a bill
Date: Mon, 07/11/2005 - 02:49
a bill
can I view the bill befor I pay
Hi payingtomuch Welcome to the forums. You can view the total
Hi payingtomuch
Welcome to the forums. You can view the total amount of your debt in your credit report. You can get your latest credit report from the three credit bureaus and know your latest financial position.
What information does the credit report contain?
Personal information:
This information gets added by each member company that sends in tapes, or even pulls credit reports. The CRAs system collects new data all of the time.
Public Records:
Tax Liens
This information is collected by independent sources that collect and resell to credit reporting agencies as well as other types of businesses.
Credit Information:
Creditor Accounts:
Collection Accounts:
** Last 2 are not always provided
List of Companies having accessed credit reports for permissible purpose, meaning that you had given them verbal or written authorization... or if you owed on a debt (they can pull w/out authorization because of balance owing). These stay on credit report for 2 years, but only affect the scoring for 1 year. These are called hard inquiries.
List of companies having received your name & address for solicitation purposes, they have not actually viewed your credit report so will not show up on the creditors side unless you complete application for credit. These are soft inquiries and include all pulls you have done on yourself, will stay on credit report for 2 years.
After you enroll in the debt consolidation program, the creditors will send you a monthly statement of your account where your installment was paid. You will be able to know the status of your account and how much more will be left to clear off that particular account. Additionally, the debt consolidation company will also send you a consolidated statement which will furnish the details of all your creditors who have received your installment proportionately.