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filing chapter 13 - where to start

Submitted by on Wed, 06/04/2008 - 22:02
Posts: 202330

file chapter 13, ?? all bills are current, we are barely hanging on , im told i make to much money for chapter 7, with 2 car payments one credit card that my dad opened for me 8 years ago, have never paid off, now apr is up to 38% from 12% a couple years ago??? 8K balance, student loans, and where do i start with hospital bills, my husband has recently became disabled and not able to work, were fighting with the state of WI, I make about 100k per year and we live check to check, we rent and pay bills on time but cannot get financed for a home, but can buy cars at the best tier APR, now with my credit going bad, paying bills slow. we live a very modest life style, i shop at goodwill, eat a vegetarian diet and still cant save anything, what am i doing wrong.? im a Sr. Accountant Manager for a fortune 100 manufacturing company.

can you point us in the right direction.


Check out this link:

They are a group of credit counseling agencies. You can find a location near you. They will talk to you on the phone and go over your budget. They can give you ideas of where you might be able to save money. If you qualify for their program, they can help to get your interest rates reduced so that more of your monthly payments go toward principal instead of interest. I spoke with two different member agencies, but they couldn't help us because we don't make enough money to qualify for their plan. But they were very kind and helpful. The consultation is free, but if you go into their program, there is a small one-time set up fee (under $50 I think). Then all of the money that you pay to them goes directly to your creditors. You have to be committed to paying your bills off though because that monthly payment has to be made to them each month. Good luck!

Submitted by alias1958 on Thu, 06/05/2008 - 07:30


( Posts: 1230 | Credits: )

Welcome to the Community :D Just know that you aren't alone and there is help.

Before I went to the Bankruptcy option, I would check out other solutions first.

AS far as your medical, have you called and told them of your financial situation? Since you make $100 thousand a year, you wouldn't qualify for getting them dismissed, but they may work with you on payments.

What I did was, I took my lowst balance bill and really scrimped and saved and put extra toward it until I paid it off. I then took that payment, added it to my next lowest one and paid it off. I continued this until I got them paid, it takes time, but it took a long time to get into the mess I was in.

Since you are registered, you are entitled to free credit counseling here, where they can show you solutions you may have. We also have a Do it Yourself section.

Before going with any company, not only check them out with the BBB, but sometimes your states' attorney can tell you about companies. Be sure and know exactly what you are getting into with a company, talk with others who have used them through completion and get all the details-when they start paying creditors, fees, how long the program will last, etc.

Feel free to ask questions, we are here to help!..karen Also, if you have to do the bankruptcy, there are people here that can guide you through the process, give you advice, etc.

Submitted by Bossy4455 on Thu, 06/05/2008 - 07:51


( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )