Former checking acct was closed....Can that affect my current checking account?
Date: Sat, 05/11/2013 - 12:33
Former checking acct was closed....Can that affect my current checking account?
Hi, we moved recently and switched banks, but left our old checking account open. My husband inadvertently paid a bill online using this old acct info. I wasn't aware that we were overdrawn because the statement and communication about it from old bank was not fwd'ed to new address. I finally received a letter that stated that our acct was closed and that the balance was due in full or else they would report our account to check verification, etc. I paid the balance the next day.
Which brings me to my question, if this was reported to chexsystems, could this affect my active checking acct? Thank you very much.
Which brings me to my question, if this was reported to chexsystems, could this affect my active checking acct? Thank you very much.
No it wont affect your active
No it wont affect your active account. It will only affect you if you try to open a new one.