Is Debt Consolidation a bad idea?
Date: Tue, 04/26/2005 - 02:09
Is Debt Consolidation a bad idea?
debt consolidation looks the same as bankruptcy when you try to buy a home a car or even get a credit card. If you have alot of debt, your better off declaring bankruptcy, at least then your credit is screwed and your debt free. With DC your credit is screwed and you have to PAY!
Hi Giovanni In my view, debt consolidation is not a bad idea.
Hi Giovanni
In my view, debt consolidation is not a bad idea. Debt consolidation can help the people at times when they don't have any other ways left to opt from in order to get their dues cleared. As Giovanni said that bankruptcy spoils the credit report and in turn, a person becomes debt free, but in the case of debt consolidation one can improve its credit report after the debts get cleared and then he can have better hopes for the future. Isn't it?