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route 66 funding payday - read all about this

Submitted by AmandaB on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 08:15
Posts: 120

Does anyone have an address for Route 66 funding?
thanks a million

Oh yes....we made sure he understands that!!!! We told him that he can only spend what he has in the bank, but also that this will allow him to see where he spends his money at since he can't ever remember what he does with his money and then gets upset because he thinks he should have more than he does. I showed him how to keep his ledger and everything, so hopefully. I want him to learn now before he goes into the military and gets himself in trouble. I have got less than 6 months before he graduates.

Submitted by 2nband on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 12:43


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

Back to the route 66 low lifes. Next time anyone calls tell then they should be looking for a real job soon because I am sure the Feds are going to shut then down soon. They have broken every law on the book including making terroristic threats which carries prison time.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 05:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Since their headquarters are based in the UK, the feds don't have jurisdiction. The places in NY and NV are just call centers. The feds could shut them down, but they'd just pop up again somewhere else.

But they do need to be shut down and the owner sent to jail. They could care less what laws they break. They say they only have to follow the laws of the UK, and that we all agreed to that, but the laws of the UK are pretty similar to the laws of the US. They are breaking the laws in the UK too.

An idea - Maybe we all need to start complaining to a UK agency . . . . Has anyone tried that yet? They may have the power to shut them down.

Submitted by goudah2424 on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 06:52


( Posts: 7935 | Credits: )

I have a loan from big lmtd. at least that is what
comes up on my bank statement. One of the phone numbers I found from route 66 is the same as big lmtd. They do everything over the phone. I talked with a gentleman and he said they are licensed in every state. I have asked for something in writing and they will not give me anything. He said if I did not pay it would be a breech of contract. Has anyone dealt with BIG Lmtd.

Submitted by YELIK1 on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 09:05


( Posts: 35 | Credits: )

IL. I have been dealing with them for a couple of weeks. They keep calling my cell phone and I have asked them not to call that number, but they continue to. As, of today, per my calculations my account should be paid in full, but they say I still owe 200 and some dollars.

Submitted by YELIK1 on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 09:27


( Posts: 35 | Credits: )

Have not heard a word from them lately. Maybe they never got a paid and they all quit.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/05/2007 - 07:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Our lastest response from Route66:


Unfortunately your recent payment of $45 made on the 02/16/2007 has been returned by your bank (reason: No Authorization)

It is of course possible that there has been some administrative error and if this is the case, we would urge you to contact us and your bank to clarify the situation. The bank account from which we attempted to debit the funds was the same account into which we placed the loan initially.

If there has been some administrative error or you wish to discuss this situation, then please call us on



Chris Wilson
Customer Services

Do you think they maybe are a bit not happy because of the return?? Well, they will be getting another one too. Funny how they say they cannot respond to anyone via email isn't it? Yet they can send us this.

Submitted by 2nband on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 09:28


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

I think it is so funny how they will tell someone that they cannot email out.

I have not decided if I am going to respond or not. My husband thinks I should and tell them that they were told that all debits would returned, but I don't know what I am going to do yet. Guess it will depend on my mood when I get home.

Submitted by 2nband on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 10:03


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

We usually got a payment reminder about what was going to be taken out of our account, but when we started clearing out PLD's out and emailed then everything, then they started calling and leaving messages saying they could not return emails or email out, blah, blah, blah. I have talked to them a couple of times and told them the same things I said in the emails, and of course they want to talk to my husband (his name is on the loan) and I have had to tell them they are not dealing with him now, they are dealing with me and they didn't like that and have threated us, etc. I save all their voice messages on my cell phone. They will call and say they are calling in reference to all the emails they have received and cannot return emails and then go into their spill about us borrowing the money, they are due their money, blah, blah blah.

Submitted by 2nband on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 11:04


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

We got it like last Sept or Oct (2006). It was a $200 loan and with what they were taking out, it is nore than PIF, but they keep trying to debit our account and we keep having them reversed. Every time we have gotten a payment reminder, we have replied "that authorization to debit our account has been revoked. Bank has copy of this. You are not allowed to receive any money from our account", etc. I think one of the last times they sent us one, I wrote on there "How many times do you have to be told this?" and then the last time I wrote "Can you not get it through your heads?" I was so irritated when I did those because I was tired of it. Wonder how many times it will take having the debits reversed before they get the hint that they are not going to get anything?

Submitted by 2nband on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 11:47


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

Has anyone gotten calls from them in the last week or so?

Submitted by on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 10:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I decided to respond to them last night. Told them that the returned payment was not a mistake and that they had already been told that this was going to happen. I informed them that they were not licensed in the state of NC and that they were operating illeagally and that they were not going to receive any more funds from us, that we have already paid them twice as much as what our loan was. I told them I had filed a complaint with the AG and BBB. Also included a copy of the original email I had sent them. I was in a bad mood last night by the time I got off the phone with the a$$ from my mortgage company that I decided to respond to their email about the returned payment.

I have gotten 2 "unknown" callers on my cell phone today, but did not answer it nor did they leave a voice mail.

Submitted by 2nband on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 11:35


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

I have not heard from them since I pretended to be someone else and told them I don't work here any more. I have another named Geneva Roth AKA Loan Point that refused to stop debiting my account after my employer messed up my direct deposit and the funds were not there. They said "were are going to try three times every pay period until we get our money." They also charge illegal interest rates in Florida where I live. Account frozen. Too bad!

Submitted by on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 13:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

These guys are not going to like me when I go back home and knock on their office door. Gotta love having dual citizenship. These wankers have been bleeding me dry for too bloody long!!

BTW, if you receive the email "reminder" at the bottom, it allows you to change your contact info. Any "agents" who call me will be receiving my local Directory Assistance!

Submitted by on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 21:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

boy, do I feel stupid. Everything, and I mean, everything that everyone has written has happened exactly as they have described it. These people are calling at home, at work...thankfully they don't have any other numbers. I certainly don't mind paying a small fee for a short loan; but you people are right...these folks are nothing but leaches. I've more than paid for the $200 loan. Any suggestions on how to get this madness to stop? I've contacted my bank, and sent a complaint to my state attorney general's office.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/09/2007 - 11:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Dont feel stupid. I've had a loan through them and I do believe you have overpaid them. I would put a hold on all withdrawls from them? I actually closed my account and opened another one. You may want to try that. I think they can put a block them.

I wouldnt pay them another dime. I would also file a complaint with the BBB as well....

Submitted by Tweety71 on Fri, 03/09/2007 - 12:07


( Posts: 2061 | Credits: )

I did get a loan from them and they have taken well over $650 from my account for a loan of $200 I just cought on to what they were doing now I have to chang accounts and all that and see if I can get back well over $1000 in fees and what they took. So tack my advice stay clear of this place.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/09/2007 - 12:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

they have called my job and harassed my supervisor and threated me with bank fraud. they also claimed to tell my uncle and they even had the nerver to change there name around to route 66 funding . i went to my bank as soon as i seen on my account and they fix the problam. now i will be changing my account because they refuse to stop harrassment.

Submitted by on Sun, 03/11/2007 - 10:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

annette - the only way to stop these people is to fight back with the knowledge found on this site. Close your bank account. That will stop their access to your money. Find out if they are licensed to lend in your state (they probably aren't, but check, just to be on the safe side). Read up on the laws related to payday lending in your state. Then, the next time they call, inform them of everything you know. If they are not licensed in your state, tell them so. If, according to your state laws, you have already overpaid them, tell them so - and give them the exact dollar amount you have overpaid. Give them the code of the state law you are quoting, and the date it was enacted.

If you have overpaid them, you could ask for a refund, but chances are, with Rt. 66, you probably won't get it. (Someone else chime in here if I'm wrong, but has ANYONE ever gotten a refund from these nasty people?)

File complaints with your state Attorney General and the BBB - get those complaints filed as quickly as possible.

You may have to go through this routine on the phone with them a few times, but eventually, they will leave you alone.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Sun, 03/11/2007 - 11:07


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Nope, no refund and they still keep trying to get more and more money. If they try to take more money out of your account, go to the bank and show them where you sent them a letter stating you revoke authorization to debit your account, probably should do this at least 3 days before a payment is scheduled to come out. If they try to take a payment out, you can go to your bank and see about having the payment reversed. Note that they will probably send you something telling you that a payment was returned and that you need to contact your bank, yadda, yadda, yadda. Don't worry about it. Although we did send them a reply stating that there was not mistake, that they were warned that no more payments were coming out and every payment would be returned. We will see what happens come this payday.

Hang in there and good luck! These people are pains in the backside!

Submitted by 2nband on Sun, 03/11/2007 - 12:32


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

I filed a complaint with the FTC against them. They in turn will file a cease and desist order against them if they have enough complaints. You can file on line. It is easy. All of you should do this immediately and shut these people down NOW!

Submitted by on Mon, 03/12/2007 - 05:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

frogpatch - thanks for the helpful advice! Many people here have filed complaints with everyone from their state's AG to the BBB to the FTC. So far, many "cease and desist" orders have been issued, but this company just continues to pop up over and over again. It's my fervent wish that eventually they will get shut down, but for right now, the battle continues...

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Mon, 03/12/2007 - 09:50


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

I got a loan with this so called company route 66 funding. My loan was for 200.00, 950.00 later it is finally paid off. I highly recommend that everyone avoid this company at all costs. I sure hope it doesn't happen to anyone else.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/16/2007 - 14:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

What is so sad is that for every company that gets shut down or closes, 5 more open and sometimes it is the same one that was closed, just under a different name in a different area. I sometimes wonder if these people will ever go away or if they will ever follow the law. Guess all we can do it try to continue to put the word out there about these places and just keep filing complaints and hope that one day something will happen.

Submitted by 2nband on Mon, 03/19/2007 - 08:21


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

Has anyone heard from Route 66 recently. They seemed to suddenly go away. They might all be in a jail in New Delhi for making terroristic threats to the US. KOD!

Submitted by on Mon, 03/19/2007 - 11:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I haven't heard anything, yet and they did not try to debit our account either. Not sure about phone calls because I have had several calls from numbers I did not recognize, so don't answer them. Would be nice if they went away, but they just might be quite for right now due to all the "publicity" they have gotten recently.

Submitted by 2nband on Mon, 03/19/2007 - 11:58


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