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Consolidate bills after filing bankruptcy

Date: Thu, 07/07/2005 - 00:05

Submitted by anonymous
on Thu, 07/07/2005 - 00:05

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 3

Consolidate bills after filing bankruptcy

First of all, I would like to thank you for building up this website. the information given you is of great help. My question is can you consolidate bills even if you filed Bankruptcy 8 years ago; thanks for your time.

Hi Frank

Welcome to the forums. After filing for bankruptcy, I feel sorry that your credit report was marred and you must have faced a lot of hardships all these years. Unfortunately, it is expected that it will stay in your credit for another 2 years.

However, even after filing bankruptcy, you can still consolidate all your bills to clear your accounts with the creditors. After all, it will be your utmost effort to regain your financial worthiness in acquiring new credit.

The debt consolidation program will benefit you with one single monthly payment at lower rate of interest towards erasing your past debts. Seeing your willingness to clear your debt and your involvement in the debt consolidation program, the creditors will cut the financial charges and/or the late fees accrued in your total debt and you will be required to pay the reduced amount only.

The debt consolidation program will make all your accounts current with the creditors and you will be able to reshape your credit file. Your credit report is the most important and prestigious financial document and every step should be taken to keep it clean.

Please register yourself in the sign up page to get in touch with the consultant who will be providing you active counseling and budgeting sessions. His contribution in the program will be helpful to you in larger terms and you can aspire to achieve a debt free life soon.



Submitted by roxette on Thu, 07/07/2005 - 12:57

( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )

[quote=Frank]Can you consolidate bills even if you filed Bankruptcy 8 years ago; thanks for your time.[/quote]


Well, at least you are close to the 10 year mark. In most cases, a bankruptcy will be removed from your report after 10 years.

So, you are close to seeing this negative scar gone from your credit. However, the lasting affects on your credit score will still remain. So, you should only practice fiscal responsibility in order to help recuperate your credit.

In addition, taking care of your bills on time is one way to help recuperate your credit. Yes, for the most part, you are able to consolidate after bankruptcy.

This company only deals with unsecured debt. If you have unsecured debt that you want to consolidate, then you should give the company a call at 1-877-no-debt-8. A representative will be able to assist you with the consolidation program that you are looking for.

Just keep in mind that this company deals with consolidation that does not involve a loan. This company works to negotiate with your lenders in order to lower the interest rates on your debt.

This reduced interest rate allows you to attack your debt more directly and pay down the principal sooner. It will have a cumulative effect of lowering your monthly payments for this debt. If you have a steady stream of income, this may be something that you should look into.


Submitted by benjaminz6 on Thu, 07/07/2005 - 18:11

( Posts: 256 | Credits: )

[quote=benjaminz6][quote=Frank]Can you consolidate bills even if you filed Bankruptcy 8 years ago; thanks for your time.[/quote]


Well, at least you are close to the 10 year mark. In most cases, a bankruptcy will be removed from your report after 10 years.

So, you are close to seeing this negative scar gone from your credit. However, the lasting affects on your credit score will still remain. So, you should only practice fiscal responsibility in order to help recuperate your credit.

In addition, taking care of your bills on time is one way to help recuperate your credit. Yes, for the most part, you are able to consolidate after bankruptcy.

This company only deals with unsecured debt. If you have unsecured debt that you want to consolidate, then you should give the company a call at 1-877-no-debt-8. A representative will be able to assist you with the consolidation program that you are looking for.

Just keep in mind that this company deals with consolidation that does not involve a loan. This company works to negotiate with your lenders in order to lower the interest rates on your debt.

This reduced interest rate allows you to attack your debt more directly and pay down the principal sooner. It will have a cumulative effect of lowering your monthly payments for this debt. If you have a steady stream of income, this may be something that you should look into.[/quote]

However, if you are looking for a consolidation loan, that may be a little more difficult if you have bad credit. It is relatively difficult but not impossible.

Most of these loans are secured loans. For example, in order to obtain think kind of consolidation loan, many companies require you to use your home as collateral-thus making it a secured loan.

However, since you are past the 2 year point past your bankruptcy, you should be able to get better rates on these kinds of loans.

The fact that you are in trouble again worries me a little. Considering that you have filed for bankruptcy in the past, do you feel as if you are going down the same path?

If you do feel that you are going down the same path, you should consider evaluating the habits and similar behaviors that ran you into bankruptcy 8 years ago and is threatening to put you in debt now.

You should practice absolute fiscal responsibly. Rely on cash more instead of credit. Make a budget to determine things that are essential in your life.

Everything else should be saved for a later purchase. You should stop relying on credit if that is your problem.


Submitted by benjaminz6 on Thu, 07/07/2005 - 18:12

( Posts: 256 | Credits: )