Pay Day Loan
Date: Tue, 06/28/2005 - 16:11
Pay Day Loan
Hi Guest, Welcome to the forums. Please inform the FTC about
Hi Guest,
Welcome to the forums. Please inform the FTC about your SSN and take legal action. You should take help of your lawyer to prevent yourself. It is very necessary to guard your Social Security number. Never give your SSN to anyone unless they have a valid reason to ask for it.
Re: Pay Day Loan
[quote=Really Angry]OMG I cannot believe I found this sight, these people from Ellis Crosby and Associates called me and my boss today saying I had committed fraud because somehow when the loan was sent to them my ssn was transposed and that they were going to subpoena the hard drive on my computer and I was going to get fired. They told my boss EVERYTHING. How can it be fraud? I applied for the loan myself. They weren't even concerned about getting the money they just wanted to harass me, then they called my direct line asking for another manager, and then she said oh this is Ms so and so isn't it, like that witch didnt know, and made a point to tell me who she wanted I told her that I had already told her not to call me and I hung up on her.[/quote]
I cannot belive this! These people are CROSSING THE DANG LINE! They are also about to be sued by me for harrasment, and they still use the same tactics. Tell them you are aware of YOUR legal rights and they cant do anything to you. They said the same thing to me to try and get me to pay up. They raise the price from $200 to $560! which is more than the loan itself. I think if everyone files complaints with the Federal Trade Commsion and the BBB they will be done with. These people are POND SCUM from the parol BIN!
For more info on ELLIS AND CROSBY please look up Bud Hibbs website. He definalty put me at ease!
Ethics Committee regarding Ellis Crosby
This was on the internet this morning:
Ellis Crosby and Associates, Jacksonville, FL: After a thorough investigation, complete examination of the record and full discussion of the issues, the ACA Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee has voted to suspend the membership of Ellis Crosby and Associates, effective June 1, 2005. This suspension shall last ninety days. During this period, Ellis Crosby has been ordered to undertake certain actions as directed by the Ethics Committee and provide proof of completion to the Committee.
Hi This is fair justice towards all those innocent people wh
This is fair justice towards all those innocent people who were oppressed continuously by such devious acts of this particular collection agency.
Brutal threats and insults should never be allowed. Always use a caller ID or an answering machine to record the unethical conversation of the debt collectors.
If you ever face any problems which are illegal, remember that law is in your favor and always report the incidence to the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP, or to your state attorney general and the BBB to take legal action.
Re: Ethics Committee regarding Ellis Crosby
[quote=momof5]This was on the internet this morning:
Ellis Crosby and Associates, Jacksonville, FL: After a thorough investigation, complete examination of the record and full discussion of the issues, the ACA Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee has voted to suspend the membership of Ellis Crosby and Associates, effective June 1, 2005. This suspension shall last ninety days. During this period, Ellis Crosby has been ordered to undertake certain actions as directed by the Ethics Committee and provide proof of completion to the Committee.[/quote]
Where did you find that article????? I want to read it!
send link to me
[color=red][size=2][email made inactive as per forum rules. Please use Private Message button (PM) - Mike][/size][/color]
Hi As per the forum rules, external links except those to go
As per the forum rules, external links except those to government sites as well as personal email address are not allowed on the board.
For your convenience, a private message button has been set to communicate in personal terms.
ellis crosby
they have called me and said that i owed them $830 and said if i didnt pay then they would pick me up and send me to jail. i paid them $530 and said that i could make another payment on today. now i have found this site and cant pay the remaining $300. can they make me pay all or can i just make a partial payment to them.
Ellis and Crosby
:lol: Good news for you "Need Help" No they cannot make you pay, In some states they cannot garnish wages and they cannot sue you, like in TEXAS they cant do either. The best way to find out whats legal is to look online under your states bar association
so type in -your state here____ bar association on yahoo and it willcome up, or you can also call the District Attorneys Office or even the Civil Court in your area and ask them what they can do. Next time Ellis And Crosby calls you tell them stick it where the sun dont shine ;)
Hi For updated information, I will let you know that the mem
For updated information, I will let you know that the membership of Ellis Crosby and Associates has been cancelled w.e.f. June 1, 2005...
In such circumstances, you are not required to pay till the investigation charges are complete. Though, you have already made a payment towards your debt, did you take any receipt or a copy proving your payment made to them. Otherwise, they will give you a false pretext later that they didn't receive your payment.
ellis and crosby
so now i can pay them when i have the money and since ive paid them $530 this month i can wait till i have the money to pay them. and with the investigation how will i know when it is finished i had investigator neil call me and say those things and when i called them earlier this morning they said that the bank is saying that they want it all now. wich is a bunch of dookie. thank you for the advice
Ellis and Crosby
When they call you tell them that you have been informed that Their membership has been suspended and you will not payanything until the investgation is complete. If you let them know that you know about the investagation then they know not to talk to you until its over. If they keep calling you tell them you will call them. Everything is posted on the website Aca International for updates
Hi Quote:Ellis Crosby and Associates, Jacksonville, FL: Afte
Ellis Crosby and Associates, Jacksonville, FL: After a thorough investigation, complete examination of the record and full discussion of the issues, the ACA Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee has voted to suspend the membership of Ellis Crosby and Associates, effective June 1, 2005. This suspension shall last ninety days. During this period, Ellis Crosby has been ordered to undertake certain actions as directed by the Ethics Committee and provide proof of completion to the Committee. |
The suspension will last for 90 days. Please be prepared by that time with your payments to avoid unnecessary harassments and also the faster you make your payment, the better your credit report will become within the time frame.
Have you taken the receipt of $530 that you paid to them? It is a very necessary proof of your payment made
Ellis and Crosby
They are also being DEMANDING about how much money they want and when, bc they might be shutting down after the investigation. So they are trying to collect as much money as possible for themselves, if they are shut down the money you are sending wont go towards your debt it will probaly go toward their paychecks. Be careful! If i were you i wouldnt pay them a dime because they dont want to give recepits either, so how do we know that our debts are really being paid?
Hi Making any payment without a receipt does not make any se
Making any payment without a receipt does not make any sense at all. A person won't be left with any proof in the later times about the contribution made towards the debt.
I assume that "need help" will try hard to get a receipt of the payment made to the company.
My boss got a call today and the guy said that he was a federal
My boss got a call today and the guy said that he was a federal investigator and I had committed fraud and for me or my attorney to call him right away.
What is my recourse?
Hi chitown Welcome to the forums. Though I am not sure as you
Hi chitown
Welcome to the forums. Though I am not sure as you have not mentioned it in your post, but I am assuming that these types of calls are done by Ellis Crosby for collecting the debts from the consumers.
If the person called you from the mentioned company, then you don't have to worry about it as their membership has been revoked. Besides that, they are involved in unfair practices like harassing the people repeatedly, scaring them with jail punishments etc. These types of activities are a violation of the fdcpa law and you need to apply your consumer rights for keeping your interests protected.
Inform them that they are required to stop all the communication with you except sending a debt validation letter which will include the details of the alleged debt amount.
If they continue with their illegal activities, you can record their telephonic conversation and present it to your lawyer. Your can also file a complaint against them at the FTC and the State Attorney General office and request them to take immediate action.
If you need further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate in asking it in the forums. We will be able to guide you further in the right direction.
Ellis Crosby and Assoc.
Yesterday I received a call from the above company and they said that if I didn't pay what I owed on a previous payday loan then it would go to court and the cops would come to work and pick me up. They said that they only took cash from a money gram location, there was no way that I could pay by credit card. They even said that they could take my computer. I told them that I needed a couple of days. They said no, it's not a good thing. Can they really do this?
Ellis and Crosby
No they cannot do anything to you, BUT LIE..These people are sooooo making me mad. Next time record your conversation and when they call just tell them that you are AWARE that they are not allowed to collect any moneys, and hang up. :twisted:
Ellis Crosby is crossing all the lines of business. c8and38nfrnt
Ellis Crosby is crossing all the lines of business. c8and38nfrnt, don't get afraid as they are desperate to build in the fear in the minds of people. If they succeed in creating the fear in you, you might start paying them hurriedly.You should not do that.Right!! :)
They just can bark and never bite. So, use your consumer rights and lodge complaints at the FTC and DA's office.
Today when I got home from work I called this place and told the
Today when I got home from work I called this place and told them about the suspension and them not being able to collect. The lady I spoke with Ms. Marcinzowiez told me that I was 100% wrong. I asked for their physical address so I could send a letter and she wouldn't give it to me. I asked her who her supervisor was and she told me Ms. Bell. That's funny because yesterday when I spoke with Ms. Bell she told me that she was an assistant. She wanted to know why I was asking so many questions. Yesterday she told me that I had 2 outstanding payday loans and today she told me that I had 5. I asked who they were for. She told me that she told me yesterday and she wasn't going to waste her time telling me again. I asked for a supersvior but everyone was busy, no one was able to speak with me. I asked her if this company was a collection agency or an attorneys office, she told me both because upstairs were attorneys and I could talk to one if I wanted to. But wouldn't let me talk to a supervisor.
Does anyone know what the laws are for Indiana? I have definetly learned my lesson and will never take out a payday loan again. I want to start paying it back but I have no idea where to send any payments. I have read all of the posts but the threats that this company has made still weighs heavily in my mind.
Thanks for listening.
Re: Pay Day Loan
hI, I feel your anger. Please look at my postings today, 7/20 in debt consolidation care forum and debt consolidation and Settlement. We all need to get the police involved so that Ellis Crosby will hopefully have to change their threatening, lying, illegal tactics. If they don't follow the letter of the law, then they should be put out of business. But it's going to take people filing police reports like I did today. Well how are things for you now? MarinaDebbie
[quote=Really Angry]OMG I cannot believe I found this sight, these people from Ellis Crosby and Associates called me and my boss today saying I had committed fraud because somehow when the loan was sent to them my ssn was transposed and that they were going to subpoena the hard drive on my computer and I was going to get fired. They told my boss EVERYTHING. How can it be fraud? I applied for the loan myself. They weren't even concerned about getting the money they just wanted to harass me, then they called my direct line asking for another manager, and then she said oh this is Ms so and so isn't it, like that witch didnt know, and made a point to tell me who she wanted I told her that I had already told her not to call me and I hung up on her.[/quote]
c8and38nfrnt, the debt collectors have to follow the basic legal
c8and38nfrnt, the debt collectors have to follow the basic legal rules as per the fdcpa acts. The laws are the same for collecting the debt all over the United States.
Moreover, as the membership of Ellis Crosby has been suspended, there is nothing much to worry from your side. Just be patient and keep filing complaints about their illegal activities to your nearest consumer bureaus or the FTC. We are likely to see some immediate action soon.
Also, you must have realized by now that payday loans maybe the easiest cash available in the market but the consequences of taking such loans are deadly. They keep multiplying with their interests each month and hence destroy the credit file completely. Try to keep yourself away from it as much as possible.
ellis, crosby & Associates
Hello fellow victims of Ellis, crosby & assoc. I'm so glad I found this forum. I too, received a call from this company, threatening to have me arrested today if I didn't pay. They also called my boss and are causing me trouble at work. I can't get a straight answer about the amt. of debt I owe on these cash loans (I borrowed about 200, they are saying 700+).
Also, I'm getting calls from other numbers in Jacksonville, FL. They say they're a different company called litigations of america (904-356-0927, 904-356-0886) collecting for a cash loan company. the funny thing is, it sounds like the same people!! same tactics and they all say "good luck" at the end of their phone messages! Has anyone heard of this company? I can't find a listing anywhere on the net. It may be the same people using a different name due to the suspension. I've already files a BB report on Ellis, but not enough info. to file on this other one. any info. would be helpful. they have caused me so much worry and embarrassment at work.
They Called Me Too! What Exactly Can They Do To Me?
Hi All,
I had a payday loan with FSM Processing. I told them I am in the process of filing bankruptcy and asked if they would be willing to make a payment arrangment with me to pay it off as I'm going through financial hardship and that I acknowledge my debt with FSM. FSM said they don't do payment arrangements but will send my account to collections if they funds are not available. I put a stop payment on my checking account towards all withdrawals from FSM. They will NOT make payment arrangments with me to pay my loan off. (How horrible!) Now I just got a VM from Ellis, Crosby, and Associates from an Investigator Graham, saying that I need to call them back on an investigatory matter. No additional details were given. I'm so glad I did a search for them on the web. I gave their contact information and my Bankruptcy Lawyer is in the process of calling them. My question is, can they obligate me to pay them back a higher amount than what is actually owed?
[quote=roxette]Hi chitown Welcome to the forums. Though I am
[quote=roxette]Hi chitown
Welcome to the forums. Though I am not sure as you have not mentioned it in your post, but I am assuming that these types of calls are done by Ellis Crosby for collecting the debts from the consumers.
If the person called you from the mentioned company, then you don't have to worry about it as their membership has been revoked. Besides that, they are involved in unfair practices like harassing the people repeatedly, scaring them with jail punishments etc. These types of activities are a violation of the fdcpa law and you need to apply your consumer rights for keeping your interests protected.
Inform them that they are required to stop all the communication with you except sending a debt validation letter which will include the details of the alleged debt amount.
If they continue with their illegal activities, you can record their telephonic conversation and present it to your lawyer. Your can also file a complaint against them at the FTC and the State Attorney General office and request them to take immediate action.
If you need further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate in asking it in the forums. We will be able to guide you further in the right direction.
I have received several phone calls from Ellis Crosby and Associates. The first day when I talked to them after being told I was being arrested I told her I realized she was just a collection agency and she said no she wasn't and hung up on me. Today another "investigator" called me and threatened to file charges against me if I didn't pay them before noon. I told her I knew they were nuder suspension and very quicky informed me that they were not that it would be illegal for her to contact me if she was and that they were not a collection agency they were a firm. When I asked her to validate the debt she told me she did not have to discuss the validity of my debt with me that I wnet on line and she had traced my ip address and I that I knew very well I owed this debt. The thing is...I don't think I do. I'm pretty sure it has been paid, even if it hasn't can they still collect money if the are suspended? And are they a collection agency. I have no problem paying it if I owe it and what I owe. But I can't see paying 1300-1400 for a $200 loan.
Re: Ethics Committee regarding Ellis Crosby
could you please email me, also with the information on where you received that article?
thank you so much.
[color=red][size=2][email made inactive as per forum rules.- Mike ][/size][/color]
Hi mdow315 Welcome to the forums. I appreciate that you are f
Hi mdow315
Welcome to the forums. I appreciate that you are feeling the sense of responsibility towards your debt and want to clear it if it is left unpaid. But you are not required to pay the amount to anyone who is asking for it. Specially, you should not pay to someone who has been issued suspension and restricted from doing the business.
At this point of time, in order to know the latest standing of your debt account, I suggest you to pull your latest credit report from the three agencies and confirm the debt. If your debt is due, then your credit report will be showing the agency to whom you are required to pay.
Instead of falling prey to some illegal tactics of collection agencies, you can exercise your consumer rights and make wise decisions.
Ellis Crosby and Associates
I called them today to get my final balance for my bankruptcy attorney. They told me that they wouldnt give me any info and that my attorney needed to call them. When I told my attorney, he said that they cannot talk to them because it is against the law for anyone to discuss my account with a third party. I am filing Wednesday but I think my balance is more. What should I do? My attorney said that they can call him after the bankruptcy is filed, but not before.
Hi Mr Seed Welcome to the forums. I wonder why your lawyer is
Hi Mr Seed
Welcome to the forums. I wonder why your lawyer is not willing to communicate with the collection agency. Check if he is having a license, otherwise he may be subjected to additional sanction. If you reside in Virginia, you may wish to make an inquiry with the Virginia State Bar. Virginia State Bar deals with inquiries concerning a lawyer's conduct
[quote=roxette]Hi Quote:Ellis Crosby and Associates, Jackson
Ellis Crosby and Associates, Jacksonville, FL: After a thorough investigation, complete examination of the record and full discussion of the issues, the ACA Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee has voted to suspend the membership of Ellis Crosby and Associates, effective June 1, 2005. This suspension shall last ninety days. During this period, Ellis Crosby has been ordered to undertake certain actions as directed by the Ethics Committee and provide proof of completion to the Committee. |
The suspension will last for 90 days. Please be prepared by that time with your payments to avoid unnecessary harassments and also the faster you make your payment, the better your credit report will become within the time frame.
Have you taken the receipt of $530 that you paid to them? It is a very necessary proof of your payment made
I am new here, I received a call today from ???Investigator??? Ward letting me know that I had committed fraud. She proceeds to ask me if anyone from the police department had come to my place of employment to contact me. Of course at this point I am just shocked, and my heart is worried. She goes on telling me that my account number is XXXXX-F ???F as in Felony???, as with most honest people hearing that word my heart sank even deeper. Ms Ward continued to let me know that they would be subpoenaing my work computer where I had applied for the payday loan. Now remember I am still just beside myself. I finally get to the point where I ask, ???what am I needing to do to resolve this issue, to prevent these things from happening??? She tells me that she has to go downstairs (yeah right) to the restitution department to get a proposal. I am now on hold. I sit there my thoughts going a hundred miles per hour in my head. She returns to the phone and tells me that she can offer restitution and that she is going to be transferring me to the restitution department.
I am now connected to Ms. Sanchez and she asks me how I will be making the payment, Western Union or Money Gram, I told her which ever one was cheaper. She then proceeded to tell me that she needs me to send today 8/3/04 a total amount of $725.00 by 4 pm (whose time I don't know), and then call back Ms. Ward with the confirmation number. I am now leaking tears, where am I going to come up with this kind of money? I told her that I do not have that kind of money and she said that I needed to call my family, friends or get the money from my employer. I can tell you this; it was defiantly not going to happen. The family that I have left does not have extra money lying around, and I don't even think that I can take draws off of my payroll. Now I am a borderline depressive, which means, that I do okay until my lively hood is put in jeopardy. I am sitting on the phone wondering about this $725.00 that I need to come up with in a matter of a couple hours, and the only solution that I see is driving to the bridge over the canyon and jumping off. They can not collect if I am gone. Before I hung up I realized that I am provided with a service at work, which is deducted through my payroll of an attorney. I told Ms. Sanchez that my attorney would be contacting her, and that she was to provide all of this information to him. I don't really think that she believes that I have an attorney, but she will soon discover. She also told me that her title is ???White Glove Investigator???; I told her that it really didn't mean anything to me.
I did call back at the request of my Attorney and request specific information on the claim. I inquired who the claim was with, a contact number, and the City & State that the original debt was from. Ms Ward & Ms Sanchez both refused this information. I don't think that I have ever heard of a collection agency refusing this information.
I know that this is rather long, but here is my question; If Ellis, Crosby & Associates is currently operating under a revoked membership, what would happen if they in fact did collect money from someone? Why are they still allowed to contact people? And why would they not provide me with the additional information that I have requested.
I can honestly say, that had I not found this site or the other ones out there, I may have actually jumped off the bridge.
Thank for your time, and being here, I really appreciate it.
R. Butler
Butler, Dont jump off the bridge! By working through your at
Dont jump off the bridge! By working through your attorney you are doing the right thing. I wouldnt make one payment to them without a validation of the debt. Also, keep close tabs on your credit report. If you see that this has shown up on your report, dispute it immediately, and make sure that you request a debt validation. If a third party ie: Ellis Crosby cant validate the debt it has to be taken off your credit report.
Ellis Crosby and Associates, Jacksonville, FL: After a thorough investigation, complete examination of the record and full discussion of the issues, the ACA Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee has voted to suspend the membership of Ellis Crosby and Associates, effective June 1, 2005. This suspension shall last ninety days. During this period, Ellis Crosby has been ordered to undertake certain actions as directed by the Ethics Committee and provide proof of completion to the Committee. |
The suspension will last for 90 days. Please be prepared by that time with your payments to avoid unnecessary harassments and also the faster you make your payment, the better your credit report will become within the time frame.
Have you taken the receipt of $530 that you paid to them? It is a very necessary proof of your payment made
I am new here, I received a call today from ???Investigator??? Ward letting me know that I had committed fraud. She proceeds to ask me if anyone from the police department had come to my place of employment to contact me. Of course at this point I am just shocked, and my heart is worried. She goes on telling me that my account number is XXXXX-F ???F as in Felony???, as with most honest people hearing that word my heart sank even deeper. Ms Ward continued to let me know that they would be subpoenaing my work computer where I had applied for the payday loan. Now remember I am still just beside myself. I finally get to the point where I ask, ???what am I needing to do to resolve this issue, to prevent these things from happening??? She tells me that she has to go downstairs (yeah right) to the restitution department to get a proposal. I am now on hold. I sit there my thoughts going a hundred miles per hour in my head. She returns to the phone and tells me that she can offer restitution and that she is going to be transferring me to the restitution department.
I am now connected to Ms. Sanchez and she asks me how I will be making the payment, Western Union or Money Gram, I told her which ever one was cheaper. She then proceeded to tell me that she needs me to send today 8/3/04 a total amount of $725.00 by 4 pm (whose time I don't know), and then call back Ms. Ward with the confirmation number. I am now leaking tears, where am I going to come up with this kind of money? I told her that I do not have that kind of money and she said that I needed to call my family, friends or get the money from my employer. I can tell you this; it was defiantly not going to happen. The family that I have left does not have extra money lying around, and I don't even think that I can take draws off of my payroll. Now I am a borderline depressive, which means, that I do okay until my lively hood is put in jeopardy. I am sitting on the phone wondering about this $725.00 that I need to come up with in a matter of a couple hours, and the only solution that I see is driving to the bridge over the canyon and jumping off. They can not collect if I am gone. Before I hung up I realized that I am provided with a service at work, which is deducted through my payroll of an attorney. I told Ms. Sanchez that my attorney would be contacting her, and that she was to provide all of this information to him. I don't really think that she believes that I have an attorney, but she will soon discover. She also told me that her title is ???White Glove Investigator???; I told her that it really didn't mean anything to me.
I did call back at the request of my Attorney and request specific information on the claim. I inquired who the claim was with, a contact number, and the City & State that the original debt was from. Ms Ward & Ms Sanchez both refused this information. I don't think that I have ever heard of a collection agency refusing this information.
I know that this is rather long, but here is my question; If Ellis, Crosby & Associates is currently operating under a revoked membership, what would happen if they in fact did collect money from someone? Why are they still allowed to contact people? And why would they not provide me with the additional information that I have requested.
I can honestly say, that had I not found this site or the other ones out there, I may have actually jumped off the bridge.
Thank for your time, and being here, I really appreciate it.
R. Butler[/quote]
Hi R. Butler Welcome to the forums. Though the membership of
Hi R. Butler
Welcome to the forums. Though the membership of Ellis Crosby has been suspended by ACA International from continuing business, it does not altogether stop them from contacting the debtors.
They need to keep their actions within the lines by providing proper validations of the debt that they are claiming from the consumers. Not validating the debt is adding to their illegal acts again and it is a violation of the fdcpa law.
Please send them a cease and desist letter which will restrict them from operating any further collection efforts on you.
If they don't follow your request, you can file a case against them for not validating the debt and repeatedly calling you under Consumer Protection Act afforded by the FDCPA Section 809 (b). They can by sued up to $1000.
You have to take legal action against them if they keep harassing you endlessly.
Ellis Crosby & Associates
[quote=roxette]Hi R. Butler
Welcome to the forums. Though the membership of Ellis Crosby has been suspended by ACA International from continuing business, it does not altogether stop them from contacting the debtors.
They need to keep their actions within the lines by providing proper validations of the debt that they are claiming from the consumers. Not validating the debt is adding to their illegal acts again and it is a violation of the fdcpa law.
Please send them a cease and desist letter which will restrict them from operating any further collection efforts on you.
If they don't follow your request, you can file a case against them for not validating the debt and repeatedly calling you under Consumer Protection Act afforded by the FDCPA Section 809 (b). They can by sued up to $1000.
You have to take legal action against them if they keep harassing you endlessly.
Thank you for your response, I appreciate it. Unfortunattly for Ellis, Crosby & Associates, I do not take these things lightly. I have filed a complaint with everyone that I can possibly think of, and my attorney is working on the rest. I think that I saw somewhere a fax number for Ellis, Crosby & Associates, so I will fax them over a cease & desist letter, thank you for that advise.
I have never felt as low as I did today, thinking that there was something out there, that I may have missed, that would cause me to get arrested and possibly loose my job. I have never felt the urge to sue someone or a company, because it is life and stuff happens, but to intentionally lie to and make people feel like scum is unexcusable.
This information will be helpful to you Ellis, Crosby & Assoc
This information will be helpful to you
Ellis, Crosby & Associates Inc.
Contact: Ted Crosby
4494 Southside Blvd., Suite #200
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Voice: 800-491-8615
Fax: 904-928-0722
Trust me, things will take good shape and you do not have to tense yourself at all for this.
Ellis Crosby & Associates
[quote=roxette]This information will be helpful to you
Ellis, Crosby & Associates Inc.
Contact: Ted Crosby
4494 Southside Blvd., Suite #200
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Voice: 800-491-8615
Fax: 904-928-0722
Trust me, things will take good shape and you do not have to tense yourself at all for this.
Thanks, I really appreciate the info.
No doubt, i tottally agree with you. When they called me i wanted to jump off a bridge too. My boyfriend was looking at me like- who is this girl, what has she turned into? I did not want to go to work and i did not want to do anything but lay in my bed. Thank godi ran into this website too
Katie - It's so nice to hear that you have overcome from the pai
Katie - It's so nice to hear that you have overcome from the pain inflicted by such illegal acts of Ellis Crosby.
We need to make our others members in this community also stronger like you. I hope that everybody will have necessary information from this website to deal with such painful situations.
I see that you have been posting in the forum regularly and providing needful help to the community as a guest. I suggest you to register in this website for free of cost. Being a registered member, you will be able to accumulate some debtcc points which will be deposited into your account. You will be able to cash-in those points as reward money from this website. Let's earn it. :D
THis is crazy
I got a phone call from them on Friday telling me that they were coming to my office on Monday to arrest me and take my hard drive from my computer. When my husband called they changed their tune and stated that they were trying to collect a debt owed for 290.00 and that it needed to be moneygramed to them to stop any action. When I called them today to tell them that i needed a to Inform them that they are required to stop all the communication with you except sending a debt validation letter which will include the details of the alleged debt amount.
I was told my Mr Robuck that i had already been sent one and when i asked what address he sent it to i was put on hold. Then some lady picked up and when i told her i was on hold for Mr. Robuck she put me on hold, THEN someone else picked up the phone and asked what i was holding for and i told him what i needed and when he asked me who i spoke to: i told him the FTC he then hung up on me.
What do i do now?
If I owe the money i want to pay it but i already paid FSM GROUP 490.00. I don't think i owe anymore
Hi Jenrum73 You can confirm about the said account by pulling
Hi Jenrum73
You can confirm about the said account by pulling your latest credit report from the three bureaus and know your latest financial standing.
If you do not owe anymore, than your credit report will give a clean view. You can confirm yourself.
Litigation of America 904/356-0886
I read your post and I received a threatening call from an Investigator Roe/Row from the same numbe ryou posted. He would not validate anything and wanted me to send monies immedicately. I took all the info and then pass it to my lawyer. I am trying to find out more info. Whatever I receive, I will pass on. I did a cease and desist letter and contacting FTC, BBB, attorney general's etc. Please if you have any info to help us along on this frustrating issue, please post to me.
Ha Ha
I just got this from the ACA website listed above...I copied and pasted...
Ellis Crosby and Associates in Jacksonville, FL After a thorough investigation, complete examination of the record and full discussion of the issues, the ACA Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee has terminated the membership of Ellis Crosby and Associates. The expulsion took effect on August 9, 2005.
that doesnt mean anything. Its like belonging to a club. The A
that doesnt mean anything. Its like belonging to a club. The ACA just kicked them out of the club. There is nothing legally binding there.
Ellis Crosby was so blantently dumb in their accusations, that I
Ellis Crosby was so blantently dumb in their accusations, that I just found humor in their threats and laughed which they hung up twice.
What flagged my attention was "We're going to send a guy to your work to arrest you"
(I work on a military base...good luck with that, j@ck@ss!) and "We're going to take your hard drive."
What's THAT going to do? My bf is a sys admin and even said that won't do which we had another good laugh.
What next, you're going to kidnap my mother???
Hi all,Welcome to the debt consolidation Care forums. We app
Hi all,
Welcome to the debt consolidation Care forums. We appreciate your valuable feedback and suggestions and it is making this board interesting and lively.
We welcome all of you to join hands together and fight against all the debt related problems. We know that if we stand united, no one can harm and intimidate us.
A little bit of awareness and education can do wonders. Please do not hesitate to post your experiences and comments on this valuable board.
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I got a harassing phone call today from someone representing Legal Mediation. They gave me until 5 pm to pay my debt or they said they would file charges against me both state and federal and that I would be prosecuted. Thank you for this form. I wish to settle my debt but my finances are in shambles please help!
Ellis Crosby
Hi All,
I am so glad that I wne to Google and ran a search on the phone number that this guy left. It brought me to your forum.I must must admit they bullied me once before and I borrowed $500 and sent it to them for a loan I am not vene sure I owed and today again he calls and leaves me a message, ending with "good luck". I heard a few months back on the radio about some of these comapnies being investigated and now it is all starting to make sense. I am going to give him a piece of mind, but before I do, can someone tell me exactly what these comapny or this guy Ellis Crosby has been suspended from? I want to give to him good when I call and Ms. bell has very nasty attitude that I intend to set her straight as well. Please provide any helpful info that will give me piece of mind.
Nema - Please read this forum with complete dedication. This wil
Nema - Please read this forum with complete dedication. This will save you from a lot of harassments and make you aware of your consumer rights.
You can settle your debt by entering into a debt consolidation program. This will consolidate all the multiple accounts into one loan amount and you will be offered easy monthly installments at lower rate of interest.
The consultant will negotiate with your creditors for a reduced amount eliminating all the financial charges, late fees from it.
This program will help you in solving your debt related problems very comfortably. Actually, I have used the services of this company and have obtained satisfactory results. My credit file has improved nicely and as a result, I have seen increase in my credit scores.
I recommend you to enter into a free counseling with this website and know your available options to become debt free quicker.
My husbands boss recieved a call at work from a officer Wienburg
My husbands boss recieved a call at work from a officer Wienburg on 8/26/05.He stated that my husband had a warrent and would be arrested within 24 hours and extradited to florida if he did not send 544.00 in 24 hours.Well I googled the number 904-356-0927 and it was ellis crosby & ass.
Heres the kicker my husbands line of work he will get fired for any warrent or arrest since he has to go into peoples homes and hook up services.
Is there any legal action that can be taken since they have been terminated by the ACA as of the 9th of this month?