thanks to everybody
Date: Fri, 04/21/2006 - 06:30
thanks to everybody
I feel the same way you do. I used to just back down and let th
I feel the same way you do. I used to just back down and let them have what they wanted, etc. but now I know my rights and I stand up to them. I love being able to tell them they are violating things and that I do have rights. I hate it when they are rude and usually if someone is rude to me I call back and complain to someone else. This is a great place to get advice and learn things! :)
I have also learned a lot here in this forum. This is a great pl
I have also learned a lot here in this forum. This is a great place indeed, seems to be a fresh air in a stuffy room. I'm going to invite my friends and relatives here too.
This wesite is so informative and I have learned alot about my r
This wesite is so informative and I have learned alot about my rights and how to enforce my rights.