Thinking about debt consolidaiton
Date: Sat, 06/04/2005 - 14:18
Thinking about debt consolidaiton
I was in the middle of changing jobs, but went through a auto accident and trying to get it fixed which has cramped my savings.
I've now ended up out of work for the past 5 weeks and I'm stuck with being $800 over the $2000 limit on my credit card which I owe next week, a few months behind on college loan payments (around $700), late one month and maxed out on a store card ($600 limit).
I'm also dealing with the need to pay the remainder to get my car out of the shop before they start accruing daily charges, an auto loan, auto insurance and a parking violation payment due in a week which I'm trying to figure out paying all of that off.
So it's been part going through the whole accident mess and also being ripped off by the rental company, and part not anticipating being out of work this long and unwise pre-order spending before all this happened coming through at the worst time.
I tried getting a loan and another line of credit as a way to fend off those balances, but have only hurt my credit rating in the process.
I'm in line for interviews and expect to get a job during this month.
Am I in need for consolidaiton to get myself out of this mess? And what would it cover in this situation?
Hi Cams
Hi Cams
Welcome to the forums. It is sad to know that you are going through the struggling days of your life. I hope that you get a job soon so that you can come out of these hard times.
I'm also dealing with the need to pay the remainder to get my car out of the shop before they start accruing daily charges, an auto loan, auto insurance and a parking violation payment due in a week which I'm trying to figure out paying all of that off.
It will be advisable to opt for consolidation at this point of time otherwise your expenses will keep multiplying with the daily charges on your car, auto loans and insurance. debt consolidation will help you in putting your finance back in shape and thus regain your credit rating.
So it's been part going through the whole accident mess and also being ripped off by the rental company, and part not anticipating being out of work this long and unwise pre-order spending before all this happened coming through at the worst time.
After you have enrolled yourself in a debt consolidation program, all your monthly dues will be put in one consolidation program and it will be paid in easy monthly installments. However, this program works the best when you have taken a complete control over all your spending habits. Otherwise, this program will seem like chasing a moving target.
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Thinking about consolidation.
Hello Cams,
Welcome to the forums.
I believe you are absolutely right in thinking, that you require a consolidation program. After you enroll yourself in a debt consolidation program,your debt consultant will take care of all your debt problems.
To know more about the benefits of a debt consolidation program, please read the relevant article illustrating the benefits of such a program.
If you wish to avail the free services of this site, you can fill up the signup form. Once you are a member, a consultant near your area will get in touch with you shortly.
Hope this information helps you.
Please do return if you have any further queries.