Mish's Progress
Date: Tue, 05/23/2006 - 07:23
Submitted by sapphiredreams
Tue, 05/23/2006 - 07:23
Total Replies: 18
Mish's Progress
As of May 16th, I closed my account and opened a new account. On the same day, I contacted the debt consolidation company (T&A) and entered in a contract with them.
So far some PDLs are being cooperative;
Payday Ok: 512.70. They are very willing to work with the debt consolidation company. Very pleasant to work with.
Mr. Cash: 312.50 They are willing to work with the debt consolidation company as long as the balance are paid off within 60 days. They were very nice and not rude.
Few headaches:
Nationwide: Refused to revoke the ACH debit after I informed them of account being closed and to arrange payments now. They said will continue to ACH debit my old account and once it coms back unpaid, recoveries dept will contact me for payment arrangments. Meanwhile, I will have unpaid fees assessed to my account.
CashTransferCenter: Stated I have 900 dollars loan which I did not authorize. I only took out 200 dollars loan to my knowledge. Refused to provide me the documentations until I pay. Very unreasonable. My bank returned the charges to them and they were very unreasonable and harrassing. Had to call in a police report on them.
Edited to add:
Mypaydayloan.com : Received a very cute Hallmarks card from Janelle at the collections dept requesting me to call her and work out some kind of arrangmeent.
Will update as I deal with more PDLs. :oops:
Congrats sounds like you are coming along swimmingly. I called sonic and told them i was going to default and they gave me the number for ecare and a rep there told me that i would have to pay $312. A $200 dollar loan + the $54 fee + $58 nsf fee. I dont know where the whole $900 came from. Stay on them until they give your the appropriate documentation. :d
Thank you Cristee. $58 NSF sounds kind of extreme to me. Wer
Thank you Cristee. $58 NSF sounds kind of extreme to me. Were they willing to do a payment arrangmnt of any kind?
Progress update:
Mypaydayloan: Spoke with Janelle and arranged for two paymeents of 212.50 on 6/30 and 212.50 on 7/31 via money gram. What's even more amusing is she told me after my loan was paid out, I am qualifed for a "Step Up" program where they increase my principl lending limit by 100 dollars. UMMM! No thanks! I am done with payday loans!
Sapphire, Thank you for sharing your progress with us :) Son
Thank you for sharing your progress with us :) Sonic/CTC can be very difficult to deal with. Where are they coming up with seven hundred dollars extra on your account? Feel free to pm me and I can give you some tips with dealing with these people.
Thank you, Mishele! :) I do not know where they come up with
Thank you, Mishele! :)
I do not know where they come up with the extra 700 dollars. It seems like I am in for a rough ride with this darn company.
Progress Update: I finally am able to pay my mortgage today! It was nearly two weeks late due to the stupid fees. I was honest with my mortgage company and they will waive the late fee. My car payment is a month late due to the check bouncing after the PDLs' fees put me in overdraft so I am trying to get that fixed. It wont be until next month that I bring my car loan account to current. See? That is what payday loans do to you! They put your mortgage, ulilties, and car payments in jeopardy. Not worth it. Definitely not worth it.
They are definitely not worth it.Great to hear that things are c
They are definitely not worth it.Great to hear that things are coming together for you.Keep the faith. :)
I'm glad to read that you are starting to be able to catch up. I
I'm glad to read that you are starting to be able to catch up. If we all have the same foresight that we do as hindsight.... :)
Thanks all! :)
Today is the big "D" day and I am kind of nervous about it. I do not like having my payday loans going into default. It makes me feel like a failure in some ways. But I know it is the best thing to do.
Off subject but still relates to finances: This morning, I went through the drive thru at my bank to cash my check (I havent received my new bank card yet) for 25 dollars. Well, as I was pulling out and got on the road, I realized the young banker (she seemed so young like fresh out of high school) gave me $275 extra! I turned right around and gave the money back....she was quite surprised because she was not aware she gave out that much. What happened was the bank was undergoing changes and the computer was down at that time. She said I could have easily ran off with the money and they would not know where the missing 275 dollars went. She thanked me for being honest. To be truthful, I felt guilty because I WAS THINKING OF RUNNING OFF WITH THAT EXTRA MONEY to pay off some of payday loans. When that thought occurred to me, it scared me because I am not that kind of person to do that stuff. It's amazing how when you feel desperate or in need of money to pay back those debts which fees blindly robbed you of money that you would THINK of taking off with extra money you are not entitled to have. That was disturbing. I am glad I was honest and returned the money. But I can not help but think of how I could use 155 dollars to pay retainer fee and the rest towards smaller payday loans. UGH! What goes around will comes around is how I look at it.
Another update: I got in touch with Brooke at T&C since I was supposed to pay the retainer fee today. I was not able to do so since I had to make current on a mortgage payment that bounced and a car payment. She was very understanding and I asked if I can do a partial payment of the retainer fee and pay the remaining next Friday. She said I was able to do that so I am so thrilled! They are so easy to work with. :D :D
saphire dreams----I can't help but believe that good things are
saphire dreams----I can't help but believe that good things are in store for you. It is so hard to do the right thing sometimes, but you did, and I have to think that you will be rewarded for that. Good for you.
Sapphiredreams---Good for you taking the high road and doing the
Sapphiredreams---Good for you taking the high road and doing the right thing and returning the money. Yes it was tempting, but you wouldn't be human if you were able to be tempted. One time my brother, who was unemployed at the time, found a wallet with 1,500 dollars in it. He found a name and address of the owner and returned it all. The man gave him a 200 dollar reward which was just what he needed to pay some bills.
Pats Fan, thank you very much for your kind words. :) I was stil
Pats Fan, thank you very much for your kind words. :) I was still thinking of that money but then I thought how I may have saved that girl's job. She may or may not get fired for her error and I can not have that riding on my shoulders if I had not return the money.
Lorri, huge kudos to your brother for being such a great guy! Wow. :) We need more honest people like your brother and the world will be a better place.
saphhire, way to go, ou have taken control and you will succeed.
saphhire, way to go, ou have taken control and you will succeed... and Way to go about the bak teller, same thing happened to me last year, gals first day on the job, gave me an extra 100 back.. I didn't notice ti for about 4 hours, went back to my branch and said hey I have extra money.. they had not even missed it.. ,long story short.. it was returned, the gal was crying and the bank even gave me a $150 gift certificate..
Thank you, JJ. :) That was awesome you got a reward in exchange
Thank you, JJ. :) That was awesome you got a reward in exchange for your kindness. I did not get a reward but after I saw that girl's grateful smile, that was enough.
Cash Doctors: Well well, they threatened me with the wage garnishment after I told them I can not make the payment in full right now. Oh...okay, you wanna play with me?! When I informed them of my rights and how the threats are illegal, Butch (yes thats his name, Im not kidding) changed his tune and denied the threats. I politely informed him that since I am using the relay system to communicate with him, I will have the copy of the converstation when the phone call ended. I scrolled up and it clearly stated "I will have to adminster the wage garnishment against you" . Butch got nervous and said he did not mean it. Then he said he will accept my orginal plan of paying 50 dollars on the 12th via money gram (seee....that was not so hard). He said he will, per my request, send me the itemized statement before the 12th or I will not pay without seeing the statement.
Funny thing is when I was gtting ready to sign off, he said for the future phone calls or arrangments, to contact him DIRECTLY. Meanwhile, he will ceist any communication with me until I receive the itemized statement and he receives the payment on the 12th. In his words, "I like you because you are a strong woman" . I hope to god that Butch does not develop a crush on me ;) :D
Good job sapphire, way to hold your ground against them. Too ba
Good job sapphire, way to hold your ground against them. Too bad more men don't feel like "Butch" does! :)
Another update: Okay, this is weird. Buckeye Check Cashing Serv
Another update: Okay, this is weird. Buckeye Check Cashing Services called me again. This time it was Bill. He informed me that he can not send me the statement because "I have my contract". When I told him, I do not have my contract and I would like the recent statement of what I owe since I have been paying refinance fees and I want to show that on my statement. He said he does not do that and for me to pay up. I said no statement no money period. He threatened me that there will be recourse. I said fine this converstation is being copied. Bill said he did not give me consent to do this and terminated the call.
What do I do? I have this funny feeling about this company.
Congrats on your progress and keep up the good work. Keep up th
Congrats on your progress and keep up the good work. Keep up the good work and keep us updated, you are an inspiration to many on this board.
Thank you dmj210. :) Update: I was contacted by Nationwide
Thank you dmj210. :)
Update: I was contacted by Nationwide aka Langhorne Law (*gulp*) and spoke with the Ms. K in regards to my outstanding loan of 300 dollars. My total balance is 350 dollars. Ms. K asked for my new account information, of course, I said I am not allowed to give it out. She said she wants 90 dollars right away and 60 dollars to pay down. Or she can arrange for 150 dollars to be wired to Langhorne on the 12th. Then later she said she can break down two payments of 175 on the 12th and 175 on the 26th to pay in full. Does that sound like a good arrangement? I have been paying 90 dollars for the past three paydays. I am not sure if I should settle for less than 350 dollars balance due to my interest fee limit in Indiana? Any advice? Just want to make sure I am not being screwed with the interest fees.
sapphiredreams Sounds good! I guess you should accept the dea
Sounds good! I guess you should accept the deal. But you must also ensure that the interest rates and fees are within the permissible norms as per your state laws.
Just have everything in writing and remember to get a letter mentioning the account being paid. Also, prefer to have the "Do not loan" status against your id.
This might seem kind of obvious, but make sure you have at least
This might seem kind of obvious, but make sure you have at least 2 copies of their agreement and your payment! I always make several copies and put them away (as I tend to lose stuff). Good for you---I am glad they will work with you.