auto laons
Date: Mon, 06/20/2005 - 04:50
auto laons
Hi robin tucker Welcome to the forums. Auto loans are categor
Hi robin tucker
Welcome to the forums. Auto loans are categorized under the secured debts and hence are not included in the debt consolidation program.
This program takes into account all your unsecured debts which have accrued in the past and require to be paid off for building a clean credit report.
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Hi Robin Tucker Welcome to debt consolidation care forums
Hi Robin Tucker
Welcome to debt consolidation care forums
Your two auto loan payments can be consolidated into one loan payments. But you have to enroll yourself in a debt consolidation program. After you are registered in the program the debt consultant of the company will negotiate with your creditors and will frame a repayment plan which will be an affordable one. In addition you will be relieved of the stress and tension.
Hope you will find this information useful.
Please feel free to come back with further queries