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getting ready to file

Submitted by on Fri, 06/26/2009 - 06:28
Posts: 202330

I talked to an attorney today. He told me it would be about $950 for attorney fees and then the filing fees. Hopefully I can get a waiver for the filing fees and that will cut the cost down.

I told him I am dealing with one in court now and I have denied the debt. He said it is not a problem and they will just mark it as disputed. The debt collector suing me are a bunch of idiots and the lawyer they use is the same. The attorney told me not to worry about them in court if I can't file in time. He said when he used to go against this debt collector, they could not provide proof in court that someone owed money and they lost. He said I will win if I do it right.

So I feel better about winning now but my plan is to file bankruptcy and get the automatic stay the day before I go to the trial,lol, that should piss them off. They have been harrasing me almost 2 years on a debt that is not mine. First time I got a judgment of dismissal. Now a different attorney for the same company is trying again and he is fresh out of law school and has lied on court documents all they way. I have all these lies on paper so it would be fun to take him on in court. I plan on going to either law school or for a paralegal so i know some stuff.

wish me luck either way.