Dealing with PDL companies
Date: Tue, 06/27/2006 - 14:21
Dealing with PDL companies
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I've already received a phone call from GFSIL, they left a voice mail. I told them they could contact me via email or US postal service. Should I call them back? Anyone had luck working with them?
I also received a phone call from Superior Debt Services. Anyone heard from them?
I appreciate any advice or help you have to offer me. I've also attached one of the letters I drafted.
I have thier numbers call the number listed on the website but t
I have thier numbers call the number listed on the website but they are awful to deal with that is for sure They just threatened me Friday, Trying to charge me over 500 for a 200 loan I faxed the same letter I sent certified to them Friday nothing yet back from them though
Before you start to argue with these guys, make sure that you ha
Before you start to argue with these guys, make sure that you have paid your loan amounts back with the appropriate interest fees for your state. This way you have a leg to stand on in case you are taken to court. Usually internet lenders won't do that since the majority aren't licensed, but storefronts will and they are normally licensed in your state.
Also for the internet pdls. I would suggest doing some research on your state's government pages, or your Department of Business and Professional Regulation that lists licensed lenders. It will also define the usury laws for interest fees.
You are correct and I did that and from what I have paid them an
You are correct and I did that and from what I have paid them and what I actually owe them with the laws here it is 80 dollars but they tell me they wont accept that but the amount stated to me which is over 500 I will send a letter to validate the account and ask for a statement of the account and see what happens they have no email to contact them
I would pester them to no end! They won't relent easily though.
I would pester them to no end! They won't relent easily though. There are some that have serious licensing issues and will forgive the balance. There are others that will argue licensing issues to death. Enlist some help from your states' Business and Professional Regulation Consumer Financial affairs division. They abhor the internet payday loan industry and are there to assist the consumer.
Now GFSIL wont return my phone calls, After they told me that t
Now GFSIL wont return my phone calls, After they told me that they wouldnt accept payments etc and that I would be turned into thier legal department, I told him the call was recorded and after that he pretty much didnt say to much other than they will contact my references and employer
Well, wait til they contact you then. Most of their "legal depa
Well, wait til they contact you then. Most of their "legal departments" is just a scare tactic. It's just another operator that works in their alleged collections department.
When they contact you, try to be as professional as you can and tell them what you will pay.
Don't stress about it now, gather all your information and wait for them to call.
When I couldn't get a fax number out of one of my pdls, I told them that I wanted to fax them my bank information and voila'...they were more than happy to provide me with that number.
I then proceeded to fax them a very long letter...
I got a 200.00 payday loan from GFSIL. I have paid them back $ 395.00. I stopped payment on the ACH withdrawl from my account. They called today and talked to my supervisor and of course I had to explain to her what that was about! He got really smart with her and told her that I was going to be charged with fraud! I faxed them a letter telling them to NEVER contact me at my job again and that if they wanted to contact me they needed to contact me at my home phone or send me something by mail. I also told them that I revoke any privledges for them to debit my account at this time. To mail me something to make payment arrangements..but I've already paid them more than what I owed...can anyone tell me what to do if they contact me here at work again or try to contact my supervisor...I mean come on...a 200.00 loan and they've already got that back PLUS...I dont want to lose my job over this and I surely dont want to give them another cent! I'm already mortified that they contacted my supervisor.....I'm not sure if there are any laws in Pennsylvania...but wherever they are from you can't even understand what they are saying. Please help..
Jo Anne, they've already messed up by talking to your supervisor
Jo Anne, they've already messed up by talking to your supervisor. No payday loan place is allowed to discuss your information with ANY third party, whether it's your boss, your neighbor, your husband, or the pope. Unfortunately, just telling them to stop calling you and trying to make payment arrangements over the phone isn't enough to protect you. Mail them a cease and desist letter, making sure to designate what you feel are appropriate channels for them to contact you through (try telling them they can only contact you through mail; you won't have to deal with their phone calls, and you'll also have documentation of anything they send you). Also, check out the link in the posts above yours to Pollyandsays blog- there is a great letter there to send to a payday loan company who has over charged you. You can insert your state's loan laws in place of the ones in the letter, and then send it to them to try and get your account marked paid in full. Make sure you send all of the through certified return receipt mail, so that you have documentation of when/what you sent and when they've received it. Good luck with everything; join the forums here, and keep us posted!
Gfsil sucks
:twisted: THe are evil and corrupt! The called my job back to back harrassing me and my supervisor! The government should take care of crooked scammers like this. The told me that I could not mail them a payment nor could I be informed of their location. The have debited over $200.00 from my account. My advise is close your accounts , open a new onw and never get PDLs again!!! :twisted:
GFSIL address
I just applied with T&C thanks to reading these forums, but I need an address for GFSIL, can anyone help me with an address for GFSIL.
Rose, contact Gfsil at 800-865-3704. Their fax number is 877-280
Rose, contact Gfsil at 800-865-3704. Their fax number is 877-280-2330 / 877-280-3359. Tell them that you want to send your payments and will like to know the address to be used.
Superior Debt Services doesn't work with PDL's, which you probab
Superior Debt Services doesn't work with PDL's, which you probably already know. They seem like good people though. I have had no success in finding a number for T&C, but if someone sends you that info, most members seem to be very satisfied. I would be very interested in the letter you are referring to because I am dealing with 8 companies and I need to get rid of as much of this PDL debt as I can. If anyone here is willing to send me a number for T&C I would be very appreciative!
payday loans
jnmeads, Payday loans are illegal in NC. If you have paid back more than principal dont pay anymore. I would contact your Attorney General and file a complaint. By NC law they are illegal. They will be very interested to know what is going on. KYSIDE38
No matter what the contract states, you can refuse to pay the money/fees? I have some that state that you have to follow laws in their state. Is this true? I guess I am nervous about closing my bank account and refusing to pay fees. I would like to hear more responses from anyone living in NC with same situation. thanks
You pay only what you actually owe to the loan company. Every st
You pay only what you actually owe to the loan company. Every state has fixed interest rates and the loan companies cannot charge more than the fixed amount. Any loan company that is extending the loan in your state has to follow your state laws first. Don't get intimidated with what they say. I don't have information if payday loans are illegal in NC. As kyside38 says, check with your local AG's office for further information in this situation.
I recenved two nasty voicemails today from a collection agency representing Apollo Loans. They seemed more interested in litigating than taking my money. They want $700 for a $300 loan but refused my offer to pay in full on the 15th. I contacted the collections department at Apollo and am awaiting a call back from her. Any idea what I should do? Personally I want to kill myself. The guys at the collection agency were so nasty and just wanted to yell at me. They listened to no reason and told me to borrow money from a friend. If I could borrow $700 from a friend I wouldn't have taken out a payday loan in the first place. This isn't even the only one I'm dealing with, just the nastiest.
i still have not heard from this company but i did send them a c
i still have not heard from this company but i did send them a certified letter advising that i could make payments.. noone in that company will answer the phone after several researching i found their address and its 1005 terminal way ste 110 reno nv 89502. theu cannot speak to your employer and give any information to them it is against the law even in NV I am going to turn them over to the better buis and continue to send letters but no payment until i get something legal in the mail because this company is a fraud and i will not pay them no more than i borrowed
GFS a/k/a GFSIL - Publication to Pay the Company
This is my last email message to the above-named company trying to pay them. After I had sent this message to them their email and phone number has not worked. They also told me they no longer have the Nevada Email per previous conversations. Dear Sir,
I am not going to be at the office today, as I am sick with the stomach flu.
1. But here is the thing, I called my bank I can not do a 1 time payment.
2. I have no other bank account information to give you.
3. FLORIDA Laws, state it is Illegal for someone to Harrass someone at work or their place of employment for Money.
4. You provided me with an altermate payment Nevada
5. So here is the deal. I will send you a cashiers check, (actually put it in the mail on or before September 13, 2006, to the Nevada addrass. I have agreed with you to pay $300.00 You should have that payment No later that September 20, 2006 pending on the US Mail.
State law provides that you have to provide me with an alternative payment method if I can't pay by any other means. We previosly agreed to mailing a money order or cashiers check. Now as of yesterday you confirmed me to pay $300.00 via telephone conversation. I have been trying to work with your company, but you can not legally demand for me to give you another checking account number. You must realize that no court of law would make me go open another checking account. Therefore a money order or cashiers check is leggally sufficient for making alternative payments. You want to threaten my job by threatening to call my boss. But you must realize, I have agreed to pay, and if you cause me to lose my job, then I would not be able to pay you. Then I would be forced supplemental action, because it is illegal for someone to harrass someone at work over bills, and I would take your agency to court over wages lost due to harrassment.
I have always said I would pay, and up until yesterday, you did not tell me what the total bill was. Now we have agreed on $300.00, and I have told you the sooniest I can mail the payment. I understand all you want is your money and all I want is to pay you back, but in no way are you getting another checking account number from me. I will pay via cashiers check/money order. in the mail, to the Nevada address.
Therefore, If you do not receive the payment at that address you gave, then feel free to call me back. Otherwise Do Not call me or my work facility. It is my understanding that your business is n ot properly licensed to do business here in the US and I can report that information the the IRS and the BBB and any other international agency.
All business operations must be conducted in a fair and legal way, and I have a right to request from you adequate business information, as far as I know its GFSIL at the Nevada address, but you keep telling me your out of the UK. I need factual information..
Their last know address is
NV 8950
Correction to Paragraph 1 above
This is my last email message to the above-named company trying to pay them. After I had sent this message to them their email and phone number has not worked. They also told me they no longer have the Nevada Email per previous conversations. Dear Sir,
Should be Nevada Mail (US mailing address, not email)
there is a link for the letter on in one of the forums and am no
there is a link for the letter on in one of the forums and am not sure which one. Also if you keep reading on the site like i have, i have found that some in some states the lenders are illegal and can only charge a certain percentange of interest. I am in over my head with the pdls and getting ready to obtain langhorne law to settle the debt for me so i can have peace of mind and money in my pocket again. Good Luck everyone on this site has been very helpfull with stories and remember your not alone.
Here is the link to the settlement letter: http://pollyandsay
Here is the link to the settlement letter:
Polly put together an excellent letter! You will need to insert your state's pdl laws and if you have paid more than the legal interest rate your state allows for pdls and have paid the principal back you can demand they mark your account paid in full. I would also recommend that you file a complaint with your state's AG office, because as Traci78 stated, they are not licensed to operate in majority of the states, also mention in the letter that you have filed a formal complaint with your AGs office. Then you need to stand your ground with them.
I should mention that I was referring to most internet pdls as b
I should mention that I was referring to most internet pdls as being unlicensed to operate in most states, however, if these are storefront pdls then they are licensed and typically follow state laws. If you have storefront pdls you will need to contact them to make payback arrangements.
I am in the same boat with GFSIL pdl...they've called my family
I am in the same boat with GFSIL pdl...they've called my family members threatening them, they're threatening to call my supervisor about me. When I talked to them, they were quite rude to me, said they will attach my wages and show up at my work to embarrass me.
Tell them the local law enforcement will be waiting for them. An
Tell them the local law enforcement will be waiting for them. And tell them you are filing a restraining order against them. They are such liars, and make many illegal threats. Call them on it, now they may follow through with calling your supervisor just to be a$$es. File a complaint with your AG's office this is an unlicensed internet pdl.
gfsil problem
help!!!! I live in New York City and took out a $200 loan in April...I have paid $79 every 2 weeks from april till the beginning of sept...way more than what the loan was . I have since lost my job and my checking account is frozen. I just got a email stating that I have 7 days to respond or they will put a lien on my assets. What should I do? I am a single mom collecting there anything I can do to not pay them another dime? is the link to look up NYS pdl la is the link to look up NYS pdl laws. This sounds like an internet pdl. They will make all types of false threats, the typical one is that you are being investigated for check fraud or you have until a certain time or the sheriff/police are coming to arrest you.You need to file a complaint with your state's AG office and give a copy of the e-mail as proof of harassment and if this is an internet pdl, I'm almost certain it isn't licensed in NYS. I have been told by my state NYS is a state that is starting to come down hard on the internet pdl companies. You can use the settlement letter on Pollys blog to e-mail, usps, and fax this company, and if you have paid back more than the principal and legal interest rate for NYS, demand they mark you paid in full, also mention you have filed an official complaint with your state's AG office.
I looked up the NYS pdl laws, and they are PROHIBITED in NYS! Th
I looked up the NYS pdl laws, and they are PROHIBITED in NYS! That means you are only obligated to pay back the principal. Definately get that complaint into your AGs office ASAP.
The company was Gfsil. And I will definitely write that complain
The company was Gfsil. And I will definitely write that complaint letter.
The link to the pdl laws for each state will give you the contac
The link to the pdl laws for each state will give you the contact info. for your state to give your complaints. Here is the template settlement letter link, just add your state's pdl laws and demand they mark your account paid in full. Don't back down, even with the false threats. You will be ok.
my magnum account!
I don't know how to look it up or what my acc# is and to see what my pay-off would be, can you help me? they don't even tell me when they are going to take out a payment! Thank you!
Janet, What payday loan company are you trying to get a hold of
What payday loan company are you trying to get a hold of?
i had a loan with them but we paid it off with no issues, they were polite and understanding. They even made a booboo by taking the debit before the pay date, cased overdrafts and they refunded everything and took payment without charging us the "finance fee"
I just got a call from GFS and the guy was really nice i offered
I just got a call from GFS and the guy was really nice i offered to pay them the 300 the loaned me but i needed something in writing...he was stuttering for a while and the he say he will talk to the manager and call me back..they will not take the money if is not ACH so i told them him to find a way because they cannot debit my account again!
if they continue to debit my account after this what should I do?
You should be careful to monitor your bank account regularly if
You should be careful to monitor your bank account regularly if GFSIL is going to hit there. I will use extreme caution and if required, block them to prevent any kind of debit. You should be able to arrange a money order with them if they want to have your money. Don't leave the door open and invite problems from them. Close your account and then force them to accept the other way.
Drowning, they will take a money order and don't back down from
Drowning, they will take a money order and don't back down from that demand. All of these pdls have a physical address and if they want the money you owe them they will cave and give you a physical address. Don't even spend one dime doing Money Gram or Western Union.
well after all the reading i'm doing here i'm putting my foot do
well after all the reading i'm doing here i'm putting my foot down is my way or no way!! i told i want to pay you is up to you to provide me with the information i need
payday loans
Dont spend one cent western union or moneygram make them accept money order. Ask them are you refusing my money? See what they say. They will give in and give you the address. Best Wishes
well yesterday i got a call from this foreing speaking guy from
well yesterday i got a call from this foreing speaking guy from GFSIL who said he will call my employer and he knew i had another bank account so i laughed at all his stupid comments, he first said i owe 260 then 360, then he went up tp 500 so i said to him do you need mony for xmas gifts??
he knew i wasnt bakin down so he got tired and said i'll put my supervisor on the phone so this other guy started by saying first of all calm down ma'm so i'm like ok i'm calmed he said they will settle the account for $260 so i said okay send me an email with this agreement and that you will mark my account paid in full and i will western union the money to you.
so he says well yes you can do that but it will be $400 so at this point my blood is boiling and i said to do you want your money ? yes or no? he said yes 400 and i said no i will pay you what you lend me and thats he agree to send me an email with all the details so I'M STILL WAITING FOR THEIR EMAIL.
i emailed them today to let them know i have not received their email...i know next week someonelse will call me and start the conversation all over again.
does any one know if they have a record with the BBB or if they go under i different name? i doing complaints on all this payday companies.
All of this is very familiar to me, but i have had on line credit cards start debiting my account stating they are affiliated with the pdl people and when i signed up for the loan i applied for their on line card! Anyone else running into this?
Indiana Law
I have looked over the Indiana law on PDL. However, I have 13 PDL's and they are all thru the internet. I have one loan with PayDay Yes. I have paid 687.50 and the loan was only for 425.00. They are not lincesed to work in the state of Indiana. So can I send them a letter to mark my account paid in full or not.
Loan , with
Isn't there a law that i as a consumer may decline a loan for my own reasons.but evert time i phone them of contact there site i get only a recording.What else can i do to get there attention? I've left messages telling that i do not want there loan through phone messages.Help!!
loan payments
Hello I am having the same thing happen to me with GFSIL they are taking money out of my account and there is no phone numbers what so ever. my bank has a freeze on business account until it is paid of . I have call the BBB and they have no records of them and they told me that Edollarsdirect are bad too.
Go to your bank and request the manager to block GFSIL from carr
Go to your bank and request the manager to block GFSIL from carrying on further debits. They will ask you the reason of blocking the company. You need to show your state laws and the debits done by the loan company. If possible, search the different forum topics on GFSIL and take a print out. Many here are going through similar problems. Your bank manager will understand your problems and do the needful. Give a try.
Your best bet is to close the checking account and open a new on
Your best bet is to close the checking account and open a new one. Don't give the new checking account information under any circumstances. Like Kyside38 they will try to issue a paper check or use another ACH debit name or code to bypass the stop payment
phone calls 218-820-8480
My phone number has been called several times in the last three days by someone looking for Margaret. I have asked that this number be removed...there is no Margaret here...this is a cell phone for the Minnesota State Patrol. These calls are harrassing and I have asked politley that they stop...with no luck. No I am demanding or this matter will be turned over to proper state agency as harrassing calls to a government official.
Please make your reply known to mark.jonassen(at)
Never let them smell fear. If you stick to your guns you can get a lot accomplished.