Numerous debt collector calls on my answering machine
Date: Wed, 07/20/2005 - 09:57
Numerous debt collector calls on my answering machine
Hi KmeyerWelcome to the forums. As per the fdcpa law, a bill
Hi Kmeyer
Welcome to the forums. As per the fdcpa law, a bill collector is not restricted from informing the debtor about his past debt. But he must practice this act staying within the lines of business otherwise it will be a violation of the FDCPA law. He is restricted from calling you at regular intervals about the debt.
There are abundant cases reporting this abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection practices by many debt collectors. These types of illegal activities often lead to personal bankruptcy, loss of job, and invasions to individual privacy.
Please have a look at this page to know more about your consumer rights as per the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act under the guidelines of the Federal Trade Commission
Once per day in most states...a couple of states have different
Once per day in most states...a couple of states have different regs...thinking MA and WA.