To much debt
Date: Mon, 05/09/2005 - 05:37
To much debt
Hi kinzkay Welcome to the DCC Forums. I would suggest you to
Hi kinzkay
Welcome to the DCC Forums. I would suggest you to go through this page debt-management for a detailed explanation.
are these loans secured or un-secured? that will make a big difference.
Welcome Kinzkay
Welcome Kinzkay to the forums,
Sometimes it looks impossible but in reality nothing is so, as Jerry said can you let us the type of loans you have (Secured or Unsecured? Is it student Loan, medical bills e.t.c? ).
Debt is common problem and various options are available as solution, we as a community help to choose the most appropriate solution.
Please let us know more details that we can offer our suggestions.
Hi kinzkay Please don't feel sad about your loans and monthly
Hi kinzkay
Please don't feel sad about your loans and monthly payments. I am sure there is still a positive way out and please take the move optimistically.
If we pay the minimum for the next 4 years we will have it paid off, But, that means no clothes for the children, no chrismas, nothing. There is no cash flow what so ever. = |
If you make the minimum payments just like this, then you are assured that you will be free from debt within 4 years. On the other hand, if you can manage your finance and choose the best from the various option of the payment plan, then I am sure that it will give an extra effort to pay your debt quickly.
Please don't feel sad.
Take care