Global Payday Loan, LLC.
Date: Wed, 08/31/2005 - 08:21
Global Payday Loan, LLC.
Hi Welcome to the forums. Below is the complete address of th
Welcome to the forums. Below is the complete address of the said company.
Global Payday Loans
4001 South 700 East #500
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Telephone: (800) 654-7444
Fax: (800) 887-9284
President of this company is Melanie Robinson.
This company deals in Consumer Finance & Loan Co., Financial Services, Check Cashing Service and is not a member of BBB.
Moreover, this company has unsatisfactory record in the BBB as it has pattern of complaints concerning problems with customer payment withdrawals.
This company withdraws incorrect amounts from the bank accounts of the consumers. They even keep withdrawing even after the loan has been cleared. Not to forget that additional interests and fees are also charged which the consumers were never informed when obtaining the loan.
Some of the complaints have been resolved by this company but many still remain unanswered.
global payday loan llc
Thats wierd I just had $590.00 withdrawn from my acct by this company and I've never heard of them I've got to meet with my Bank Mon Morning to start a fraud investigation. :evil:
DocJohn, yes you should talk with your lawyer also regarding thi
DocJohn, yes you should talk with your lawyer also regarding this matter.
Global Payday Loan LLC
I just got on line this morning to do some banking and to my surprise this company pulled out ... you guessed it... $590!! I called my bank imediately and, thank God, they put a stop pay on the transaction! How did this company get my banking information? I have never heard of them before! From reading this forum, it seams like no one does. How can this company get away with this? What can we do legally to stop this?
Global Payday is actually Cashnet500, usacashexpress and some ot
Global Payday is actually Cashnet500, usacashexpress and some other entity!
Do you have a loan with any of these guys?
Global Payday, Route 66 funding etc, etc, etc!!!
Global payday is in bed with route 66 funding and these 2 as well as any others will take monies from you if you received monies from a payday loan via the internet.........
The only way to guaranty this to stop is to close your checking account and open a new one. If a rep from any of these contacts you, tell them,"I have contacted the attorney General and filed a fraud claim do not contact me unless it is in writing"! My mother went through this, March she borrowed $250 and
had $782 removed from her checking account before she caught on!
bank withdrawl
Yes, I have a loan with cashnet500. but my loan is only for 350 or 455 with the fee. why would they try to take 590? I have put a stop pay on this as of today. How could they try to pull it again?
I would close your checking account or see if you can block thei
I would close your checking account or see if you can block their id code through your bank.
My bank did stop payment on them. They presented the withdrawl a
My bank did stop payment on them. They presented the withdrawl as a check with a mesg uner the " Signature not required" that reads: your depositor has authorized this payment to payee. Payee to hold you harmless for payment of this document. this document shall be deposited only to credit of payee. Absence of endorsement is guarranteed by payee. And then over on the left side of check it says: Customer authorization obtained 5/30/2006! I never spoke to anyone! and the only ID# I can see on this "document" is just to the left of this mesg : 4364821.
Was money debited from your account after applying the stop paym
Was money debited from your account after applying the stop payment? If not, it may be because of blocking the transaction ID
I just paid off my loan with Cashnet500 three to four weeks ago.
I just paid off my loan with Cashnet500 three to four weeks ago. They also use the name Heritage Marketing. Should I change my bank account again? I cn't afford for them to take money out of my account on a whim. I want to stay with the same bank - do I just go in and ask them to close the account I have and open a new account? Thanks for the warning!
Ask your bank to block the transaction code of the company. Once
Ask your bank to block the transaction code of the company. Once the id is blocked, they won't be able to debit money from your account. Talk to your bank and they will offer you some suggestions.
blocking with ID#
Thankyou. I did call the bank and ask them to put their ID# on the stop payment form. Just hope this is the end.... by the way... I am trying to consolidate the rest of my payday loans. Have heard some about this T$C company? Can anyone give me the info on them? Thanks so much.
What is cashnet500 Id number? I want to see if my bank will blo
What is cashnet500 Id number? I want to see if my bank will block them.
Your bank must be having the transaction ID of Cashnet500. Talk
Your bank must be having the transaction ID of Cashnet500. Talk to them and get it blocked. Once done, the company will not be able to debit the account with different amounts.
Globel Payday
They have started calling me and my boss at work about a loan being very rude and nasty. I also have not heard of them. To my knowledge the only payday loan I have had out standing has been paid off. How do I go about fighting this and reporting them?
Global Payday loans, LLC
I too just received a letter from my bank saying that this place tried to withdraw $590.00 from m checking but did not have the correct numbers so they did not process it.
Ask your bank to monitor the company because they will again try
Ask your bank to monitor the company because they will again try to debit from your account. Do you have a loan with Global Payday? You may call them and do some arrangements if the loan is not paid yet.
A company crsi from texas is calling me and gettin smart about investigating my job, etc, and processing things because of me not making a payment they want in 48hrs and i had some majors situations happen that i forgot all about them. Who is crsi?
Payday Loans online
I had a payday loan online back in 2004 and paid it off with great success, however, it was not with this group. I did go online and request one later on in 2005 with Global Payday Loans, I guess. THe reasons I say I guess is becuase I received a phone call from them to pay back funds that I never received. I told them to prove to me that you deposited the money in my account. Send me a letter stating I authorized it, what account you deposited it to and how much. I never received a letter. I received calls from their "legal" department and "attorneys" however, according to law they have to send you a letter, via snail mail, stating what your debt is. I had unauthorized deductions from my account as well from around the same time frame. I worked with my bank and it was a big hassle. Even though you know the company, they can change the amount of the deduction and most banks will still pay it. The ONLY way I know of to stop any deductions is to close your current account and open a new one. Then you can fight with the bank to recover any funds that were taken from you. Also, look through the Fair Credit Act and other online information about your rights. Hope this helps. I am not an attorney or in the legal field, I just do a lot of research.
Payday Loan
i applied for a $300 loan and they took out more than the amount out of my checking account which led me to be in a negative balance with my bank, so now i have to pay the bank because of cashnet500. after 2 years since i applied for the loan which was in sept-oct of 2006 someone called me by the name Kailyn Campbell and she said she is with DA Network & that they are prusuing a lawsuit against me because i owe $1,087.50 to either First National Bank or Global Payday Loan, which she didn't say which one i owe. she didn't have a number for them so i can call, but she said that since it's over a $1000 it was consider a felony and she also said it was a hot check. how can it be a hot check when i never wrote them a check. they took the money out of my checking account automatically. anyways, what should i do?
She's lying. You cannot be charged with a crime. SOP for the D
She's lying. You cannot be charged with a crime. SOP for the Dumb A$$ Network. What state do you live in?
What other loan companies use Heritage Marketing to collect debt
What other loan companies use Heritage Marketing to collect debt?
have any body ever heard og global pay day loan. They want me to
have any body ever heard og global pay day loan. They want me to go to a western union to transfer money to them and they wire me money never heard that before is this a scam
Be careful with this company i just got a call todya from an att
Be careful with this company i just got a call todya from an attorneys office stating that they are trying to serve me with a court summons to sue me for 1000.00 plus 1500 for attorneys fees if i dont' have it paid by the end of this month granted its a week from christmas and i get only one more check....
be careful
I never heard of this company and they are trying to attack my a
I never heard of this company and they are trying to attack my account after two years. I never had a payday loan with anyone, so I dont know what they are talking about. I want to know how they got my new account information. I live in florida and they said this happened in north carolina.
to the poster above jkfg.they won't and can't do what they threa
to the poster above jkfg.they won't and can't do what they threaten.they have to use scare tactics because that is all they won't be arrested,or be taken to court by this illegal pdl.hope that helped.again an empty threat from an illegal pdl.nothing will not pay them a dime.
global pay day wants me to pay 100$ in order to get a 1000$ pay
global pay day wants me to pay 100$ in order to get a 1000$ pay day loan.
can somebody tell me if this company is real or just a scam?
Payday-Loan-Yes dba cashnet500 dba e-payday-loan dba Global Pay
Payday-Loan-Yes dba cashnet500 dba e-payday-loan dba Global Payday.
Yes, they are a scam, as you can see they have several other names too!
i just got a call from them and told them i was not interested.
i just got a call from them and told them i was not interested. now do i have to watch my bank account???????????????????
They are trying to pull the scam om me NOW!
They are expecting to hear from me from a western union early tomarrow it was suppose to happen today but it just didnt work time wise plus i kept getting a recording that thier reps were all busy call back later phone # 202-241-7182 he had a very strong accent but yet said his name was justin wilson I laugh i applogized it was just so rediculuos! And another flag! at any rate lets trap these guys while they are still comfortable with my ingorance!!! my e-Mail is Get ahold of me early thats when thier expecting to hear form me!! Rhonda Grubb I live in Cleveland ,ohio:evil:
no posting of sensitive info like ph #'s or emails.register and contct others via PM,but per TOS i can't leave your email sorry.
I didnt mention in my earlier reply That they are Global Pay Day
I didnt mention in my earlier reply That they are Global Pay Day Loan Lets get them Rhonda Grubb
Quote:I didnt mention in my earlier reply That they are Global P
I didnt mention in my earlier reply That they are Global Pay Day Loan Lets get them Rhonda Grubb |
I don't understand your comment?????
got screwed
does anybody know how to contact them directly or have an accuate address to give the cops
thei just got 100 dollars from me and i am hopping madd with a l
thei just got 100 dollars from me and i am hopping madd with a lot og connections
Big Lawsuit!
Global LLC also owns RFA. Look on Yahoo News, this lady just sued them and won $10 million! Doubtful she'll ever see the money, but still...