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Purchased by another lender

Submitted by deletedebtor on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 13:39
Posts: 3

I filed Chapter 7 (no attorney) a week ago & just looked at my credit reports(my CH 7 filing is listed on all reports) & found that 2 of my creditors sold my debt(Creditor's Statement: Purchased by another lender. ).
If the new owners of my debt are not listed on my Creditor Matrix & Schedules will the Original Creditor notify them of my filing since there the ones on my Matrix?
If there not notified & I get my discharge are those debts still outstanding even though Original Creditors were notified?
Thanks for your help!

I would check with the clerk of the courts. You may need to amend the petition. There is a charge for this, so I am not sure what the procedure is. You may want to contact the purchasers of the debt with you case number. That way they cannot say that they were not informed. If it is a no asset case, I believe their only claim would be if they were not aware of the bankruptcy filing.

Submitted by southernapostolic on Thu, 07/30/2009 - 13:59


( Posts: 302 | Credits: )

it depends.was the creditor who sold the debt informed of the filing.if the stay was executed and they sold it.that's big trouble for them.that is if the stay was executed before they sold it.

Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 07/30/2009 - 14:03


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Thanks for the responses
I'll check with the court clerk first.
can't tell from credit reports who owns them & when the transfer/sold took place. The filing was 07/22 Possibly these events have crossed paths.
I'll try contacting the OC again but will give the clerk a call first.
Thanks Again!

Submitted by on Thu, 07/30/2009 - 14:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I found out who owns the debt. Many calls & phone numbers passed on finally got the info I needed. The collector Resurgent Capital told me they were handling the account for Sherman Financial Group who owns the debt. Will amend schedule F & Matrix using collectors name & have sent them Certificate of Notice to their office. They gave me the address & seemed fine with everything. I believe I was talking to someone in the bankruptct court.
I had called the court clerk they said it'd be up to me to track down the debt owners & after the court receives the amendments they'll send me certificate & said I will have to send out Notices.
The collector said just to notify them since they are handling it for Sherman. I guess as long as the collector is notified them I'm covered.

Am I going to be alright just notifying the collector & making amendments?
Thanks Again!

One more sold debt to track down but they said I hadn't shown up yet on their accounts. Said call back in a few days.

Submitted by on Thu, 08/06/2009 - 15:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )