student loan
Date: Tue, 05/24/2005 - 15:39
student loan
Hi KK Welcome to the forums. It depends upon the company from
Welcome to the forums. It depends upon the company from whom you are taking the loan. Some companies follow fixed rate of interest and some follow the floating rates while loans are given to the applicants. But in your case, it entirely depends upon the company A whether they will provide you the benefit of the same interest rate as per your previous loan. It will be better if you can clarify it with the concerned company.
Student loan
Welcome to the forums.We have read your query and will try to help you as best as we can.
Since you took the loan from the same company (A), you may include the third loan within the consolidated loan portfolio, but you have to pay more towards your monthly payment. However, please check it with your debt counselor.
Hi peter, I loan the third loan after I consolidated the firs
Hi peter,
I loan the third loan after I consolidated the first two, can I still include the third loan within the consolidated loan portfolio?
Hi KK Welcome once again to the forums. I have understood fr
Welcome once again to the forums. I have understood from your post that your two loans are already in the consolidation program and you have taken a third loan which you desire to put into the same program and benefit with the same interest rate. In general terms, it is possible but you will have to take the update from the Company A which will put it into action.
Please let us know after you have approached them and got all the needful done.
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