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what happens to my house?

Submitted by downs8453 on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 15:57


Glad to find this site. Long story short...I converted to a 7 from a 13 and just had my meeting of creditors for the chpt. 7. Was informed that I would receive my discharge in a couple of months...yeehaw!! My question is this, in the chpt. 13 on my late payment was included (for my mortgage). I was current on the 1st and the 2nd. Meanwhile, I could not afford the 13 payments hence the conversion. Will the 1st and 2nd come after me if they don't get what is owed on the house? Or, will they be included in the 7? Left messages for attorney still waiting for response.
Thanks for any help!

My friends went through chapter 7 a few years ago and they were able to keep the house but had to continue making payments So I don't think this amount is discharged if you decide to keep the house, if you let it go then I believe they can't come after you. I would for sure wait and speak with your attorney, he will have accurate info.

Submitted by Justina on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 23:53


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