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route 66 funding payday - read all about this

Submitted by AmandaB on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 08:15
Posts: 120

Does anyone have an address for Route 66 funding?
thanks a million

Hi sales agent,

Nice to see you here and being upfront. Your frequent visits over here will be most appreciated because many people are having genuine problems with your company and the ways of doing business. May I please ask you to clear up some of the confusions posted on the following links?

..And many more you will find after browsing through the forum. Put a search with your company name at the google box at the top. You will know peoples' reactions on your company.

Submitted by Gretchin on Sat, 10/14/2006 - 12:37


( Posts: 482 | Credits: )

Steelers being nice with upset people is not so easy as it might seem.
Most of the ppl we call are already angry because they had received more than 10 calls from 10 different persons offering the same dang thing that they dont even need.

But like in any situation of life in general, being nice is an option.

Gretchin i will try to answer some questions of the 2nd link.

If anyone else have a question feel free to ask, and if theres

Submitted by on Sat, 10/14/2006 - 21:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I know what it is like to deal with upset people day in and day out. To say they are upset is putting it mildly.
Here's my question, why would your company call me multiple times in one evening trying to give me a pdl loan when I repeatedly told them no. And they get upset with me because I said no and to stop calling me. So what do they do, they keep calling offerring the same loan and then lie and say that I applied for one. When I know for a fact I did not. These people did not speak English, they sounded maybe like they were Middle Eastern. If you call somebody and they tell you they do not want a loan with your company and not to call again, shouldn't you leave it at that and not call every 15 minutes (literally) for almost 3 hours?

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Sun, 10/15/2006 - 07:11


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

So I have recently realized how route 66 funding works, unfortunately to my dismay I realized this after they had taken over $1200 from me. I originally took out a loan with them for 2 hundred after ten months of them still debiting and never contacting me I decided to check and when i called Route 66 to discuss this with them they stated it did not matter, they would continue to debit my account I could not stop them and if I tried they would garnish my wages, but when asked they would not supply me with their terms and conditions in paper nor play the recording they claim they have. I was also told by them that they are a company based out of the united kingdom so therefore they did not have to follow the laws of the united states....I was also told by one of them to try whatever I wanted they would just get more money from me, I was hung up by one, and another tried to tell me they would use the recording against me a court room, so this is my proposition, I am upset that a company can run such as this one and I want to make sure that they are unable to scam others out of thousands of dollars and not care, I propose that we group together, file a report with the DA and in return try to regain our money back, I have every intention of going after my money, they have caused be more problems than anything I have to change my entire bank account just so they can't take anything more from me...its not worth them doing this to anyone else, I have never known a cash advance company to work this was it is scandalous and fradulent, the FDIC has laws about payday advances and extended loans too much, not having a cap and ofcourse any loan company must provide the consumer with documentation of the terms and conditions of the loan. This is the first thing I propose, record all calls with them, make them aware that they are being recorded, tape them being ****, saying they dont have to follow the laws, saying they will not provide documentation and lets take it to the next level.

[color=Red]****Adult term removed - Jason[/color]

Submitted by on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 20:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Unfortunately, most internet pdls operate in this manner. I think the first post above gives contact info., revoke your authorization for wage garnishment, although they may try to send it to your employer, most states only recognize a court order for garnishment. And since this company isn't licensed in the States they are not going to take you to court, and regardless of what they say, their taped conversation with you won't fly as evidence for them, they are true idiots.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 02:41


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

the answer is simple : the sistem doesnt allow us delete you. even if we want we cant.
and yeah theres a lot of middle eastern ppl, but beleive me they understand, they just cant do anything about it.
the only way u can be deleted if you dont qualify for the loan, or if you didnt applied for one.
in that case if u didnt applied for one , then someone applied with ur info, and this happens ALL the time.

Submitted by on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 23:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Help, I'm not sure what to do, I dont want the money and when I called to tell them that they hang up on me,

Submitted by Mykinkin on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 10:18


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Did you already accept the loan? If so keep calling them, the law says you have the right to reverse the loan within a specified amount of time, I'm not sure what state you are in, the time frame may vary from state to state. If they continue to hang up on you, you might mention you are contacting your government officials. Also if they deposit the money then have your bank return it to them immediately. Then I would have a block placed on your account preventing this company from having access to it. These people called me repeatedly on night insisting that I take a loan. They are not a good company to deal with.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 14:34


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Does anybody know by chance the customer service number to route 66 funding?

Submitted by on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 16:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I ran into a problem with an ACH dispute with bank concerning Route 66 Funding, not sure if anyone has experienced this either. I sent Route 66 Funding a cease/desist letter back in September stating I no longer authorized any ACH debits etc well they still went ahead and debited my account. Therefore, I filed an affidavit with the bank and provided all my documentation for the debt to be reversed and my account credited as it turns out they closed the case as last week I just received a letter yesterday stating their findings:
The item you are disputing dated xxxxx, in the amount of $79.00 is a telephone transaction and cannot be revoked. Therefore, we are unable to process your claim.

Did anyone know that about Route 66 Funding in regards to how they debit your account? I am calling my bank today to discuss it further but thought some of you would find that interesting. Has anyone dealt wtih this type of response from their bank? If so, how was it resolved? Any help would be great.

Submitted by Mamasita21 on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 05:35


( Posts: 99 | Credits: )

Does anyony have a telephone number for route 66 funding?

Submitted by on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 08:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I don't have a loan or anything with this company but I do work for a company with an employee that does. I saw that a couple people work for or used to work for this company and I have a question for them. Since I'm not the one that has the loan and the loan taker can not be reached at our work number why am I the one that has to be threatened by these people?

Submitted by on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 09:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

THANK GOD for this website. I JUST got approved for a loan. But, after reading this thread, I called the company and withdrew my request for a loan. I'd rather STRUGGLE through the week until payday than to deal with these people.

Submitted by on Mon, 10/30/2006 - 08:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I, too, have fallen prey to the Rt 66 loan. I have had to close my bank account to get them to stop debiting (or attempting to, because after they did it so many times, my account was overdrawn and their attempts to debit were returned, resulting in MORE fees from my bank). I finally had to close the account just to get my direct deposit paycheck back again. They have stopped calling me at work now, but I have just received an e-mail from their "investigations team" stating I need to pay them (but no amount given) and that I can send them a money order. I have registered with this site and received a phone call from a counselor that offered to consolidate my PDL's (I have 4, totalling about $1500), but at a cost of $2500 additional, with payments spread out over 30 this NORMAL?? I don't know which is worse - the loans or the fees for the consolidation! help!

Submitted by on Tue, 10/31/2006 - 17:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have a loan through this company also. I got sick of clicking on the link in the email to only pay the fees. I did not find out how to pay off the loan until I already paid them $317 for a $200 loan. Then in fine print in the email, I read that you have to call a number, leave a message and hope that someone gets back to you. I stopped payment on all transactions to this company.
Now they are calling me at work.
The other day a gentlemen with an accent called me and offered me a settlement. I said let me think about it. I called back and asked for the same gentlemen to make him a counter offer. I was told he no longer works there and that they want another $437.00 from me. So basically, I would pay them a total of $754.00 for a $200.00 loan. I said "NO"
The funny thing is the guy I was speaking to lost his accent periodically throughout our conversation.
So, I just emailed them with another settlement. Lets see what they do.

Submitted by on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 15:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

After seeing this site I did some research on Route 66 Funding. I got there Albany, NY address and whoever said it was a front was correct. They called me last night and I argued with them until I got their real mailing address. It is:
1005 Terminal Way
Reno, NV 89502

Hope this helps.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 05:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Oops!!! I forgot the suite #. The address is:
1005 Terminal Way
Suite 102
Reno, NV 89502

Sorry about that.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 05:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

My husband and I had ogne online and filled out the paperwork,but never actually said yes to the loan. Long story short, they call me 6 times a day wanting to complete the loan, when I tell them I don't want it, they continue to call back. Now when they call and I tell them to stop they laugh and hang up. I called them back and told them to stop and they hung up on me three times.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 09:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Okay, long story short, DH got a loan from these crooks back in August. Paid the $79 every 2 weeks and discovered we had paid back a total of $237 ($7 more than my state allows in interest) and decided to send the settlement letter we found through a link here. We closed our checking account, opened up a new one, low and behold they continue to try and debit the old account, time and time again. Each time for different amounts even. I have sent them a total of 20 e-mails, faxed them 5 letters, mailed and certified mailed them 2 letters and recently sent a fax and letter to the London address. We are getting phone calls every night at our home and on my husbands cell phone. I spoke to a guy last night when he called and offered us a settlement and told him that I would not pay him a dime until my State AG completed their investigation. He proceeded to scream at me over the phone. I hung up and he called back 5 times in a row. I never answered again. What do I do to get these people to stop? I have done everything that is advised here and they just won't quit! Anyone have any advice on what I should do next?

Submitted by on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 19:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

:evil: I have had to have my bank close my checking account because of route 66 funding be very careful because they use the name allied interstate. The bank cancelled my account and blocked them from taking more money they tried to tell me that on a 200.00 loan you pay back 780.00 They called my husband and threatened him with bodily harm. And called me at my work at the sheriff's office and did the same thing to me on a recorded line. Check the out in the better business bureau site.

Submitted by on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 06:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i just wanted to let anybody who has done business with rt 66 know not to do any business again with them they are crooks and need to be shut down and out of business. I wish I had a lawyer friend because I can't afford one to sue the hell out of them for their mistratment of their customers.

Submitted by on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 16:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

So I posted on here about not being able to get them to leave me alone a few weeks ago. I got fed up and decided to turn their own game against them. I faxed my AG's office an additional letter begging for their help and that same evening I sat down and faxed Route 66 a total of 40 letters, the same letters I had faxed, e-mailed, and mailed before. I also e-mailed the same letters 100 times to their offices. I figured I would start annoying the crap out of them just like they were doing with me and I was determined to do it every single night that they continued to call me. The 40 letters were 4 pages each so they got a whopping 160 pages on their fax machine that night HA HA! Since then, they have not called again and it has been almost a week!

You want to stop them? Turn the tables and do to them what they are doing to you. They have left me alone since I bogged down their e-mail servers and fax machines! Enjoy!

Submitted by on Sat, 11/11/2006 - 04:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have had a $200 loan with them for 3 weeks. They have only taken out $70 twice. Yesterday I got a call from the "guy with an accent". He said it was a courtesy call and asked if I would like to keep the loan or pay it off on my next payday (15th) I told him that I wanted to pay it off. He was polite but asked me several times if I was sure I didn't need the extra money for expenses, etc. I told him no and he said ok and thanked me for my business. I'm not sure what will happen on payday, but I'm crossing my fingers that they will only take out $270. Wish me luck!

Submitted by on Sat, 11/11/2006 - 11:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Thank god for Google!! I kind of got the idea that this was a scam when they called me 3 times in one
hour! Thank god i looked in to it, I just feel bad
everyone here wasn't as fortunate, just a reminder to us that there are always people out there trying to take our hard earned money. We're probably funding some terrorist group unwittingly.

Submitted by on Sat, 11/11/2006 - 18:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well, I've just sent my letter to Rt. 66 demanding they mark my account paid in full, since it was a $200 loan and was "renewed" 3 or 4 times (prohibited in my state, in which they are not licensed anyway), at a "renewal fee" of $79. The way I see it, I have more than paid back the initial loan of $200, merely by paying the renewal fees they charged to perform the (prohibited) renewal, and then some.

We will see how they react.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Sun, 11/12/2006 - 19:47


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Their initial reaction is going to be that they only have to follow UK laws since that is where they are based and they are putting you under investigation for fraud. Just ignore them, they are stupid. They also like to make the famous threat. You will prevail in the end, you'll just have to put up with their ignorance for a minute. But knowing what you know now, you can handle it.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Sun, 11/12/2006 - 20:02


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Well, the e-mail apparently caught someone's attention (think the fact that I sent it 15 times to every e-mail I could find had something to do with it?). "Brian" called from their "investigations team" at my work this morning, was very polite, asked if I could talk or would like to call him back. I told him I would call him back, he told me what hours he would be in the office and asked that I call him back today. I told him I would. I fully plan on asking for a written validation of this debt be e-mailed to me, that they stop calling me at work, and if their validation doesn't match my calculations, fighting this tooth and nail. If their validation shows that I have indeed paid the principal plus the initial transaction fee (no rollovers allowed in MI), I will advise them of this and demand my account be marked paid in full. If they fight me on it, I will proceed with my complaint to the AG & will copy them in on it.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Mon, 11/13/2006 - 07:30


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Well, I called "Brian" at Rt. 66 today at lunch time. Of course, "Brian" speaks English, but heavily accented, as with all Rt. 66 call center drones.

Here's how it went:

Brian: You owe for this loan, and you state in your e-mail that you paid over $300, but I don't see that. You have paid $177 on this loan, which was all extension fees, you have paid nothing on the principal balance of $200, all our recent attempts to debit your bank account have been returned unpaid, and now the account is closed, so our company has paid all these ACH fees.

me: I would like a written validation of my debt, please.

brian: validation?? what do you mean?

me: I want a written account of my balance due, including what I have paid, and your fees, so that I can see exactly what I owe. I would like that e-mailed to me.

brian: I will send that to you only if you make a payment agreement right now.

me: so you're saying I can't get a written list of what I owe?

brian: no - I cannot send you that unless you make a payment arrangment right now.

me: so what do I owe?

brian: if you pay the principal balance of $200, we will close this account.

me: but you said I have already paid $177, so I should be entitled to pay the balance between $200 and $177 and be done with this.

brian: no. no. that's not how this works. what about all the ACH fees the company has paid. we are not making any profit on your account at all by accepting the principal and not charging you for the ACH fees we paid.

me: so you're telling me I cannot get a written validation of what I owe?

brian: that's correct. you will not get that. not until you make a payment arrangment.

me: I see.

brian: so you want to make a payment arrangment?

me: no, I want that written validation of my debt to your company so that I can make an informed decision on what I owe.

brian: you will not get that.

me: not from anyone at your company?

brian: no. not until you make a payment arrangement. we made many arrangements with you, and never received any money, and we still paid the ACH fees. Your bank statement will tell you how much you owe.

me: uh, no it won't. My bank statement will tell me how much I've paid - not how much I owe. That's why I need the statement from you, which you're refusing to give me, right?

Brian: right.

me: all right, let me consider all this. In the meantime, I want the calls to my workplace to stop. I want your company to stop calling me at work. You have my home number, you can call me there.

brian: I can't stop that.

me: oh yes you can. according to state law, when I inform you that I do not want you to call me at work, you have to stop.

brian: what about the law that says you take out a $200 loan and don't repay it? don't you have to abide by a law that says you have to pay your bills? what about all the ACH fees the company has paid? If you pay the $200 principal, we will close this account.

me: well, I will have to take all this into consideration, I will call you back.

brian: ok, thank you.

During all this, I have to say, Brian was very polite and never became angry or abusive, as I've seen others describe on here as regards calls from this company.

So should I cut my losses here, pay what they're asking for, and be done with it? I thought I had paid them more than the original loan principal already - they say I haven't, so I need to go back over my bank statements and see if that's the case or not. If, in fact, I have only paid them the $177 they claim, am I within my rights to demand that they mark me paid in full if I pay them $23, which is the difference between the loan principal and what they say I've paid?

My basis for all this is that PDL extensions or rollovers are illegal in MI, unless no fee is charged. They did do extensions, for a $59 fee. I am not disputing the fact that I owe a debt - I am just furious over the way these companies operate and seem to keep popping up all over the place - they're breeding like rabbits, it seems.

So, opinions anyone? I'm thinking of going to my AG to file a complaint and giving them the whole situation, before I send a dime to these people. I feel that the fact that they kept trying to debit my account month after month, and, by "Brian's" own admission, they kept trying after it was closed - is an admission of guilt on their part. I gave them permission for only a couple of those debits - so who gave them permission to keep trying, even after the account was closed? So whose fault is it that they racked up these so-called "ACH Fees"? Again - I am not trying to escape my debt - I only want it to be fairly executed. And I feel that by refusing to provide me a written verification of my debt, and by refusing to stop calling me at work when I requested them to stop, and by extending a PDL and charging a fee to do so, and executing a "contract" over the phone, nothing in writing, they are in violation of so many laws, it's pathetic.

Sorry for rambling - opinions needed on my next move, please.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Mon, 11/13/2006 - 10:13


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

I'm at the same place with route 66 as you are . . . . They won't provide me with a written statement either. I'm pretty much to the point of just ignoring these idiots. I've paid them more than I should've, and since they don't play by any countires laws, I don't see why we should! I don't care what they offer me at this point, unless it's paid in full, I will not give them another cent.

Submitted by goudah2424 on Mon, 11/13/2006 - 10:49


( Posts: 7935 | Credits: )

Well I have to say that these idiots have not called me again ever since I sent them 100 e-mails and 40 faxes in one night. Good riddance! My state attorney general has it all now and I will let them do whatever they want.

For the people that are being told that they still have to pay the $200 principal balance, you need to check out your state laws. I'm in OK and state law says only 1 payday loan at a time, they have to be licensed here, has s specific amount on interest (flat fees-$15 for first 300, $10 for amounts higher than that, maximum of 500), they allow no renewals at all. I used this information to determine what I owed them. All in all I paid them $7.00 more than I owed them (just in the $79 renewal fees) and that is what I fought with. They made $7 off of me but I can live with that. Bombard them with your letters, run their fax machines out of paper and ink, clog their e-mail in boxes, do everything you can to harass them just like they are harassing you. STAND YOUR GROUND!

Submitted by on Mon, 11/13/2006 - 11:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Another phone call so far, either to home or work. We'll see if "Brian" (who has such heavily accented English that his name cannot possibly be Brian) calls back.

On another topic - I read an article in a magazine regarding the fact that so many American companies are outsourcing their call centers to India, etc. because the labor costs are cheaper there. Personally, my phone and cable companies both do this, and it's frustrating. My cable company doesn't seem to care about anyone's complaints, but the phone company told me they are keeping track of how many complaints they get about this practice, and will quite likely discontinue it soon. They know their customers aren't happy with it. The article I read stated the percentages of American companies outsourcing their call centers, I can't remember the number, but it was pretty high. It also had a sidebar showing an interview with a call center employee from India - she said quite often, call center employes are instructed to give false names - names that are more "American" - like Bob, Tom, William, Sherry, Barbara - to "make callers more comfortable", and that most of the call center employees deal with abuse from American callers on a daily basis because the callers are upset that they are speaking to someone from another country. (ya think??) The employee being interviewed said she had been yelled at, cursed at, and hung up on - and that she was bewildered by that - she was just trying to do her job.

Just another take on the call center situation with companies like Rt. 66 - they keep saying they are located in the UK, but most of their callers sound very much like they are located in India or a similar country.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 09:23


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

I am dealing with this company in the same way.I have repayed the loan and the company is saying that I have a new loan which the company is debiting my account for and I did no9t authorize it at all. My bank will not close my account due to this and I never received anthing in writting just an e-mail for the very first loan.

Submitted by on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 06:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

It's now 2 days after my conversation with "Brian" at Rt. 66. He has not called back, and I have not called him. I think I will wait these jerks out and see what they do. I will file with the AG of my state to sic him on their tails, and with the fine info provided by this wonderful site, I will have plenty of address info to give him to work with. If "Brian" or someone else calls me again, I will inform them they are out of luck - I will pay them a grand total of $23, which is the difference between what I borrowed and what I've paid so far, but no more than that. They can threaten all they want - they are powerless because they are operating illegally in almost every state in the union.


Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 16:12


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

i have received my checks and my new account # 25**23**** i would like to pay this off this debt i will receive a paper check on 11/17/ and i will deposit it the funds will be there on monday nov 20th so u have permission to take the $260.00 i hope you receive this e-mail so people can stop calling my house everyday it's not like i wasn't trying to pay but i was having a little hardship so please get the funds on monday

Account info removed for your safety - Mike

Submitted by on Thu, 11/16/2006 - 17:03

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