Dealing with PDL companies
Date: Tue, 06/27/2006 - 14:21
Dealing with PDL companies
Instant Payday Advance
Payday Select
Payday OK
US Fast Cash
I've already received a phone call from GFSIL, they left a voice mail. I told them they could contact me via email or US postal service. Should I call them back? Anyone had luck working with them?
I also received a phone call from Superior Debt Services. Anyone heard from them?
I appreciate any advice or help you have to offer me. I've also attached one of the letters I drafted.
I sent an email to GFSIL and I got a voicemail as well stating t
I sent an email to GFSIL and I got a voicemail as well stating they dont have to abide by state laws in my state did you know they are in the UK?
Let me know what they tell you so I know what I will be up against and I will do the same
Great, I believe this is the one that said they would contact my
Great, I believe this is the one that said they would contact my supervisor and let him know the situation. I would prefer my employer not knowing my situation, kinda embarrassing you know. I just wonder if that means they will not work with us and nothing we can do about that?
Yes I dont know I dont know of anyone else on the board that has
Yes I dont know I dont know of anyone else on the board that has dealt with them either but the two of us so far, I will let you know what they say or if I get a reply email from them, No wonder when I told them no I didnt want the do a PDL on the phone they practically begged me to do it!!! How much are you in for to them?
I'm sending my letters out tomorrow, did you mention in the lett
I'm sending my letters out tomorrow, did you mention in the letters that you were going to be set up with a debt management plan. Keep us posted on the responses you get them, as I will do the same.
vbragg, as far as I've ever heard, no PDL in the free world is a
vbragg, as far as I've ever heard, no PDL in the free world is allowed to release any of your info or info about your situation to a third party such as co-workers, family members, etc. I'm sure someone on this website can give you a definitive answer, but to take a little pressure of your shoulders in the meantime, I think they would be breaking the law if they did that.
HMMM...I don't know about the other ones, but I dealt with Payda
HMMM...I don't know about the other ones, but I dealt with Paydayok, and they were more than fair. They'll actually work out a reasonable re-payment plan with you. Good luck.
Do you have an address for GFSIL? I recently sent my paperwork
Do you have an address for GFSIL? I recently sent my paperwork in to T&C and that is the only address I could not find.
vbragg, Welcome to the forums :-) I'm glad to here that you
Welcome to the forums :-) I'm glad to here that you were able to work out everything with your bank. Keep us updated on your progress.
Have any PDL's ever called your employer?
I've got several PDL's and PayDayOK is one. They're not my concern, they're easy to deal with. It's the ones with no contact information, one phone number always busy who doesn't return a call. I have no way to pay them off. Route66 and ICS are two of them. I've called a bunch of times and no reply. I'm thinking about closing my bank account but I'm concerned they will call my supervisor. Has anyone encountered a situation where that's happened. I seriously can't have that happen but ICS is taking over $100 from my bank account every two week for a $200 loan and they won't call me back. PLEASE HELP! I should have never taken out the first loan, I make decent money, I'm just trapped under a bunch of these evil little things and I want out and I feel closing my bank account and dealing with the reprocussions one at a time will be the only way. At the very least it would motivate a call back from these people.
Update on letters
I have received email replies from Payday Select & Payday OK indicating this...
We will consider your loan paid in full. You are no longer obligated to Payday Select.
We will consider your loan paid in full. You are no longer obligated to Payday OK.
Praise God! I am almost in tears over this. I am not at work where I have the letter but found it on this site, someone who had some legal background, was in Texas and sent them out themself. I will find the post I got it off of though because I owe someone a HUGE THANK YOU! The letter basically said they were overcharging, etc...etc. I have to say there is hope for any of you in the same situation. I still have 5 other companies to deal with but I feel more secure now in doing that!
Keep searching on this site.
I forgot to mention to James, Susan and any others here, keep searching this site. It has some very useful information. It will be well worth anytime you take. I only signed up & started searching it yesterday and already have received 2 paid in full emails. The Payday Loan Avenger is a wonderful person who will receive prayers from me on a regular basis that God will bless her because she has given me hope where I thought I had none. If you want to see a copy of the letter I sent, please contact me, I will send a copy of it. Now it pertains to Texas though but you can find all the information for your state on this site.
That's really good. I understand why a lot of these companies stay aloof, because they want to roll over the loans month after month and keep you paying. It's disgusting when you think how much you pay in fees. I've found that PayDayOK, MagnumFunding, and StarlightFS are okay, I can contact them and know how to payoff the loan. MyPayDayLoan, ICS, Route66 Funding, 500FastCash, FSM Group, ameriloan, and Apollo Funding are killing me though. I have no way of contacting them except with the numbers on my initial email and I can't get through and when I leave a message no one calls.
Can someone please tell me what will happen if I close my bank account?
I just yesterday put a stop payment on all ACH charges coming th
I just yesterday put a stop payment on all ACH charges coming thru, my payments are set to hit on Friday. I won't accrue any NSF fees that way. I will close that account as soon as my direct deposit hits on Friday also. I've heard that they can not legally contact your supervisor and haven't seen anyone that has had that happen to them. I'm a little nervous about that myself. Search all over this site for good information on a similar letter that I sent saying they are overcharging and you want your account marked paid in full. That is what I did and have had success so far with 2 out of 7 of the companies I'm dealing with. I have not heard of the other companies you are talking about but do a search on them, bet you can come up with more information like a mailing address. That is the way I found one of mine. Just don't give up James, I'm telling you...this site is great.
James, I don't know about ICS, but the contact info for Route
I don't know about ICS, but the contact info for Route66 Funding is as follows:
46 State Street
Third Floor
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: 1-877-564-7739
I honestly think your best bet would be to close out the bank account they're debiting from. Route 66 debited my account 2 days in a row, even though they knew there was no money in that account, and then did that on my next two paycehcks, and I ended up with a negative balance of around $900. Also, they CANNOT call your supervisor. They can;t even threaten you with that. And if you close out your bank account, they'll definitely start calling you (they wtill won't quit bugging me). Hang in there, everyone here is more than happy to help you get through this!
Thanks for the info! I think a few of the companies I have are actually the same company because their reminder emails look exactly the same. Some however don't even give me a reminder email or tell me how much they're taking. It's disgusting when you think how much I'm paying, I feel so irresponsible for even taking the first one.
Anyway, so the bank can do a stop payment on any ACH charges? Will I be charged by my bank for that? I may not have to close my account if I can have my bank willingly refuce ACH charges. I'd rather deal with these people in collections than have them routing around in my bank account every other week.
As for the supervisor thing, I know a couple of them mentioned it in their initial aggreement, it may have been an idle threat, but the possibility's still scary. They mentioned it when referring to wage garnishment, etc. That's the biggest thing I'm worried about.
I actually sent out letters to the 4 PDL's that I have about pay
I actually sent out letters to the 4 PDL's that I have about payment I have not paid them the principal amount per say but close to it with each one and the charges are over what is allowed by the state here so I was hoping they would mark them paid in full due to that but we shall see I doubt it though
James, Banks do have a fee for Stop payments and it's usualy
Banks do have a fee for Stop payments and it's usualy a charge for each one. I have two bank accounts at my bank so the one that I have the PDL's coming out of I just had the branch manager Put a hard hold on the account that won't allow any debits what so ever just credits. I'm going to wait a few days for the PDL"s to get rejected and then she will lift the hold long enought for me to transfer money and then put it right back on. I am going to be sending out letters tomorrow revoking authorization for them to debit. I'm going to leave the hold until they start accepting payments from my Credit counselor.
I put a hold on all ACH charges, my credit union did charge me $
I put a hold on all ACH charges, my credit union did charge me $20 but just one time, not for each. I was shocked that 2 of mine said I was paid in full. One of them I had paid for a while but another of them I hadn't even paid enough to cover the loan amount.
I just called my bank and it costs $31 to stop each individual ACH charge and that's per specific date and amount. If I close my account, there is a 30 day period in which my account will be reopened if any transactions go through. It's irresponsible but I see no other choice than to withdraw my bank account and open a new one with another bank, put my direct deposit into the new account and leave my old account derelict accruing overdraft fees. It sucks but this way I can deal with the companies one by one and actually be able to talk to someone, and settle with my old bank later.
If that's the only way your bank will handle it, then you should
If that's the only way your bank will handle it, then you should definitely jump on opening another account at a different bank- but do it soon, because if your old account starts showing negativity, it could become difficult to open an account somewhere else (that happened to me). Just remember, though, that if your old account remains negative too long, the bank might close it out anyway and that will negatively impact your credit score. Hang in there, you can get through this!
Hmmm that is strange I went to my bank last thursday opened a ne
Hmmm that is strange I went to my bank last thursday opened a new account and Friday closed the old one, And they say it is officially closed to anything and I already got notice that one of the PDL's tried to debit it on Monday and it was returned, That is too bad that your bank does things that way,
Like yourself I wasnt going to stop payment as that would cost money too and they couldnt promise me that it would stop since the PDLs would then just debit another amount to get it to go through,
Sounds like that is what you should do though
Yeah, thats to bad your bank has that 30 day waiting period. Th
Yeah, thats to bad your bank has that 30 day waiting period. The first account I closed happened immdiatly as well. I wasn't in a position to close my account, because I work at the bank and I've already closed two accounts and I wasn't able to get my direct deposit from my other job switched in time.
James, I'm not sure if it will help because several don't follow the rules. But have you prepared to send out letters to the PDL's revoking authorization for anymore debits. I talked to our branch manager and she said that when you send a letter revoking authorization to debit you should take a copy to the bank as well. It may stop some of them, but it may not.
Revokation Letter
You don't have a copy of a letter of revokation do you? I don't have time to switch bank accounts before my next deposit which is Friday, but if I can do it before the next pay period AND get the letters out it may help with any overdraft fees that come through. Problem is, some of these companies could be in India for all I know. Since my deposit goes in early because of the weekend, I may withdraw it on Friday, open a new bank account with it elsewhere, and deal with the consequences next week. It's not as if I'd just bail on the loans and my old bank, I'm attempting to patch up some past credit problems as well so I won't leave anything untouched. You just get burried under these mini-loans and when no one will answer the phone, you've got to break the rules just to get someone to return your call.
Sucks, I can't wait to get out!
James, there are a few different formats of that type of letter
James, there are a few different formats of that type of letter to send. Have you paid anything towards the PDLs you want to send the letter to?
Revocation letter should be drafted in very simple language. Men
Revocation letter should be drafted in very simple language. Mention that you are revoking their wage assignment and no further debits are authorized in your account. A template is available at the link below.
Make sure that you send your letter through certified mail with return receipt requested. Send a copy to your payroll also so that he is notified about your actions.
I've paid quite a bit towards all of them. Definitely above and beyond the amount of the loan.
Additionally (I don't know if this link will work), but I just found some info on another forum here that really scares me. Some people have been receiving calls at work upwards of 30 times a day, companies will dial 0 and talk to other employees around these people, talk to supervisors, etc.
I cannot have this happen. Are these extreme circumstances? It's a huge forum and each post after the next is exactly the same. Such and such company has called me at work 25 times, my supervisor's thinking of firing me, etc., etc. I know it's illegal to do this but bill collectors bend the rules. I can't afford to continue paying these loans the way I am, but I certainly can't afford to lose my job.
I just pretty much wrote a letter telling them everying. Here i
I just pretty much wrote a letter telling them everying.
Here is a sample of what I wrote, I haven't sent them out yet so any feed back would be helpful
Address Re: Account XXXX Dear Sir/Madam I am presently going throuh some financial difficulties and fear that I will not be able to meet my required monthly payments to you. I do not want to declare bankruptcy or Chapter 128 (Wisconsin Residents Only) and want to try and work out an alternate payment plan. There has been a hold placed on my account that will block any further debits from coming through my account ending in XXXX. Therefore I REVOKE any further debit authorizations form your company or any of your affiliates. I am currently involved in a Consumer credit counseling Program and you will be receiving a proposal from them very soon. My Counselors name is XXXX XXXX and she can be reached at xxx-xxx-xxxx. I have every intention on paying this debt off. Any communication you need to make with me must be done by email at XXXX@XXXXX or by phone at XXX-XXX-XXXX. Pleas do not call me at my place of employment as I am not allowed to have personal phone calls. Thanks for your cooperation, |
I am going to be sending these certified mail and some of the PDL's have more than one address listed and i'm going to send one to both.
Revokation Letter
That sounds good. What credit counseling company are you in? The one's I found require too much debt or a mortgage.
I signed up with this website and got a call the same day from a
I signed up with this website and got a call the same day from a place called consumer credit counseling of America. I actually decided to stick with the place I have been using because they don't have a start-up fee. They also don't have a huge monthly fee. I went to the website and put my zip code in and found this non for profit afency where I live and they have been very helpful. I really like it because I can sit with my counselor face to face and see everything on paper. She has already sent proposals out to the PDL's and I won't be defaulting on them until Friday. So about the time they get the notice their debit did not go through they should be receiving the proposals and the letters I am going to send
Calling Supervisors and Coworkers
Not sure if my post got lost or not, but regarding the calling of a supervisor and coworkers, this is what I'm really worried about. Do you guys think I'll get bombarded with calls at work if I close my account and deal with these people one at a time? I can handle a butt load of calls at home or on my cell, but I can't afford to have these people calling my office, hitting 0 and speaking with random people about me.
I have some PDL's that I have set up in my program already and t
I have some PDL's that I have set up in my program already and they all react differetly when you default. The majority of mine sent me emails and I called them back to verify the address and that I was involving them in my credit program. The few that did call me at work, I told them I couldn't have personal calls and to contact me on my personal phone. I had one call me at work the other day and it was from a collection company and they were very nice and accepted my proposal. None of them called my supervisors or co-workers. The only one I've had a problem with is the people everybody on here has had a problem and that is Pre-Litigations/United Federal.
James, they will be calling you quite a bit (cell or home phone,
James, they will be calling you quite a bit (cell or home phone, whatever you gave them) but if they call your office, tell them firmly that they are not allowed to contact you at your place of employment. It is illegal for them to speak with anyone else in your office regarding your issues. You could also send them one of the cease and desist letters found on this forum- they pretty effectively say "Look, you may only contact me by mail or email, if you try a anything else, I'll report you to everyone under the sun." But they ARE NOT allowed to speak to other people at your workplace about you.
James, you can also do what I did. I informed one of my PDLs tha
James, you can also do what I did. I informed one of my PDLs that all my phone calls are recorded, because he was being very nasty. And he made some kind of noise in the phone (sounded like a fax) and hung up. I thought that was kind of childish, but he didn't call my job again, so far.
Amy When I called them they wouldnt give me an address but I am
Amy When I called them they wouldnt give me an address but I am in default with them and this is the address that they gave me but they also told me they wont take payments so we shall see, They are not licensed in my state as well
here you go this address is where I sent my certified letter to
1005 Terminal Way Suite 110
Reno,NV 89502
877-280-2337 ( collections number I was told)
Their collections dept contacted me yesterday. I told them they were not legal to loan in Texas & that their fees were out of the range of Texas law. Of course, they say they are not governed by Texas law. I told them I had sent them letters stating all the law information. He gave me a fax # to fax the letters to give to their legal dept. So far, I have heard nothing. I closed my bank acct so they can't draft anymore. I'm finding a lot of these companies are difficult to deal with. Research this forum heavily to tell you what letters to write to help you out. I'm only in the beginning stages but have 2 of my 7 companies who have marked my accts paid in full. The other 5 are being difficult, still wanting to chg me the outrageous fees. Sign up on this forum so you can get more help.
I just got a call from Pre Litigation. They are thretening me wi
I just got a call from Pre Litigation. They are thretening me with court action if I don't come up with $565.00 by 2:00 est today, saying they are faxing some kind of document to my employer and that I need to get an attorney to get me out of jail. They are saying I will be charged with thieft by conversion and wire fraud. These people are based out of Florida. Someone please advise me.
One more question
I hate to sound so ignorant but how do I know if they are legal to loan in my state, which is Kansas?
Do a search for this company on this website and you will see yo
Do a search for this company on this website and you will see you are not the only one this company has harrassed. Their collection tactics are very illegal and I would not send these people a dime. I to got the phone call and I also filed a complaint with the florida attorney general the federal trade commision and I advise you to do the same. They are in strict violation by threatening arrest.
James, when they call you at work you can request that they stop
James, when they call you at work you can request that they stop calling you at work. You can also include that in the letter you send them, certified return receipt. Then if they call you again inform them that you are keeping track of their calls, times and who called for consideration of legal implications later on. If they continue they are in violation of FCDPA and can be sued for $1000.00 per occurance. Trust me, there's not a lawyer out there that wouldn't gladly take a well documented case like this.
bmoore, follow Pinklady's advice closely. You have done no such
bmoore, follow Pinklady's advice closely. You have done no such thing, and they cannot send you to jail.
If they call back and they threaten jail again, ask them which jurisdiction they plan to have arrest you, so as to ensure they have the right one. That will shut them up.
Informing them that the call is being recorded usually does the same trick.
They have to follow the laws of your state, no matter what they tell you. Trust me, they'll fight it for all they can.
gfsil payday
does anyone have the phone number to this company? I need to contact them. I went to their website. it states 24hr call centre call them or they'll call you but they list nothing. Help
This is the number of Gfsil - 800-865-3704. Their fax number is
This is the number of Gfsil - 800-865-3704. Their fax number is 877-280-2330 / 877-280-3359
How do i know if these companies i owe are auth to loan in my st
How do i know if these companies i owe are auth to loan in my state ?? I live in ohio
I am about to put holds on these companies through my bank so they cant take anymore from me.
Can someone send me a template or letter regarding overcharging so i can get out off my debt also ??
Carrie, You can google that information, and there's a template
You can google that information, and there's a template letter on PollyandSay's blog to help you out.
Good luck and let us know how it goes
Here is the link to Polly's blog. You will get loads of informat
Here is the link to Polly's blog. You will get loads of information there as per the state laws.
Read this link as another member is putting the same request to the loan company after following citing the state laws. Check the laws in your state from the state authorities or the Dept. of Banking in your state.