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route 66 funding payday - read all about this

Submitted by AmandaB on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 08:15
Posts: 120

Does anyone have an address for Route 66 funding?
thanks a million

Hey Gouda! I got a return email from the Florida Dept.of Finances when I complained to them about all the overdraft fees and how the Big Red white and Blue(BOA) bank would not close my account when the account was in the black. They said someone from there consumer financial dept. would be contacting me. I will let you know what happens. I have not heard a peep from Route 66 lately. I have found thay Sonic Cash and Magnum Cash are very easy to deal with and don't try to rip you off. Tweety, when I hear from Route 66 I will tell them how much you miss them. And YOYOBMUR don't you let those creeps take another dime. Freeze that account and when they call just laugh at them. They are an illegal foreign entity and are powerless to do anything but try to intimidate you. when they see they are wasting there time they will leave you alone. Sort of like the devil.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 10:47

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I am a student and took out a PDL in Nov 2006 for 200. I barely make enough to make ends meet and as everyone here has said it's a mistake I shouldn't have even thought about in the first place. But i did-- and am now scared to death to call them and find out my "balance" after allowing them to extend the loan to this date.
My question primarily is-- since I have obviously overpaid my loan and am now aware this is a fraudulent company, am I obligated to pay anything back to them? I am going to close out my bank account after my next direct deposit (and route 66 debit) but until then could use ANY advice about how to properly, legally conduct this matter in terminating contact with them.
A tearful thanks.. I am shaking as I type this thinking about all of that money and all of what I could possibly owe them.
Please help!

Submitted by on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 01:35

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Do not worry. You have come to the right place. Myself along with many others have been there. What state do you live in and how much have you paid them. I would request a live check from my payroll dept. and close my account now if time allows. Route 66 will threaten you with all kinds of things from coming to your job, sending the police. (tell them its OK, your a Sting fan) and taking your first born.
They can do nothing. They are operating illegally in the US and have NO legal recourse. One of the members will post the laws of your state. Most states require PDLs to follow those laws and be licensed. My state (Florida does not allow rollovers so all the renewals go to the principal. They might owe you money. Route 66 is not licensed in any state from what I have learned from this wonderful web site. Tweety, Goudah, Leah are you listening? Can you help?

Submitted by on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 06:43

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Route66, with the experience I have had with them, won't send a refund. I have gone for about 2 weeks now with no phone calls from them, well at least not that I am aware of because there have not been any messages and of course they did not resond to the BBB's complaint. The 2 times I did talk to them, I let them know that I was aware of their tatics and even told them a few of the things I knew they would try and told them to mark the account pif, etc...then they started demanding to talk to my husband (loan was in his name) and I informed them they were dealing with me because it was MY bank account the money was coming out of (my name was primary on the account). They hung up on me once and the second time, they kept demanding to speak to my husband, told them everything had already been said, blah, blah, blah and Ihung up on them. We had their transactions reversed and then I would get emails stating that the payment had been returned and that there must be a mistake, etc, and I would just email them back and let them know that it wasn't a mistake. They will receive your emails but will not respond to them, but be persistant in insisting the contact you through email or USPS, which they won't, but I just started ignoring their calls and like I said, no calls from them in a few weeks not.

Submitted by 2nband on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 07:02


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I have not heard from them in about two weeks either. I had the one call that I hung up on and nothing since. I think they quit when they realize they can't intimidate you. I would not wish for a refund either.

Submitted by on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 09:17

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I live in Illinois and I am actually no longer at the job i gave to Route 66-- i moved on to a better paying job and can actually pay off the loan i ORIGINALLY took out, not this 800 dollar estimated payment. Do i need to pay the 200 back again or should my recourse be with argument that my bi weekly deductions have well paid that off?
Thank you for your support, I am still shaken up thinking about this but it helps to have a relief group here.
From my recollection, the Hindu lady who gave my terms of agreement and loan approval stated nothing about this bi weekly deduction going towards added principal. This is everyone's main argument, correct?

Thanks again. And I am a Police fan.

Submitted by on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 16:02

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If i do cancel my checking account and obtain another one from the same bank, does Route 66 (or the bank for that matter) have right to take from my new account? I figure if this company is pushing and pushing and getting denied my bank will trace me to the new account and reallocate the debit.
My bank has been very un-cooperative. I've written 3 emails and no response, no call-backs. I am with US Bank, and hopefully no one has a horror story pertaining to their relations with Route 66?

Submitted by on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 16:06

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If you go to the search box above and type in Illinois you will find abundant information regarding other people in you state with similar cicumstances. If your bank is not cooperative I would go to another bank. No bank has the right to allow ACH withdrawals without your consent. As far as paying Route 66, I would not give them another dime if you have paid them more than the laws allow them to collect in your state. I do not know Illinois law but I read that they have new ones regarding PDLs. I saw a link in another thread when I used the above seach. I can't post it because the powers that be will delete it by "rules of the forum" but it was about the third thread down in the search. Please do not be upset. They can't eat you. All they can do is call and threaten. Make fun out of it. Do not take these clowns seriously. When they say you owe them money. Say "no I don't." If they say you do. Tell them to validate the debt in writing. They won't put anything in writing. Then send them the validation request letter pursuant to the fair debt collection act. The letter is found in the "do it yourself" section of this sight on your right under "our services". Their address is found earlier in this thread. I think it is 300 Terminal Way, Reno, Nevada. They are really based in Great Britain and call from India after the Americans give up. It doesn't matter. They won't repond. Send it certified. No validation. No debt. That is the law. I also know that there is no garnishment allowed in Illinois without your written consent. Good luck and do not worry. Make a game out of it. They are a bunch of low lifes that can't find a real job! If you pick up the phone and hear a lot of chatter in the background it is them. Just tell them they have the wrong number and hang up. Or talk in a fake foreign language or something. Eventually they will just crawl back into the scum pond that they crawled outof. I told one of them he was slime. He did not know what I meant so I explained it to him in graphic detail. I kind of miss them calling because I couldn't wait to see what kind of BS they would try next. Give em hell.

Submitted by on Thu, 04/05/2007 - 06:31

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What a nightmare this ended up being. On average it seems like everyone's average "harassment period" lasts about 2 weeks? I am also concerned with them calling my OLD job-- how embarassing, especially given it is a retail environment and I dont have a receptionist or anyone close to explain the matter in private to. Anyone can answer and I pray they call me more than my job. Has anyone had experience with this, where if you answer your private line enough they do not call work, or are they that persistent?

Submitted by on Thu, 04/05/2007 - 08:51

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Route 66 has never called my job because I never gave them anything but my direct line. There is a company out there called CTC or Cash Transfer Centers who immediately sent a wage assignment letter to my employer but he ignored it. Route 66 seems to use scare tactics. Read back into this thread and see the outrageous conduct. All illegal. They are overseas so they don't care but because of that fact they can't touch you no matter what they may say. One guy even told someone they were connected to a terrorist group. Another said if he wasn't paid in 30 minutes he would send someone to their job. From India? LOL. I just got one of those "your check was returned" emails. This time it was 35.00. They keep lowering the amount they try to take. The account is frozen. I guess I will get another call. I will listen for the background chatter and answer, "Good Afternoon. Federal Trade Commission." Lets see if they ask for me. I get my kicks from Route 66 as the song sort of goes.

Submitted by on Thu, 04/05/2007 - 11:44

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Frogpatch ~ that sounds like a good idea. Wonder if they will say anything at that time. Heck they just might hang up. You could even do the "hello? Hello? Is there anybody there? Hello?..." Wonder how long it would take for them to hang up then or act like you don't speak English. Just keep saying "huh?" every time they say something.

Submitted by 2nband on Thu, 04/05/2007 - 11:51


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It has been nice not hearing from them...but now I am getting a few calls from people wanting to refianance my mortgage saying that had requested this on line....well dang, we have not done anything like that recently. I'll bet it has been at least 6 months or better when we were trying to do that. I talked to one girl (only because my son answered the phone) and she went into her spill about refinancing etc, and I had to set her straight. Her comment was, well we just got your information. Told her not to call any more.

Submitted by 2nband on Thu, 04/05/2007 - 11:54


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afitzpa4 - If you've already paid them over the amount your borrowed in their "finance fees" then you shouldn't pay them another cent. This is the worst company to deal with. They will claim that they are under UK law, but they are breaking that too. Just stay strong, block them from taking anymore money, and prepare yourself for the phone calls. When you know what to expect before it happens it's much easier to deal with. They will call and harrass you for a while, then give up. For me, they called my work every day multiple times for about 2 months, even though everytime they called they were told I no longer worked there. But they didn't bother to call me on my cell phone. They are just trying to scare and harrass people into paying. Just be stong and prepared!

Submitted by goudah2424 on Thu, 04/05/2007 - 12:07


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I totally agree all payday loans are bad. They get you in the habit of not budgeting your money. But I have worked with one company that didn't harass me and made the deposit and debited the right amount when they said they would. They are Eastside Lenders. They have been the best of all evils a few times I was in a pinch.

Submitted by on Fri, 04/06/2007 - 12:51

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Since I have not yet cancelled connection with Route 66 (still working it out with the bank) I had an idea: I am going to call and tell them I work at a new job and give them an old cell number. Has anyone tried this? This is just a precautionary measure to ensure my old job does not get bombarded with phone calls. My mind is overloading with stress and worry over this, figured its worth a shot.

Submitted by on Fri, 04/06/2007 - 15:32

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I am certainly glad I did that-- I found that I gave them a line that goes directly to my bosses office, since (assuming they were trustworthy at the time-- and also after they PROMISED never to call my work) they needed a contact # for a supervisor. *phew*
Hopefully they dont keep archive.

Submitted by on Fri, 04/06/2007 - 17:02

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Anyone heard from them in the past week or did someone pour salt on them and they dried up like slugs

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 04/09/2007 - 14:04


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how was everyone's experience as far as the frequency of calls? In my case, I gave them my cell phone number and will most likely not be available when the fun begins. I changed my work number twice so that if they call defunct number 1, they dont resort to my original workplace and rather call defunct number 2. Has anyone had experience with changing their work/house number and they still call the original?

Submitted by on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 19:59

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forgot to let everyone know, i contacted my bank and heard back (via email, no phone call, of course) that they can put a stop on payment (non-plural) for 30 dollars. Because Route 66 was authorized via phone and provided a contact number with them, they cannot legally do anything to stop. The woman in the email advised me to close my account if i am having problems with them. This seems a little iffy for a bank to be telling me this! I am afraid Rt66 will keep trying to debit and debit my old account and the bank will close my new account. I am DEFINITELY not paying a 30 dollar fee to stop payment when for all i know its just that one payment!

Submitted by on Thu, 04/12/2007 - 01:09

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I can't believe a bank would do or say that. That urks me. You are the consumer. I have heard others come on and say their bank did the same thing. If you can I would tell them you are taking your business elsewhere. It is your account and you are allowed to stop ACH debits. My bank allowed me this oportunity, I did pay the fee which is good for six months, but I ended up closing and opening a new account because the bank was concerned they may try to hit my account under one of their DBA's.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Thu, 04/12/2007 - 03:22


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Close or freeze your account A stop payment will onlw work on a specified amount. Route 66 and others, Rio Resources aka Geneva Roth aka MTE being the worst, will change the amount and come right back over and over. They will change their name so you don,t realize you are paying the same people twice. Rio hit my account with three different names with three different amounts, then turned me over to Allied for collection of more than the original debt when they failed at withdrawals. They got a validation letter from me and only responded to part of it. I am not done with them. I am considering a criminal complaint against Rio. When Allied hears that they will be a party to it they will probably drop me like a hot rock. I hope.

Submitted by on Thu, 04/12/2007 - 07:01

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When I post a reply it will not go through. It says "name already in use' Do I have to log in just to reply under frogpatch? I think he has my log in OK now.

Submitted by on Thu, 04/12/2007 - 13:36

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well i did it. i closed my account tonight, explained the situation to the fraud department. my question is still has anyone settled with Route 66 or left the loan in "collections"? Also, has anyone had trouble with them calling the "references" provided?

Submitted by on Thu, 04/12/2007 - 23:10

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They just called my job a few minutes ago and threatened to put me in jail on my voicemail. My initial loan was through Route66, but somone is calling me from a company called B.I.G. I know it is the same guy who calls all of the time. They are crazy ass people!!!!!!!! B.I.G. is another name that they go by so watch out for this name also. I have an online account that can receive deposits, but you can not debit from the routing/account number so they are pissed because everytime they try to debit from my account the bank tells them they can't. My account is for deposit only! Good luck guys!

Submitted by on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 08:02

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I don't think Route66 will settle. They ar a pain in the backside. Even though our loan was PIF and then some, they still called us for along time. I spoke to them twice (although they kept insisting on talking to my husband) but for the most part communicated with them via email. They sent me a couple of things when we had ACH withdrawals reversed saying there must have been a mistake, which I told them there wasn't. The called some more after that but let it go to voice mail. Not that I know of have they tried my references, yet because I am sure someone would have told me. As far as collections, I don't know if they turned me over or not. I don't answer my phone to unknown callers. Figured if they really wanted to talk to me, they would leave a message, which they don't, so....

If you account is PIF, personally, I would not worry about them.

Submitted by 2nband on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 08:13


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Sswett ~ I am doing ok. Glad that it is FRIDAY!!! Been a long and BAD week. I am so ready to go home, but it is only 11:25 here and I have until 4:30 to go. Ugh, this day is going so slowly!

For the most part Route66 has left me alone, finially. Like I said before, if they have called, they have not left a message and I don't answer unknown caller calls. They only have my cell phone number, not my home, and if I don't want to hear the phone ring, I will turn the ringer off. If they have turned me over to a collection agency, I don't know that either for I have not been contacted, (no messages on phone or any letters or emails). I really don't know if they are the same as GFS or not. I just know they are a pain in the behind and am glad they are out of my hair, (I think). LOL

Submitted by 2nband on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 08:26


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Yep and I like those PIF's!! :P

I think they were getting mad at me the couple of times I talked to them because basically I never let them get a word in edgewise. I told them the account was PIF, per the state of NC, they couldn't tell me they were not doing business in my state because I knew otherwise, their authorization to debit my account was revoked, same with contacting my employer and garnishing my wages, and I was aware of their tatics they used to try to get people to pay and it wasn't going to work, (I used examples) and that if they needed to contact me, they needed to email me or through the USPS. They kept insisting on talking to my husband since the loan was in his name and I told them they were dealing with me because it was my account the money was coming out of and he was unavailable. First time they hung up on me and the second time I talked to them, which they kept asking for my husband, I told them I said everything I needed to say the first time I talked to them and I hung up on them. I felt so empowered!!! :twisted: If I had not found this site and had did some reading and gotten some help, I am sure they would have intimidated me, but they didn't and I was so proud of myself!!!

Submitted by 2nband on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 08:32


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Thanks...they are getting there slowly. Still have a lot of things to take care of, but am trying to take it one day at a time. Now that I don't have all those pdls coming out of my account, I have a little extra to take care of some other things, providing things quit my car!!! I made it through prom, so now it is graduation. Looks like we are not going to be able to go to my grandmother's 90th birthday celebration because funds are too tight and it is killing me not to be able to go. This woman helped raise me and I have no idea how much longer I am going to have her. She is my last living grandparent, but we just can't swing it. We still have graduation to get through, summer music camp for my daughter, marching band camp for my daughter, our car insurance starts doubling in June, my son may be leaving in the fall, they school starts....just too much and I feel overwhelmed, but am really trying to take things one day at a time. I keep hoping my husband's work will pick up so we can try to come up with the money, but it isn't and doesn't look like too much OT anytime soon, so....unless we win the lottery, looks like we are going to miss the celebration and I just pray that she sticks around for a while afterward. It will tear me up if something happens and I don't make it home.

Ok, but other than that, we are doing better! Have to think positive you know.

Submitted by 2nband on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 08:44


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Thanks Leah ~ I appreciate that. I know sometimes things don't work out like we want them to and we just have to roll with the punches. I am sorry you didn't get to know your grandparents. I know on my dad's side of the family, I never met my grandfather. He drowned when my dad was 9 years old and my dad watched it happen. My grandfather was saving one of my dad's sisters at the time. She was saved, but he wasn't. My grandmother on my dad's side, I met her but was not close to her. She was a very cold person and she hated my mother! She lived in Michigan and we just never saw her. Even my dad really didn't have a desire to see his mother. 2 of his sisters are still in Michigan, he lost one a few years back. I had always been very close to my mom's side of the family. My grandfather passed away right after I separated from my first husband in '96. That was very very hard to deal with, but my grandmother held on. She only has a 3rd grade education, had 9 children (her first one died right after birth) and has never driven a day in her life. She says she wants to live to be 100! She is a wonderful! She has always been there for my and she loves to show off her homemade quilts (no machine stitching on them) and she has gotten my daughter into sewing. I cook and my daughter sews (I hate sewing). But nothing I can do right now and hopefully I will see her in Nov.

Submitted by 2nband on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 09:33


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I am unclear as to whether or not I am conducting matters right (look at me, questioning myself over Route 66).. I took out a 150 dollar loan in Dec., let it rollover until today, where I just blocked them from doing this furthur on my account. I blocked them because I was told (when I called to say I could pay my loan in full soon) I now owe over 800 dollars. Is this legal reason to stop payments until an agreement is reached, or is my account still considered not paid?

Submitted by on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 14:59

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amfit ~ I am sorry, but don't remember what state you were in and how much you have paid back? If they had been taken payments out of your account since December, I would think your account was paid in full. Of course they are going to say you owe more than you do. Route66 will continue to say your account is not paid, even when you have paid way more than you should have. If I were you, I would keep them blocked and figure out how much you paid and if you have paid everything that you should, per your state law, then you would not owe them anything else. Don't let these people bully you or anything like that. They are scum and they will bleed you dry.

Submitted by 2nband on Sat, 04/14/2007 - 06:58


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