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Need Opinions and experiences please

Submitted by on Sat, 04/18/2009 - 13:36
Posts: 202330

OK - started out trying to negotiate my debts down. Obviously had to stop paying for several months in order to get them to listen to me. Started out with Chase, agreed to installment payments, even though they *said* if I was ever going to be late to just let them know, when it actually happened they sent me straight to a collection agency. So, by now, the fees and add'l interest have added thousands to my credit card debts. SO, I am attempting to file bankruptcy. Started with an attorney who *promised* she could get me through a Ch 7. (Filing without spouse, I am self employed with a steadily decreasing income, hubby is employed with a good salary but just as many debts as I) Hubby checked out the "means test" online and we didn't pass it. I called atty to tell her this and she said "don't worry about it". Scheduled another appt with her to start paperwork - at that meeting she balks and says she can't do it. Sends me to another atty who only does ch 7, no ch 13's and they can't help me either - didn't even bother to do means test. Now going to a 3rd who does both ch 7 & 13. I'm feeling like why bother? I'm so screwed. We REALLY do not have any $$$. It all goes out to debts EVERY month. Why doesn't this seem to matter to the "means test"? Has anyone ever gotten through either a ch 7 or 13 - is there any kind of extra effort that can be made? It seems to me that an atty who wanted to could get it done.
