How long until they close the account?
Date: Sun, 06/27/2010 - 09:46
How long until they close the account?
Does anyone know how many days patelco will allow the account to be open until they close it for NSF? I know bank of america is 120 days, but i can't find this info about Patelco anywhere.
Most banks close in about 30 days if the account stays negative
Most banks close in about 30 days if the account stays negative
It depends on the bank when they will close the account for non
It depends on the bank when they will close the account for non usage. You can talk to the bank itself about this.
Yeah, it totally depends on the bank. Generally big customers wi
Yeah, it totally depends on the bank. Generally big customers with huge account balance will have their accounts for a longer time than general customers. As per my knowledge, Patelco closes the accounts within 30 days.
Hi, According to me it definitely depends on the bank. If you a
According to me it definitely depends on the bank. If you are having serious problem then you can talk to that bank manager. He will surely clear your all doubts relating banking.
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