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Medical Bankruptcy

Submitted by meechell83 on Fri, 07/03/2009 - 06:29
Posts: 103

I have had medical issues my whole life and have A TON of medical bills. I have called myself the six million dollar woman. The medical bills are "recurring ones" I have the same problems over and over. If I do file medical bankruptcy (which has been suggested to me a few times) will my doctors still treat me? I really want to keep the doctors I have but I'm drowning in medical bills! One of my major recurring probelms is a brain tumor, and I don't want just any doctor poking around in my brain. Please help!

If you cannot pay off your medical bills and the creditors harass you to repay the debt, its better to file bankruptcy and get rid of it. You cannot be refused medical treatment by your doctor if you file bankruptcy. Do you have a health insurance?

Submitted by SC on Sat, 07/04/2009 - 03:10


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