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A new beginning

Date: Wed, 06/08/2005 - 13:59

Submitted by anonymous
on Wed, 06/08/2005 - 13:59

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 6

A new beginning

I just found and joined this website today. My journey towards being debt free is only now beginning. I wanted to share my story, partly because I'm ashamed that I managed to create this kind of debt in the first place and so I rarely discuss financial matters with anyone in my life. And also because I don't just want to get out of debt. I want to change the way I think about and handle money. I want to start over.
My story probably begins during my childhood. My father who was a good farmer, but knew absolutely nothing about business lost the family farm when I was 6 or 7. We were very poor in those years. When the furnace broke, it stayed that way for several years even though we lived in snow country. I remember church members giving us food etc. so we could get by. By the time I was 12 or so both my parents had new jobs and things were better financially. Money was something that was never discussed, although I knew they were in debt and things were tighter than they seemed. Saving was not a value that was taught at all in that environment. When I was 14 my parents divorced. Since all my siblings were older and already moved out, it was just my mom and I during my high school years. When I was 16 I got a job at the local grocery store and started working about 20 hours a week. Finances were really tight for my mom and I knew it. She never outright asked me to, but I started pitching in. I paid for all of my stuff including everything from school trips to new clothes to the kind of shampoo I wanted. I also started helping with groceries etc around the house. I worked a lot of hours those years, but put absolutely nothing in savings. We had to support the way we were living right then.
So I moved away for college and everything was fine until graduation (other than the accumulation of student loans). After graduation I couldn't find a full time job. Even though I was working 2 part time jobs, I couldn't pay the bills. I was charging groceries so that I'd have enough to pay other bills. After a year of creating more debt and more debt, I moved again to start graduate school. During my graduate school years my debt load stayed about the same (except for those pesky student loans again). It did increase a little when I went without a job for about 6 weeks. After graduate school, again I couldn't find a position in my field. After accumulating debt for about 4 months I reluctantly moved home. 2 months later I moved cross country and started a new job. I could barely get by because of the almost $10,000 in credit card debit I'd accumulated.
For about 4 years my budget was extremely tight. There were weeks I didn't know how I'd pay for groceries, but I didn't charge any more. I was going to change and I kind of did. In fact I paid off most of that credit card debt. Then about 1 year ago several things changed. I had a new job with a better income. I bought my first house and a new vehicle. Mortgage and car payments were similar to previous rent and car payments. Then my house needed a ton of work and I really wanted to get things done. And because my views about money had not changed, I felt very deprived from my 4 years of trying to pay off bills. Old habits took hold and I made very poor and stupid financial decisions.
At this point I have about $20,000 in unsecured debt. I also still have the mortgage and car loan. And from my 9 years of college I have about $89,000 in student loans. Those are in forebearance right now because I had no way to make the payments.
I decided a few weeks ago that I needed to change my approach to money and that I needed help to get myself out of this situation. I've been praying about it and searching for solutions. Then today I found this site. I've already talked to my counselor and now at least I have a plan for my unsecured debt. I want to learn better values and approaches to handling finances and for once I have some hope that I am on my way!

Hi Guest,

Welcome to the forums. I realize that you have had hard times in your childhood. You started working at a very young age and it was a very responsible act from your side taking care of your mother and your home.

I read that in your middle age, you financial position improved and as a result bought your home and a car. But now, you are still having a lot of debt still to be paid.

Please make decisions sensibly and hope that you come out of this debt also very soon.


I just found and joined this website today.

I will like to tell you that you have not joined the site as a registered member. It is because your status is shown as guest. After filling one short registration form at the sign up page of this site, you will join the community members on this board.

After registration, you will also enjoy all the benefits and services of debt consolidation and get regular updates on it. We hope to hear from you soon after sign up with your comments and suggestions.



Submitted by roxette on Wed, 06/08/2005 - 17:48

( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )

Hello Guest,
Welcome to the forums.


I decided a few weeks ago that I needed to change my approach to money and that I needed help to get myself out of this situation. I've been praying about it and searching for solutions. Then today I found this site. I've already talked to my counselor and now at least I have a plan for my unsecured debt. I want to learn better values and approaches to handling finances and for once I have some hope that I am on my way!

It is good to know that you are taking the initiative to improve your credit status. Now you should concentrate on how you can manage your finances and spent more wisely. Try to budget your finances every month. At this point, you may consider debt management as an option. To know more about this please read the relevant article:

Hope this information helps you.
Keep posting in the forums and share with us your views on debt related issues.



Submitted by peter on Thu, 06/09/2005 - 02:44

( Posts: 285 | Credits: )

First i would like to say that you should not be ashamed for your past. We all make mistakes. But the good thing about you is that you learn from mistakes. Many people are not able to do that. So you are already ahead of the game.

I really admire your endurance. After all that you have been through, I would have expected you to be hardened and perhaps angry at the world. but instead, you come out of the situation humble and ready for a change. That is great and I hope to you maintain this sense of determination throughout your journey toward a debt free life.


Submitted by benjaminz6 on Wed, 06/22/2005 - 10:11

( Posts: 256 | Credits: )

Welcome to the forums!!! I can only imagine growing up that way. I can say that I never seen my parents go through that. They always tried to push me to be responsible with my finances. of course being rebellious and thinking that I knew everything is what got me in the position that I am in now!! It is great to see people coming here wanting to change their financial situation.

As ben said, your endurance is really admired. Throughout everything, you still held your head high and you will come out on top!


Submitted by Rhonda28 on Fri, 09/09/2005 - 19:25

( Posts: 411 | Credits: )

Its good that before you join this feel alone and ashamed and you think you've done this horrible thing because you've racked up so much debt. But then you realize you are not alone and a TON of people do it. These credit card companies hassle you right when you turn 18 and are young and then they keep highering the spending limit. Its crazy...and if you don't know what you are just keep digging a hole that you can't get out of.

No need to feel ashamed or dumb or anything. You should talk to a counselor and they will be able to help you. Also sign up and write in the forums. HUGE amount of support here.

Good Luck!


Submitted by shopaholic5 on Fri, 10/21/2005 - 09:42

( Posts: 281 | Credits: )