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route 66 funding payday - read all about this

Submitted by AmandaB on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 08:15
Posts: 120

Does anyone have an address for Route 66 funding?
thanks a million

i was approved by route 66 and when they called i declined their services, has anyone else done this and if so did you still have problems with them after you declined their services and also, i honestly don't remember when i filled out my info if they asked for bank information. if anyone has answers i would appreciate it

Submitted by on Fri, 07/28/2006 - 08:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Inside man, the only one that is "ignorant" is you. YOU do not know my situation and I DID NOTHING wrong other than try to pay your company back $279 that I feel I owe them. If they do not take money orders then I guess they do not want to get paid bad enough. If they think I am giving them a checking account number they are all sitting around smoking crack. I can't wait for the first person at route 66 to call me at work and even try to harrass me or my boss. You will be sorry.

I have already complained with the attorney general and have already complained to the BBB and my attorney has advised me of what to do and what my rights are and what you guys are doing wrong.

So long story short--Kiss mine.

Submitted by on Sat, 07/29/2006 - 17:35

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they are a shady operation, and they operate in a non-conventional way, but they are not a scam. i borrowed 200.00, they charged me a 79.00 processing fee. total balance due is now 279.00. if i paid in full by the 2 week due date, by calling them 3 days in advance, the total would have been only 279.00. if you dont pay off in full, they charge another 79.00 processing fee for every additional 2 week period. i will end up paying 200.00 + 79.00 + 79.00 =$358.00. for the original 200.00 i borrowed for 30 days. EXPENSIVE, yes, but a scam, no. These loans are for desperate people only, do not use unless absolutely dire straits. There are much more reasonable companies out there. Shop around, and Buyer Beware!

Submitted by on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 09:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Because it is illegal in at least one of the States in which they do business (Florida) to "rollover" a payday loan. Not following the law = scam.

They also violate federal laws by continuing to call you when you tell them not to, even if you tell them you are represented by an attorney.

Rory, I wish you the best, but let us know if they actually end up only debiting your account for a total of $358.00. My bf repeatedly tried to tell them to take the principal out of his account (the 3 days before thing) and they repeatedly have just taken out the $79.00 and insist that he still owes the $200.00. I hope for your sake that this is not what happens to you.

Submitted by on Thu, 08/03/2006 - 09:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

the reason why we are not breaking the law is because we are a london based company that is governed by the laws of the UK not the U.S
there are no laws against what we do in the UK. SO, there is no law that says that if I.m in the U.K I can't lend u money if you are in the U.S. provided u accept my terms from the U.K.

That is why U.S laws do not apply.

Submitted by on Fri, 08/04/2006 - 17:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If that were true, then no foreign company could ever get sued in the U.S. And trust me they do get sued. By doing business in a particular state (or country) you subject yourself to the jurisdiction of the courts of that state (or country). And if you read the Florida law you will see that it specifically indicates that it applies to international companies as well.

Sorry about your luck, sweetheart.

And if you are so sure of yourself in this matter, why not give us your full *and correct* info so we can have a judge settle this once and for all???

Submitted by on Sat, 08/05/2006 - 20:37

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Yes we do get sued but no we don't loose any because what we do is legal and not fraud but if anyone here has a specific problem, please let me know and I will do anything I can to help you rectify the situation, If you provide me with your full name and the last 4 digits of your ssn# I can look up your file and show you where you went wrong and how to fix it. also a phone number where I can call you would be more helpful. I am an honest person and all I want is to help because our company offers a service and I stand behind what we do. All problems are do to a lack of understanding by the customer or human error on the agent. But like I said, They all have a simple explanation. Try me and I can prove it to you.

Submitted by on Sun, 08/06/2006 - 17:41

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I have an idea...why don't YOU GIVE ME a phone number where I can personally speak with you? First of all, I'm not a customer, err, victim, of yours. I'm a lawyer representing one. You guys have not only my info, but my client's as well.

As far as where he "went wrong", I can tell you that. He "went wrong" by ever doing business with you in the first place!

Where you have gone wrong is by continuing to contact my client despite his and my repeated demands that you do not do so. That is a violation of several state and federal laws - TO WHICH YOU ARE SUBJECT.

You've also gone wrong by f**king with the wrong people. Maybe you should add "are you living with a lawyer" to your list of questions you ask applicants.

Submitted by on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 18:31

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Inside Man-

First of all, during your "application process" your company never discloses that you are located in the U.K. to the applicant. Don't try and dispute this point with me- I can assure you I was never told where your company is located. Second, your entire "application" process is conducted over the phone, which violates the full disclosure clause required of lenders for just about every where in the U.S. Third, your company, which can very rarely be contacted as it is, ignores practically every attempt by its customers to make any sort of payment arrangement, and then violates debt collection laws by making all sorts of inane threats in the hopes that you will scare someone enough into handing over money. Fourth, there have been several instances in which one of your customers/victims have had their account debited on the wrong days, for the wrong amounts, or had multiple debits done in the same day, all of which violate the very loose "agreement" you had with your customers in the first place. Yet you say your company violates no laws and does not engage in any unfair practices- which could only be true if this is the way that business is conducted in the U.K., which I know for a fact is not the case, and had no legal constraints on lending to citizens of the U.S., which again, is not true. You are bound by certain laws in the U.K. and you are certainly subject to laws in the U.S. How can you possibly continue to contend that your is in the clear? The only thing that I can figure out is that you either live with you head stuck down in the sand and just deny everything that's happening, or you've never heard of concept of "international law" and its purpose in regulating business transactions that take place across the world.

Submitted by on Wed, 08/09/2006 - 07:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

We have a QA team that listen to every recording of the loan process and they will not send out a loan if the agent misread or misinformed the customer in any way as to the conditions of the loan. You were read 6 legal statements. After each legal statement you had to agree by stating your name and the days date. You ageed to everything and you were told that the conditions were under the jurisdiccion of the british courts. Obviously you were not listening to what the agent was saying and you just agreed because you really were only thinking about the money at the time like most people are. Don't bullshit me about not being read the t&c of the loan because you were.We record everything so ignorant people like you don't try and say they were not told this or that. Ask your lawyer to ask for a recording of the contract in writing so you can listen to your stupid self agreeing to the T&C of the loan. I will be posting the entire verbal contract within the next couple of days so all you ignorant people who swear we have cheated you can underatand exactly what it was you agreed to. In cases were a system error caused more money to be debited than it should have we always give a refund.

Submitted by on Wed, 08/09/2006 - 11:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well, Inside Man, you certainly are an unpleasant little person. I never insulted you or called you names in my post, as you just did in yours. As far as I'm concerned, you've just proved how unprofessional and morally reprehensible your company, and now you, are. I am neither ignorant nor stupid, and do not appreciate being called so by someone who works for the modern day equivalent of a loan shark. I can assure you that your company has mistreated enough people at this point to ensure that they will be facing legal action soon- and not from a bunch of illiterate rednecks, as you apparently seem to think we are, but from people who have logged countless hours researching your company and the laws that apply to these types of transactions, both in our country and yours. And since you seem to be so sure of your self, answer a question: If your company really is in compliance with all the laws that pertain to internet payday lenders, then why do the BBB, Attorney General's Office, and Consumer Credit Commissioner's Office all seem to think that we have a solid case against your company? And although you managed to write and insulting paragraph above, why have you not answered any of the questions asked of you? Why does your company have a website with no contact information and links that only have dead ends? Why does your company not provide a hard copy documentation of the loan terms so that the lender can abide by the terms or protect themselves when things go wrong? Why does your company refuse to publish legitimate contact information so that customers can reach you? Why does your company refuse to make payment arrangements? And finally, why do you feel it's necessary to dodge these questions that have been repeatedly asked of you by responding with a paragraph of what essentially consists of immature insults and empty boasts? One final thought- don't insult the people on this website. It will be your mistake if you write off the people here as ignorant, because I can assure you that there are intelligent and dedicated members in these forums who are not only out to protect themselves but also the interest of others by preventing companies like yours from doing business in the future. This is not some band of hippies cooking up revenge plots in somebody's basement- these are people who either are or have hired attorneys for the cause and have begun presenting their cases to the appropriate branches of the United States Government, and who are starting to get real results.

Submitted by on Wed, 08/09/2006 - 13:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

As "another victim" stated, it is in fact the law that contracts such as these must be in writing and signed by the parties in order to be valid and enforceable. And a transcription of a verbal contract doesn't count.

But since you brought it up....who do I contact, and how do I do so, in order to get a transcription of the illegal verbal agreement which my client made with you? Please advise (failure to give me this info will result in my assumption that you've lied about my ability to get the transcript).

BTW - even if you had obtained a signed written agreement from my client, it still would have been illegal for a host of other reasons already discussed here.

Submitted by on Sat, 08/12/2006 - 15:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

anyone gotten one of these in email yet?



You needed money urgently and we provided it as a short term facility based upon the information you gave us in your application. It was not intended to provide long term finance.

We want to work with you to find a mutually acceptable way of repaying this facility. However, to do this we do need to begin to communicate.

Please contact us in one of the following ways:-

??? Call us on 1-877-564-7739 to discuss your arrears and arrange a new payment or
??? Click on the link below and complete the attached proposal form setting out your proposals on how you intend paying off the overdue balance.

Click here to fill in the proposal form

If you are unwilling to make contact with us, your account will be passed to our Investigations Team so that we can check whether the information and references you provided in your original application were accurate and for recovery action to commence against you .

Please don't stick your head in the sand and ignore this email ??? the problem is not going to go away. Contact us NOW and let's try and sort it out. If you are prepared to work with us in good faith, we will try to work with you.

Yours sincerely

Nat Williams
Collections Officer

Submitted by on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 07:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They must have recently changed their approach to email collections- they sent me an email about two months ago threatening me with everything they could possible think of, and they never mentioned they'd be willing to make payment arrangments. If you go to make payment arrangements with them, MAKE SURE you get something from them in writing, because Route 66 makes their money by trying to conduct all their business over the phone so that their customers have no idea what's going on. Route 66 seems to routinely break all sorts of laws, so please be careful dealing with them. My email from them was a lot more nasty than yours, so maybe you'll have some luck in dealing with them. If you don't mind, keep us posted on how it's going with them. Good luck!

Submitted by apaverystar23 on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 07:40


( Posts: 215 | Credits: )

I actually got them to list my loan as "Paid in Full" by sending them a letter. I had paid them $711 in interest fees alone on a $200 loan. Last week, they left a message on my phone that they would be generous to me and mark my loan paid in full. I emailed them and told me to send me an email confirming the account was closed and no more payments would needed.

Submitted by michaelsmom on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 08:23


( Posts: 45 | Credits: )

Well I don't plan on dealing with them at all. I wanted to pay them in full on July 18th but I needed to send a money order and they efused to accept it. I was told by "Jackie" that I will accrue the $79 fees until I get a new checking account open. I informed her I was not getting a checking account and if I did I would not give it to them ever again. She got very angry practically yelling at me that it is not her fault my checking account is closed and I agreed to pay them through a checking account. I told her if she wanted her money to tell me where to mail it and she refused. Told me if I did mail a money order they would refuse it and send it back, so I have done nothing and plan on doing nthing about the money I owe them until they decide to talk like rational human beings, and yes, this email was a lot nicer than how they have been acting in the past. When they call me at work or on my number I say nothing to them and hang up, I won't tolerate harrassment of any kind like that.

Submitted by on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 09:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

GOD, I want to tell all us guys every thing about this fucked up company...shit good luck trying to find us in london....just email me at email address removed as per forum rules - Mike...
but u all got to help me out thow, cause i work there...just make an agreement with me and then close ur account...but u cant do that after u find me helpfull....

Submitted by on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 22:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


I say let them do their worst - which is nothing! Notice that unlike most debt collectors, they don't threaten you with legal action. That would require them to come out of the closet, so to speak, show their faces and allow themselves to be subjected to the law. Which they won't do because these are illegal loans in every state in this country.

Submitted by on Wed, 08/16/2006 - 16:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

look every one i do want to help u, but not just u guys, everyone that this scam company taking advantge of, hell i think i have spoke to some of u already on the phone...but i dont know if i should beacuse it may cost the job of 500 good hard ppl here and i dont know how many up in India...most the ppl i call asking the for money are mother and father like my'n. pliz try to understand i really want to help but i dont to caz more harm then good...

Submitted by on Wed, 08/16/2006 - 22:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


It's rare to see someone in your business that shows a sense of compassion for both sides, so we do appreciate that. And I'd also like to thank you for being pleasant to the forum members in your posts. I understand your concern for job loss; but at the same time, I can;t tell you how many people here have forked over money that should have gone to food, a car payment or mortgage payment, their children, school payments... the list goes on. We would be very grateful if you decide to help us out a bit- everyone here gets on this website everyday either to get help or to hope they can help someone else stay out of the situation they've been in.

Submitted by apaverystar23 on Thu, 08/17/2006 - 06:58


( Posts: 215 | Credits: )

question, i took a loan from them for 200 dollars and since i havent been able to pay for it they keep charging me 59 dollars every week is there anyway that you can just pay them by small amounts because there are making money out of me. they have taking like 300 dollars and they are still telling me that i have to pay 259 still. that is crazy. does anyone knows what i should do

Submitted by on Thu, 08/17/2006 - 07:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Unfortunately, not everyone at Route 66 is as pleasant as Zygon, who posted above. Send a letter or an email to Route 66 either asking for a validation of the remaining debt, or state that you've paid the loan amount plus a finance charge back in full and that they no longer have your authorization to debit your account. Take a copy to your bank, and ask if they'll block the debits from Route 66. If not, is it possible for you to close out your checking account and open a new one? I know it's a pain, but if your bank can't block their debits, sometimes it's the only way to keep from having more money taken from you. Send the letter certified mail with return receipt, (you can email and fax a copy as well- why not cover all your bases?) and then show your bank a copy. Sign up with the forums here- it's free, and you can learn so much about protecting yourself in these kinds of situations.

Submitted by apaverystar23 on Thu, 08/17/2006 - 07:56


( Posts: 215 | Credits: )

They are a bunch of crooks. I am on hold with them right now. I paid so far over 300.00 and I borrowed $200.00. I called and made an arrangement with the company to send in a money order. They drafted not one but TWO 79.00 fees from my account this pay period.

Submitted by on Fri, 08/18/2006 - 09:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I looked at my electronic bank account yesterday, only to note that they had debited my $59 payment THREE times, which was not something I ever agreed to, either over the phone or in writing. I am furious, as I already have my bank threatening to close my account due to being overdrawn. I need money to live on, and these people will not refund the extra two debits.

Absolutely at my wit's end.

Submitted by on Sat, 08/19/2006 - 00:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

CaraLD, complain the unauthorized debit by Route 66 Funding to your state attorney general's office. They will take necessary actions in resolving this problem because Route 66 Funding already has many consumer complaints in different states. More complaints from people will initiate them to take their actions faster.

Submitted by Christina on Sat, 08/19/2006 - 14:21


( Posts: 438 | Credits: )

Thanks Christina, I just took that advice, and now all I need to do is wait to hear back from them. I fail to see how it ISN'T illegal to continually debit the payment from our accounts, and NOT apply it to the loan principal. Even if we did supposedly agree to it.

Submitted by on Mon, 08/21/2006 - 08:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Alright, Inside Guy. If this isn't a scam of some sort, then tell me...

Why is it that I have been reading up all morning on a phone number from Hawaii (808-212-0041, for those who are curious) that I have gotten THREE calls from so far today. Interesting that all the reading I've done online about this is that it's a scam and you shouldn't fall for it.

Each person on the other websites that I've been reading has gotten a call from this very same phone number, each time having the person on the other end identify themselves as a different person.

And explain to me WHY, when I finally answered the third call and actually had someone SAY something back to me when I answered, this phone number came from Route 66 Funding, asking me for still MORE money?

Don't you DARE say this isn't a scam. Because it is. As soon as I am able to pay off the remaining part of my balance, I will do so. Until then, STOP BUGGING ME!

Submitted by on Mon, 08/21/2006 - 10:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

well, I simply don't understand how people take out loans and then they decide they are not going to pay anymore. People you must remember it is a pay-day loan meaning we loan u an x amount and you promise to pay it back on you following payday with the fee for the loan. If you do that then you will not have a problem, your loan will be paid in full and the account closed.However if you can not pay the loan back on your payday you can simply pay just the fee you incured for the use of the loan until your payday, however if you decide to keep the loan until a next payday you will again incur a fee for the use of the loan during each subsequent payday until you pay back the original loan amount. This is so simple I don't understand why people still wonder why they owe 200 dollars(the original loan amount) even after they have paid several hundred dollars. It is because on every payday you decided to pay just the fee to extend your loan instead of the fee plus the original loan amount.
Let me put it to you like this. Payday loans are like renting a lawn mower for 20 bucks a day. The longer you keep the lawn mower the more rent you pay. If you keep it for 10 days you will have rented a 150 dollar mower for 200 dollars, and you still have to give the mower back. You can't tell the owner your going to keep the mower because you have paid more than it is worth. This same principle applys to payday loans. The longer you keep the original loan amount the higher the cost and you still have to pay the original value of the loan back. I hope this explains it better, It is not a scam, It is a service for anyone who needs cash fast.

Submitted by on Wed, 08/23/2006 - 17:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am amazed. I just got an email from them saying they will accept money orders. Now why is it 2 months ago I explained my account had been closed and I had to send a money order and "JACKIE" got so hostile and rude with me and said under no circumstance do they accept money orders. How strange that all of a sudden they magically do.

Submitted by on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 05:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

My hubby told them 5 times already he did not want the loan and to quit calling. Now they keep saying they never talked to him and call every 5 minutes. Its getting ridcolous.

Submitted by on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 12:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I was called and refused the loan and before I said I'm not interested they hung up + they called 3x in one day 3 different people.

Submitted by on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 19:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I was approved for a $200.00 loan and I will let everyone know what happens. I pray that this doesnt happen but I guess we will see. I will keep everyone posted.

Submitted by on Sat, 08/26/2006 - 08:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Inside Man,

I understand everything you are saying.

Now hear what I'm saying:

How is it that you can keep accepting payments, when if it's a loan, payments should be used to pay down principal? As far as I know, this doesn't match up with a LOT of state laws in the United States (and don't bother trying to tell me that you're based in the US, because your call center is very MUCH overseas, to judge by the ring tones).

Not all payday loans are like this. Trust me, I've worked with other companies in the past where this has not been the case. Interest has been included with the payments toward the loan principal.

Put simply: we may have agreed to this, but things may not have been perfectly clear. In addition, I find it VERY fishy that my repeated attempts to procure WRITTEN verification of the amount of the loan to be paid have been denied via the lame excuses that either "the computers aren't here, so I can't print that for you" or "the supervisors won't let us."

If you are a legitimate business, then I would think you should have no trouble providing clients and customers with written verification of the agreement.

No matter, however, you've now been reported the Attorney General of my state of residence.

Submitted by on Sun, 08/27/2006 - 20:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

august 25as soon as i started filling out the form for the loan, i knew something was not right but i had written a check for my tuition the same day my car payment was debited from my account so i had to make up the difference fast so i thought i would get a cash advance online and this route 66 funding had approval within an hour so i chose this one, they called 1 hour after i had filled out the application and i went through stating my name, the next day i get an e-mail saying after further review my loan was declined. i guess my question is, will they start debiting from my account what i had agreed on even though i didn't get the loan, and believe me i've checked my account to make sure i didn't get the money especially after finding this forum about this scam

Submitted by on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 21:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )



i guess my question is, will they start debiting from my account what i had agreed on even though i didn't get the loan, and believe me i've checked my account to make sure i didn't get the money especially after finding this forum about this scam

Send a cancellation letter to Route 66 Funding through US certified mail. You also need to keep a regular watch on your checking account because you filled out their form. Their are many serious complaints against this company. Keep a copy of the mail sent by Route 66 Funding that said that your loan application was declined. This means that they don't have further rights to debit money from your checking account. If this happens, it will be a fraudulent activity and you need to take strict actions.

Submitted by ArDeN on Tue, 08/29/2006 - 13:47


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