Ellis Crosby
Date: Mon, 07/04/2005 - 18:12
Ellis Crosby
I need help regarding 6 payday loans. People of Ellis Crosby company and other people are threatening me. I do intend to pay but need help. Please have someone call me ASAP at 601-334-0132.
Ellis and Crosby
Okay- First what state you live in ? State laws govern this and will probaly be listed on the STATE BAR website. It can be as easy as calling the DA's office in your county. Read my posts under Ellis Crosby and Associates for more info
Hi Lynne The membership of Ellis and Crosby has been cancell
Hi Lynne
The membership of Ellis and Crosby has been cancelled for 90 days and they can't take any action for recovering money from you. Please take legal help of your attorney and file a case against them.