Ambiguous Debt
Date: Wed, 07/13/2005 - 11:54
Ambiguous Debt
I have been contacted by a collection agency on behalf of an internet 3rd party reseller of cable TV service. There is no question that we received the cable service in 2004, but I have no idea how this resller became involved, unless I inadvertently used their website. I have requested proof of this debt ($290 pluns $100 collection fee), and have received nothing but a copy of the 2005 Terms and Conditions that are currently associated with the website, and a printout that lists my name, address, credit card #, and an order number that does not match the number on the demand letter. Are these documents legal proof? There is no doubt that the reseller and the satelllite provider work hand in hand, and the personal info could have been obtained from the satellite provider. The satellite provider had no requirement for any length of service, and their bill is paid in full. This reseller alleges that I contracted for the satellite service through their company, and they have a requirement for 1 year's service. Can you please advise? Thanks so much!!!
Cathy Welcome to the forums. I also find something strange he
Welcome to the forums. I also find something strange here about the activity of the reseller. It is obvious fact that if any services of a particular company is used, we generally sign the agreement between that company after reading all the terms and conditions. The reseller has to produce this document before it can legally make any claim.
In simple words, if the contract is authentic then they should not mind sending you a copy of the original signed agreement between you and the reseller establishing the debt between both the parties.
You can get informed of all the debts if you exercise your legal rights and ask them to validate it. They are required by law to provide facts of all the accounts for which the debt has been built so far.
If they are unable to respond to your debt validation letter, be sure that you can take legal help of your attorney and file a case against them on charges of false representation of the accounts.
Please let me know the next update