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How I had to struggle in my life

Date: Sun, 06/12/2005 - 10:11

Submitted by anonymous
on Sun, 06/12/2005 - 10:11

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Total Replies: 2

How I had to struggle in my life

I have a long, complicated story that led to my debt but dont we all? I was an early graduate right out of high school and everything was on track. I had just gotten my first car and I had a steady job and i was going to Sinclair Community College. I was half way through my second semester and one of my best friends from high school, Laura, called me from Kentucky, where she had moved. She told me that she was being evicted from her trailor and her, her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's brother all needed a ride up to Ohio so that maybe they might be able to start over up here. So, my friend Jamie and I take my 88 Topaz down to Kentucky. Before we left I had gotten a new tire and a tune up done just to make sure that the trip was safe. It was January and there was no way we wanted to get stranded on the side of the high way because my car broke down. We had made it into Kentucky and we were almost to our destination when my car started to shake and rattle. I had been going 80 mph in the fast lane thiking that I needed to get off at the next exit to figure out what was going on. That is when my driver side front tire flew off of my car and into oncoming traffic and lost in the great snow drift past the highway. The only way my car stopped was from a snow bank slowing us to a stop. Jamie and I got out of the car and tried not to freak out. There was a nice old man who stopped and pulled over to help. My car was stuck in the snow and there was no way to get it out now, without the help of AAA. So we hitched a ride with hime to a gas station where we were supposed to be. We stayed the night in a two bed one room motel room. It was Jamie, Laura, Laura's boyfriend Isaiah, Isaiah's "brother" David, and myself all slep in the two beds. I had called another friend to come get us from Kentucky and she was happy to help. So, we piled into her two door cavalier and were on our way back home. Once I got back I found that I had a $2300 check from a car accitdent that i had been in with my mom and I put all of us up in hotels for about 2 weeks. I bought them toiletry items and clothes and whatever else they had been unable to bring from home. After my money ran dry, and they promised to pay me back, we moved in with Jamie into her one bedroom apartment, with the addition of two bassit hound puppies and two cats that were not box trained. As Jamie's funds started to depleat and Isaiah's lame-brain ideas were not working as he originally planed, they turned to me and my check book for help. Isaiah said that the things I bought with my checks, he would pay back in full because it was going to help him get a job. Laura was pregnant, and therefor couldnt work, David had taken off, by stealing Jamie's car so, we had a rental, and that set us back. Jamie had a great job but couldnt support all of us and my job was close to being non-existant. After I had written about $600 in bad checks, Isaiah and Laura take off leaving me in debt about $1500. Any time I think of them and what they did... robbing me blind with lies and coniving plans, it makes me want to scream. I now have a constant fear that I am going to be thrown in jail or sent to prision. I just reasently found out that check fraud was a felony. Now I am trying to find a way to get one sent price to pay a month until I am out of debt and can forget them all together. Please help.

Hi Felicia

Welcome to the forums. Trust is very important in a good relationship and it is sad that it went wrong in your way. However, now that you are into some debts, you can consolidate them into one loan amount and get free from all your debts within a stipulated period of time.

Hope to hear from you making this positive move



Submitted by roxette on Mon, 06/13/2005 - 13:55

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