Fred Hanna and Associates 800-450-6575
Date: Mon, 04/10/2006 - 19:15
Fred Hanna and Associates 800-450-6575
Quote:he did not ask for either of us specifically I guess Wi
he did not ask for either of us specifically I guess |
With that said, what is the reason that you are considering the call was for you? It could be wrong number too.
BTW, Fred Hanna is a law firm in Georgia.
Fred Hanna
Address: 1655 Enterprise Way
Marietta, GA 30067-8951
Sorry, I misworded that, what I meant was he asked for either of
Sorry, I misworded that, what I meant was he asked for either of us, not one of us specifically. Anyways, I called them back today, and it was strange...the woman I spoke to was actually very nervous. I asked her who they were, what the call was for, and why they were calling family members. She got real shaky on the phone and was like "uh, well, uh..I'm sorry, that is the number we have on file for you." I said, "no, it is did a skiptrace and got that number, why would I give you my family members' phone numbers instead of mine?" She said "oh, well, uh, I...uh, ok, I'm sorry, I am not sure why we called that number, but, uh, we will call you from now on." Then I told her that I needed a letter mailed to me, and she asked for my address, I told her I would verify what they have on file, and she said ok, she will get the letter out. It was funny to talk to someone that got that nervous that easily. She must be new.
Yes, she must be new :D Guest, do let us know how it goes on.
Yes, she must be new :D
Guest, do let us know how it goes on. Also consider joining the forum to receive all the benefits programmed for the members.
Fred Hanna & Assoc.
They are a law firm I guess. The collection people are VERY rude, a debt of mine was sent to them and the lady said they are about to sent it to my work for garnishment. I told her to mail me a copy of the amount I am looking at and I would arange a monthly amount. I can only pay a Very Minimal monthly amount and she said it wasn't good enough. She said the only thing they will sent me is a summons, she said she will not call me anymore and suggested I call my attorney and hung up.
I don't know what to do, or what rights I have..
the debt is about 5 or 6 years old. How can I pay something they will not send me any information on?
Always ask for written documents before paying. And if the debt
Always ask for written documents before paying. And if the debt is old, then check the SOL of your state. A past SOL debt is not legally collectible. By paying a dime or agreeing to pay, you might restart the SOL clock.
The law firm wont send me any written documentation, they told m
The law firm wont send me any written documentation, they told me they will only send a summons. I'm scared, i know this isnt the end of the world but I am a single parent and I cant afford any other expenses. The mistake I made was about a year ago, I made a payment on this debt of about $200 which indeed restarted the clock. Now the Law firm is calling me but wont work with me. What can I do? Can I work with the orginal Creditor? the debt start off as $4600 while i was married but it was only under my name. Now that I am divorced my Ex wont help, he's no responsible, and the interest has brough it up to about $8000.
I tried to put it on debt consolidation but they said they wont take it because it's with a law firm and the law frim can sue at any moment.
I am seriously making sick to my stomach over this.
can anyone please help? Advice?
rlrain, I have a two debts that are with law firms that I co
I have a two debts that are with law firms that I consolidated. Did you sign up for consolidation on this forum? You need to try another consolidation company. Chances are the law firm won't sue if it is consolidated because then they know they are getting their money. You also might try debt settlement through an attorney, that may work better for your situation. What state do you live in if I may ask? If it does go to court, they will take into consideration that you are single, they will not take all your income, don't worry, the judge will understand, and will most likely set up payment plans.
I live in California. I just found this site so I am new. I real
I live in California. I just found this site so I am new. I really dont know where to start. I filled out the form on this site to get a call back regarding consolidation. I am waiting on that. I don't have money for an attorney, I wish I did then it would be easier. I am not trying to run away, I just want to take care of this but I dont know how. The people at the law firm are rude and wont send me a notice or anything in writing. so I dont even know where to send a payment. at this point I am walking on egg shells waiting for the next collection call, or waiting to get sued. This is the first time this has happened to me and for $8000 I have heard filing backruptcy isnt worth it. And what sucks is this debt is not Soley mine, but because it's only under my name i take the heat. I hope I can arrange payments and maybe take my ex back to court so he can share the cost because it was a common debt.
So an expense can be consolidated if it's with a firm? how much does that usually cost?
You can find an attorney that specializes in debt settlement, an
You can find an attorney that specializes in debt settlement, and they break their payments up and include them in your monthly payment usually. Or, sometimes the first 3-4 payments you make go to them, but the good thing is that if anyone sues, they represent you.
Post edited as per forum rules-Mike
I would suggest you registering with this site and take the free
I would suggest you registering with this site and take the free counseling. As long the debt is not sent to court, the consolidation companies will work with you.
Settlement might hurt your score in the long run. Consolidation seems a good option. Your counselor will negotiate with the law office on your behalf and straight out the problem. Do let us know if you need any more information.
I have filled out the form, I received an emial that I will be c
I have filled out the form, I received an emial that I will be called soon. They have referred me to Superior Debt Services. Do consolidation companies take on debt that now belongs to a law firm?
That is a good company to deal with. They have a very good reput
That is a good company to deal with. They have a very good reputation in the market. You can deal with them. Interact with your counselor and inform about your situation. Hope they will help you out. You will receive a call from them very soon.
By chance, if they cannot help you, come back to forum and post here or PM me, I will send you some more information. BTW, why you are not logged in to the forum. I can see you as a guest.
So I just got off the phone (during my lunch) and was talking with the Law firm. They want me to settle or arrange payments with 10% down. I explained to them I cannot do that at this time but I am only able to send a monthly amount. They basically said if I don't give them a post dated check then just wait to be sued.
Very unsimpathetic, I told them I was a single mom, barely enough money to make it as it is, and the debt was from a divorce. The lady said I was using excuses and stalling. She told me she was a single mother too and she didn't want to hear it. I can only do what I can, I don't know how they expect me to squeeze money out of somewhere I dont have it.
What Can I do, I am Bascially waiting to get sued.. What happens next?
I am so Lost... I am back at work sitting at my desk crying. I feel helpless.
Please someone help
DO NOT give them a post dated check! They will find a way to cas
DO NOT give them a post dated check! They will find a way to cash it immediately, then your are in trouble. If they take you to court, they will end up having to accept your payment arrangements, so document, document, document. Write down everytime you speak to them, who you speak to, what type of arrangements you offered, and who declined it. You can use this info in court to show you are trying. I would even send them a "good faith" payment ASAP, so you can use that to show the judge that you are trying. They are probably just blowing hot you know how many times I have been told by a law firm that they are going to sue, then nothing? Lots of is mostly a scare tactic to get you to beg, borrow and steal to pay them. Do not let them intimidate you, especially on the phone. Just stand firm and don't make promises you cannot keep. At this point, it may be beyond your control whether or not they sue you, but trust me, they will end up with payment arrangements in the end. It is a waste of their time, and they probably know it, so they probably won't pursue it.
My consolidation company took on two debts that were with law fi
My consolidation company took on two debts that were with law firms.
I didn't give them anything. I didn't want to promise something
I didn't give them anything. I didn't want to promise something I couldn't deliver and they end up cashing the check anyway. They said if I hang up then they will only take the settlement amount or pay in full(not payment arrangements) if I were to call back if I didn't get sued first. The wanted my checking info then and there. I said I couldn't do it. I don't have anyone I can borrow from, and no where to turn so I wasn't comfortable with a postdated check.
The lady told me to get another job! I cannot believe some people are so heartless, I mean how do they sleep at night?
I think they will end up suing me...
What happens when you get sued? The lady said it would be embarrasing and they would come to my work etc.
Would I have to go to Court? Would I get a Notice? How would I know? What is the proceedure in California?
rlrain...Sign up for this forum..We'll help you through this...
rlrain...Sign up for this forum..We'll help you through this...
When you're signed up, we even have a system where you can call a number and record the call so that you will have proof.
Don't let them get you down. We got your back! :)
i'm confused. I thought I was signed up. I registered and got
i'm confused. I thought I was signed up.
I registered and got a password and stuff.
Is there something else?
what do you mean record the call? what call?
sorry if I sound dumb, I just stumbled upon this. But it sure feels good to read others experiences and also vent myself.
What do I need to do to sign up? and what am I signing up for? how much does it cost?
NO, they will not come to your work, unless they want to be in B
NO, they will not come to your work, unless they want to be in BIG trouble. They cannot even contact your employer or speak to anyone other than you about the debt...if they do, then they are in violation of the fdcpa and you can sue them for up to $1000. Do not let them scare you. You definitely need to start recording those calls, they are majorly in violation of the FDCPA. Have your read up on the FDCPA? If not, you need to do that before you speak to them again. If they continue with these threats, etc., you need to contact the California attorney general's office. They are breaking the law. And remember, the person who you are talking to at that law firm is NOT a lawyer, they work on an hourly wage just like you and I do, they have no authority.
rlrain, you are already signed up for this forum, you just need
rlrain, you are already signed up for this forum, you just need to sign in...just like me. I hardly ever sign in. Just click on login on the left side of your screen, and enter in your email address and password that you chose when you signed up.
You need to record the calls to the law firm that you are dealing with. You need to record when they call you, and when you call them.
Attorney General's Office California Department of Justice Att
Attorney General's Office
California Department of Justice
Attn: Public Inquiry Unit
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
1-800-952-5225 wi
This will tell you about the free phone system we have here..NO charge, and you can record the call. The call will be placed on this website so you can share it and have proof.
You can also complain to the FTC: Federal Trade Commission
You can also complain to the FTC:
Federal Trade Commission
901 Market Street, Suite 570
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 356-5270
Federal Trade Commission
11000 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 13209
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 235-4000
California law on post-dated checks
Here is the law in California on post-dated checks. Just FYI.
Likewise, collection agencies cannot use the "Bad Check Law" to recover treble damages for postdated checks that were solicited for the purpose of seeking the statutory penalty provided by CC Section 1719
QUESTION: If I make small payments to the orignal Creditor, c
If I make small payments to the orignal Creditor, can I still be sued if I show some sort of effort?
If they take you to court while you're making payments you'll ha
If they take you to court while you're making payments you'll have proof of effort and they'll look like idiots.
Yes, you can still be sued, because you already broke the origin
Yes, you can still be sued, because you already broke the original contract. They are not obligated to take payments by now..but, if you make payments, that shows good faith, and if they still decide to sue, which they may not, then at least you can show the judge that you tried. It looks good for you, and the judge will most likely say that you can just continue with the payments you are making. But, just because a law firm has your account, does not mean they intend to sue. They may decide to send it back to the original creditor, who will then send it to another collection agency. That law firm may not even be licensed in CA, did you check that? You can find that out from the CA attorney general I believe. They have to be licensed in the state they are trying to collect in, because if they take you to court, they have to come to a court in your area, not where the law firm is.
You can read up on collection laws on, you may want to do that.
Rlrain, don't get upset. You have signed up for free counseling,
Rlrain, don't get upset. You have signed up for free counseling, right? The counselor can show you some way out definitely. Paying small amount might work, however, it will be better if you get it in writing.
I didn't know that the Law firm had to be in the same State. The
I didn't know that the Law firm had to be in the same State. The Law Firm is actually in Georgia and I Live In California.
Would you suggest me sending payments to the Law Firm or the Original Creditor (Bank Of America).
I was making small payments to the collection agency before it went to this law firm, my last payment in March got returned with a letter saying they no longer owned the debt. Then that's when this Law firm contacted me saying they were given the case to Sue.
The lady acted like I was going to be Sued tonight if I didn't give them some money or checking info then and there. I will send money on my next pay day, I just don't know where. What if they dont cash it? will they do that?
rlrain, Here is their address: Frederick Hanna & Associa
Here is their address:
Frederick Hanna & Associates
1655 Enterprise Way
Marietta, GA 30067
You said they refuse to send you anything in writing? The law says that they MUST send something in writing 5 days after contacting you. So, you need to mail them a validation letter, asking them to validate the debt, you can get a sample of the letter on this forum. Send it certified mail, return receipt requested. Once they get that letter, they must STOP all collection efforts until they send you, in writing validation of the debt. If they continue with efforts without validating the debt, they are in violation of the fdcpa.
The attorney does not have to be in your state, he just has to be licensed in your state. Otherwise, he will not be able to take you to court.
They can refuse to cash the check you send them, but if they do,
They can refuse to cash the check you send them, but if they do, you just keep it as proof that you tried...again, that will look good for you in court, bad for them.
do you know what section on the ftc gov website I can find the i
do you know what section on the ftc gov website I can find the info about the Attorney needing to be in the same state in order to sue?
Im looking but I cant find any info on that..
I don't know if that is on the FTC website, but the attorney gen
I don't know if that is on the FTC website, but the attorney general's office can tell you that.
Someone on this forum who can probably answer that question is Virginia-Legal-Defense, hopefully he/she will log on some time this evening and clear that up.
Hey Check out this website ... It might give you some idea about
Hey Check out this website ... It might give you some idea about them...
I received a call from a very rude person by the name of todd kelly at 800-450-6575 looking for my son who is in the process of filing bankruptcy. He wanted my sons telephone # but would not give it to him. I then called my son's attorney and they said they would handle the matter.
Need Help
My boyfriend was paying off a debt to this law firm and when they went to take the last payment on 04/01/2007 they pulled the amount from my checking account. I have been fighting with these people since 04/02/2007 trying to get the amount they pulled back. Everytime I call I get transfered to a voice mail but I never receive a call back. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this?
Please help....
Helpless,sue them for the money in your local small claims court
Helpless,sue them for the money in your local small claims court.
pay your debts!
yeah, pay your debts and u wont be contacted from any of the offices u people complaint so much...
Or just get a lawyer when the debt collectors violate the laws i
Or just get a lawyer when the debt collectors violate the laws in place to protect you from their illegal behavior.
I'm filing suit against Fred Hanna & Associates soon to get justice for my client and to teach Fred a valuable lesson.
TexasLawyer i think you are great lawyer and a great member of t
TexasLawyer i think you are great lawyer and a great member of this forum.i report this number in who called us?18004506575.
rlrain, they are collector attorneys and can call to any state,
rlrain, they are collector attorneys and can call to any state, however if they sue, they'll have to hite an attorney who is licensed in California. You might also think of suing them, if they threatened legal action right away, without providing you with anything about the debt in writing.
Post Dated Check
Guest is absolutely right. DO NOT GIVE THEM A POST DATED CHECK. It is one of the oldest tricks in the business. What they do is try to cash it immediately, then if it bounces, they threaten with pressing charges for interstate wire fraud, since the company is most likely calling from outside your state. This brings federal law into it and adds pressure to you. I had this happen to me once and had to beg every friend and family member for loans to cover the check. So don't do that. Also, think about it logically, this company does not want to sue you. It would cost them money and time to do so, and at the end, even if you lose, the court will set a payment schedule you can live with. These companies thrive on fear to get uninformed consumers to slip up and give them an edge. Debt buying is a billion dollar industry and these law-firms take a shotgun approach: shoot enough shells and your bound to hit something. At the end of the day you are better off going through a reputable debt consolidator because settling with these companies will not help your credit score.
fred hanna
This company has called my house also asking for a Melissa. WE just moved and I have told them repeatedly that a Melissa does not live here and I have asked them to remove our n umber three times.
I live in Atlanta. Fred Hanna has garnished my checking account for a debt that I don't even owe. The other signer of my checking account does. She has never deposited any funds. She has been on my account for roughtly 9 months, mind you... I have had this account 9 years. They don't care that the funds were no the person they have a "judgement on". They are very rude and I am glad I cussed them out. 'Problem is- they took $2,400 from me. I will fight this!
If you do go to a debt consolidation, it stays on your credit re
If you do go to a debt consolidation, it stays on your credit report, and you will be denied any meaningful job until it is off your credit report, so be careful going down that route. I check credit reports all the time for job approvals, and you will be denied, it is a very increasing practice by any company that is considered professional.
Hi All:
I am a Collector and I work for an Attorney's office.
It is important that you receive info in writing, but also that you began paying. Just honestly, here in Atlanta, the attororney's will more forward with legal remedies. It is out of the hands of the individual collector in many cases. Also, do not speak with anyone who is rude. Just because you owe a debt does not give anyone the right to mistreat you! Insist on speaking to a manager, if they are rude speak with their manager or VP too! Just don't take it! I owe people I tend to treat people the way I want to be treated! If they will not accept your arrangement get the mailing address and your account number and start mailing something in every month! This plays in your favor! Document EVERYTHING! Hope this helps.
Quote: Just honestly, here in Atlanta, the attororney's will mor
Just honestly, here in Atlanta, the attororney's will more forward with legal remedies |
Hmmm,Will Attorney's in Atlanta move forward without having proper validation of the debt?
sorry Pissed at Fred
Pissed at Fred,
What are you going to fight?
You gave someone the right to have access to your account and are surprised their judgement was taken from that account? Whether they deposited or withdrew money from the account isn't an issue, nor how long they were on the account.
Sorry, you don't have a case or even a right to complain....unless you count complaining at the person whose judgement got your money confiscated.
When you add someone to your account, that account can be attached for their debt--as you are keenly aware.
Co-signing or adding someone to your account (non spouse that is) is a terrible idea. There is a reason they can't get a loan or a checking account of their own.
I would spend my time re-earning that money because you are NOT going to get it back from Hannah. Or perhaps send this person out to get a job or second job to pay you back.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but truth it is.
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