i am behind on the agreed monthly payments on a judgment can
Date: Wed, 07/06/2005 - 21:15
i am behind on the agreed monthly payments on a judgment can
Hi akdru Welcome to the forums. You can include your accounts
Hi akdru
Welcome to the forums. You can include your accounts which are behind in payments in the debt consolidation program.
As you have entered in a judgment, it will appear in your credit report and you need to make sure to remove this negative mark as early as possible. This will be hurting your credit profile and will create problems in acquire new credit.
Debt consolidation program will make all the accounts current and pay towards your debt in easy monthly installments and at lower rate of interest. After your accounts are paid in full, the creditors will report to the credit bureaus and remove this negative information from your credit report.
Please enter your contact information in this site to get in touch with the consultant in your locality. He will analyze your financial position and offer the best payment plan to you which will be suitable to your present financial needs. Moreover, his budgeting and counseling programs will teach you the positive ways to keep a check on your finance.
Hope that you will make this positive step and erase all the negative marks from your credit file soon. We anticipate for your debt free life and a clean credit profile.