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I need some advice regarding bankruptcy filed two years back

Submitted by on Thu, 10/18/2007 - 11:45
Posts: 202330

:cry: Hello, I am here for some adivse. My husband and I filed bankruptcy 2 years ago. And now things just keep getting worse. We own our own small business (a sawmill) and we recently had to shut
it down because we couldn't get any logs. My husband recently got a job to help pay part of the bills, but they just keep adding up. Then we went and got a title loan that is charging 435% interest, and things are just slowly getting worse. We are both now very depressed about our situation. We are also dealing with a medical problem with our 2 yr old, he has to see a cancer doctor next month which has sent our stress level to a new high. We have talked about selling our house, land and business, and rent a home. But we are just very confused about everything. We owe about $30,000 to the IRS and several different bills in collections. We are thinking about going through a tax lawyer to work out some kind of settlement, but right now we can't afford to do that.We are behind on everything. I have been thinking about going back to school for nursing but we couldn't afford the gas to get back and forth to school let alone the cost for schooling. If anyone has any words of wisdom we would greatly appreciate some advise.