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Date: Tue, 05/31/2005 - 10:18

Submitted by anonymous
on Tue, 05/31/2005 - 10:18

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 2


I need a way to consolidate 5 bills. 2 credit card bills, 2 of my doctor/hospital bills and 1 of my husbands therapy bills. They total around $4,500. I have filed bankruptcy around 3 years ago. I am trying to reestablish my credit and I don't want to do it with credit cards. I want to get these bills payed off. Can someone help me or direct me to someone who can help me? I have child support to pay and my husband has been diagnosed with ruematoid arthritis, and there are times that he is unable to work, leaving me with the biggest part of supporting our family.

Hi Stacy

Welcome to the forums. It is the positive energy in you that is helping you to take control of your family. Although you have filed for bankruptcy, but you can improve your credit rating by opting for debt consolidation program. You can get all your bills consolidated into one loan amount and pay it through easy monthly payments at lower rate of interest. It will also help you to eliminate all the late financial charges and re- age your accounts.

Debt consolidation will be a positive move from your side as all your multiple payments will get consolidated into one loan amount and thus improve your credit rating as you won't miss any single payment.

There are specific programs in cases like yours where you can get government grants and accordingly a favorable program suitable to your need will be designed.

Please sign up in the home page to register yourself. One consultant in your locality will evaluate your financial position and choose the best payment plan suitable for you.

If there is any other query which needs attention, we will take this initiative to answer it at the best of our knowledge.



Submitted by roxette on Tue, 05/31/2005 - 13:58

( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )

Hi Stacy
Welcome to the forums.

I read your post and am concerned; you must take charge of your finances fast.

From the information of you have provided, I understand, that you have already filed a bankruptcy 3 years ago. Your credit report has been affected to a large extent.. This damage is to remain for 10 years.

However, your current 5 bills can still be paid off easily and your credit scores improved if you enroll yourself in a debt consolidation program.

As far as I know this site also has a free signup form. Register yourself as a member and a debt consultant in your locality will get in touch with you shortly.

Hope you will find this information useful.
Please do come back with more queries.



Submitted by peter on Wed, 06/01/2005 - 20:19

( Posts: 285 | Credits: )