these scam artists.
I, too, am getting the same harrassment from this company. It i
I, too, am getting the same harrassment from this company. It is really scary to know they have ALL of my personal information when I have never owed money to any of my doctors that this company supposedly says I owe. The letters they send are even ridiculously written in such a scam-way. They are extremely rude. How is such a company allowed to continue to run like this?
im getting calls from avante about bill for
im getting calls from avante about bill for ambulance services in october
2002 to the nyc fire dept when i was taken to the emergency psych
ward at coney island hospital
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousim getting calls from avante
Originally Posted by Anonymous im getting calls from avante about bill for ambulance services in october 2002 to the nyc fire dept when i was taken to the emergency psych ward at coney island hospital |
Yeah I am not sure about NY laws though I do know written contracts are 6 year statute of limitations in NY. Most likely it is time barred as it has been a little over 7 years...they will still try to collect but cannot sue you. If they do sue you could probably countersue.
You best bet is to have a consult with a consumer attorney in your state. Go to NACA.net. Ask them what the statute of limitations would be on that and tell them it has been about 7.5 years since service was performed. If they tell you it is pass the SOL, send the debt collector a cease and desist letter.
Avante is a joke! I've been getting harrassing phone calls (whi
Avante is a joke! I've been getting harrassing phone calls (which started the first of the year 2010) stating I still owe money to a college that has since gone out of business (and for which I graduated & PAID IN FULL! --- Um, I wouldn't have graduated and received my diploma had it NOT been paid!) for over $5K!!! Rediculous... I shredded my proof of "paid in full" payment quite some time ago since I graduated over 10 years ago, so I have no documentation now! She goes on to threaten me with sending it to collection as a "refusal to pay". Damn straight I'm not paying AGAIN because I DON"T OWE THE MONEY! Company is obviously in the business of trying to collect "FALSE DEBTS!" and I won't have any part of it!
The Bally's I went to got shut down for fraud, so they sold all
The Bally's I went to got shut down for fraud, so they sold all the frauded accounts to AvanteUSA, hoping they could pick up the bill. Honestly, they can't do shit over the telephone. Only if you get mail from them should you be any bit concerned. This shit is harrasment, and you best believe I my family of lawyers (pro bono might I add) would love to get a crack at this. Regardless, please Avante, call me again to yell at me. You aren't my mother.
Avanta USa
Originally Posted by Anonymous I keep getting call from Avante USA on my caller ID. They never leave a message. Does anyone know anything about them? |
Debt collection agency.
This company is billing 274.67 and they sent me a letter to make a deal and only pay half. I thought they where billing for an unpaid dvd that was brought to my attention about 5 years ago now the current creditor is CARRER EDUCATION CORP! through AVANTE, which has nothing to do with the original bill, CEC is some kind of school or school finance thing....weird! Should i pay it so all this goes away or should i fight them risking paying the full amount???? please help DEADLINE in 3 days!
This company is billing 274.67 and they sent me a letter to make
This company is billing 274.67 and they sent me a letter to make a deal and only pay half. I thought they where billing for an unpaid dvd that was brought to my attention about 5 years ago now the current creditor is CARRER EDUCATION CORP! through AVANTE, which has nothing to do with the original bill, CEC is some kind of school or school finance thing....weird! Should i pay it so all this goes away or should i fight them risking paying the full amount???? please help DEADLINE in 3 days!
I got several calls from this so call Avante USA they need to
I got several calls from this so call Avante USA they need to stop calling my number . Who are these people ? they never leave messages.
Also getting calls from avante, saying I owe money from Ambulanc
Also getting calls from avante, saying I owe money from Ambulance ride in 2002 in NYC. Was sure insurance covered this years ago. What are you doing.
Advanta, sounds like another lost sole looking for friends. They
Advanta, sounds like another lost sole looking for friends. They won't tell you who you owe but what money.Anyone throwing money around tell me.
I have been receiving calls from them regarding a debt to a scho
I have been receiving calls from them regarding a debt to a school which I had paid to another collection agency. When sent them proof of payment, they said that I still owed a balance because it wasn't paid in full, just settled. I never received a settlement letter, just a zero balance letter showing my payment. This is a scam I believe. I am in contact with the school and my lawyer and I have sent them a letter stating I want something proving I owe this money. I had never even received a letter, just calls on my cell phone. Well, they will hear from my lawyer if necessary. If you have your old credit card statements it would show that your account is paid as well.
Once you settle the debts, you're not responsible to pay off the
Once you settle the debts, you're not responsible to pay off the dues in full. You went for debt settlement as you were unable to pay off your dues in full. I guess the collection agency is trying to scam you. You can ask your attorney to know what legal actions you can take against the collection agency.
You're correct
They do find companies that are out of business or look for info about debts that have been paid. They must have someone inside these companies giving them information. My daughter had a $25 overdraft that she corrected the next day and the bank says everything is OK, but these crooks still call my house. She's never lived here!
When you get the AG to send them a cease and decist letter, they pass it on to another company and it starts again.
What a bunch of slime balls!
Avante sent a letter for my husband to my grandmother. It was st
Avante sent a letter for my husband to my grandmother. It was stating that he owes over 800 bucks for some career. CEC debt or something. We do not owe anything in that amount. All my husbands student loans have been consolidated and we have been paying it off. The letter states that this is the final attempt. We have never seen anything from them. Also it has my husbands social security number as the account number and it doesn't x out the first half, it states his whole number. And the only forms of payment they accept are cashiers check or money order. This screams scam to me. We are reporting them so that this does not end up on our credit.
same happening here
it is funny i graduated in 1999 and i am getting calls from them now from a guy named ron telling me i owe 799. and didnt i wonder why i didnt get my diploma? well i have my diploma duh. and i never got a bill from the college i went to after i graduated which i told him and he said that is why they are out of business because they werent doing their job. i said i never received any bill and now 13 years later you want to collect money from me. go figure. but he was very rude to me until i yelled back then tried the nice tactic of sympathizing.
Sent a letter to cease calls...still calling
I had to file bankruptcy, due to overwhelming medical bills. I called them back and gave them my case number and my lawyers phone number. Sent them a certified letter. Finally, my lawyer had to sue them for breaking numerous laws. They are still calling me. Have to go back to the lawyer and really make sure they stop. They call my Father, Grandmother, Brother, and Uncle. They are literally harassing my entire family. Dirt Bags!:mad:
They are whats wrong with this country
I assume you may have gone to the same school that I did. They went out of business. I never received a bill from the school. This was in 2004. 7 years later (Passed the SOL) they want to collect. Ron from Avante is about to become a personal friend of mine. When he calls me im going to vent to him all of my problems. Im going to ask him how hes doing, and all of that. Im going to get to know him.
He left me a voice mail saying "Talk to me" and then at the end "Good luck".
I Always miss the calls. So they leave me voicemails. The school is on my credit report with a balance of $0... Ron do you see this? Balance is $0. Why are you trying to collect $8,000 from me.
Oh another thing which I found hilarious is that they sent me a settlement offer... Full balance is allegedly $8430 (or something like that) They sent me a great settlement offer... of.... thats right $8430. What a deal! Too bad I missed the deadline, considering it was 3 days before i received the letter. Such as shame that these people are unorganized.
Ron, if you call me again, im just going to make you my therapist. I will play music for you. We can talk about sports, politics. Whatever you want. My phone line is your phone line. I should add you to my family plan so that way you do waste my minutes.