debt consolidate
Date: Tue, 06/21/2005 - 11:00
debt consolidate
How much do you pay is you
How much do you pay is you have credit card debt for 20000 or 15000 or 10000?
Hi Jose Welcome to the forums. Usually, there are no set time
Hi Jose
Welcome to the forums. Usually, there are no set time frames set for the debt consolidation program. It actually depends upon the contribution of the consumer and his propensity of contribution. The time frames for clearing the debt vary from person to person. It may happen that you are willing to clear your debt faster by contributing more than the set amount and hence get cleared of your debt in a shorter period of time.
The trained consultant will analyze your financial position and negotiate with your creditors to eliminate the financial charges and the late fees. He will budget your spending and then set a perfect payment plan through which you will be able to know the tenure required to clear off your debt.
At any point of time, you can wish to pay something extra to clear your debt faster and a delay might increase the length of the program.
Please get yourself registered in the sign up page to know every detail about the smooth functioning of the program. The counseling of the consultant will be beneficial to you for clearing all your past dues and live a debt free life.
Hi Jose Welcome to debt consolidation care forums After yo
Hi Jose
Welcome to debt consolidation care forums
After you register yourself in a debt consolidation program the debt consultant will get in touch with you as well as with your creditors. He will negotiate with your creditor and will frame a repayment plan which is affordable from your end. Your total amount of debt will get reduced by 40% - 60%.
Therefore if your total amount of debt is $20000, $15000, or $10000 then total debt will be reduced by $8000 to $12000 or $6000 to $9000 or $4000 to $6000 respectively. In addition your interest charges and late fees will be reduced to a great extent or eliminated.
Hope this information will be useful to you.
Please feel free to write back with further queries
Re: debt consolidate
[quote=Jose]How much do you pay is you have credit card debt for 20000 or 15000 or 10000?[/quote]between 13000.00 and 15000.00
Hi crapperjack Assuming that your debt is between $13000 to $
Hi crapperjack
Assuming that your debt is between $13000 to $15000, you will have a reduction by 40% to 60% as calculated by Peter which boils up to a reduction of $5500 to $8500 approximately.
debt consolidation program has the positive approach of dealing with the creditors keeping the interests of the consumers in mind and reducing the debt to a large extent.