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what do you guys think i should do

Submitted by on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 19:30
Posts: 202330

i got laid off. in the process of getting a new job now. would say i have 4k in total debt. no way at the moment to pay the 4k debt, which is a combo of payday loans and credit card debt. i did have money saved that im currently using for rent and expenses. i don't know. i'm thinking of maybe filing a chapter 7 just to get the 4k eliminated.

would i qualify?
do you think its a bad idea for that amount of debt?

In order to qualify for chapter 7, you would have to meet the means test, and it is based on your income for the last six months--not just on your current income. That means that you may not qualify, even though you are currently unemployed. It would depend on what your earnings have been for the past six months.

Bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for 10 years, so it is a big step. You should carefully consider your options and the ramifications, but only you can decide if bankruptcy is the right choice for you

There is a lot of good advice on this forum regarding payday loans and credit card debt. Also, if you become a member, you are entitled to a free consultation regarding your situation.

If you do want to explore the bankruptcy option, I found a great means test calculator online that will help you to determine whether you would qualify.

Here is the address:

Replace "(dot)" with"." Then enter your zip code and click on "means test calculator."

Submitted by alias1958 on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 19:59


( Posts: 1230 | Credits: )

Guest, I wouldn't recommend chapter 7 for just 4k in debt. I understand your dilemma but there are other ways of resolving these debt problems, and if I were you I would go a different route first. If you have payday loans, we can assist you and give you good information to take care of those. Just start a new topic HERE. As far as your other debts, you might want to consider seeking a non profit CCS. There are other options to explore also, hang tight and I am sure other members will be along to advise you.

Submitted by Shazzers on Sat, 06/28/2008 - 03:42


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )


I am also wondering if I should. I know there are people who have a large amount of debt, I have about $8000 and I do belong to a CCS, but I also have a judgement against me, I am fearing as to when they will start freezing my bank account.

Submitted by on Sat, 06/28/2008 - 05:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )