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PDL using AIM to harrass!!

Date: Thu, 04/20/2006 - 13:15

Submitted by Seeing_the_Light
on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 13:15

Posts: 529 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 36

PDL using AIM to harrass!!

Hey everyone...thought you would all find this interesting:

Today, I found out that PDL will go to great lengths... sent me an IM to tell me that I am in payday loan default! After they have already accepted the proposal from T&C! I am always signed on to Moblie IM through my cell phone, so I actually get IM's in the form of text messages...much to my surprise, it wasn't a welcome message today!!

They are CRAZY!!!!!

Hit enter before I was done...

Ok...So the IM messages are not SECURE connections....What if they sent the info to the WRONG PERSON? I used to get IM's for someone with a similar IM name as me all the time!

Or what if it was someone else using the computer??

This has to violate privacy laws.

I'm just


Submitted by Jessi on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 18:23

( Posts: 3361 | Credits: )

This is from a SPAM email I received from some random PDL...they are trying to make these loans seem like the GREATEST idea for consumers!! LOL!

[quote]The Facts About Cash Advances

Cash advances have many names and many potential uses. Regardless of whether they're called payday loans, post-dated check loans, deferred deposit check loans or any number of exotic terms, cash advances all have the same basic features.

Cash advances are intended as an emergency source of funds for consumers with Fair Isaac and Company (FICO) credit scores below 620. FICO scores have been used by lenders in determining consumer creditworthiness for almost 50 years.

If your credit score is 620 or below you will be considered financially unstable by mainstream lenders who will consider you a greater credit risk. Lines of credit or loans at competitive interest rates could become very hard to find if you fall into this ???subprime??? credit category.

Before the subprime cash advance industry came into being, people with poor credit scores who wanted to borrow money were essentially ???thrown to the sharks??? if they couldn't borrow money from a friend or relative. Loan sharking became a back alley industry in which the sharks, often members for the Mob, would let their customers borrow money with illegal and ridiculously high interest rates. Failure to pay back the land sharks whatever outrageous fees they demanded could result in the loss of limbs or even your life.

Today cash advances may be a subprime consumer's best alternative in a desperate cash crunch. Even if your credit is good you may still be disqualified for a mainstream loan if you have unreliable income or have few tangible assets.

If used appropriately, cash advances can be a useful financial tool that will help you cope with short-term cash flow problems caused by an unexpected emergency that stretches your finances to the breaking point. Sudden car repairs, illnesses requiring medical attention or money needed for an unexpected trip are all possibilities you may not be able to budget for in advance.

Even the possibility of bouncing a check or making a late credit card or utility bill payment could be more costly than a cash advance. One missed credit card payment could really hurt your credit score and too many bounced checks could cost you hefty penalty fees. The high fees and hundreds of percentage points in interest fees often associated with a cash advance may be a much better alternative.

Cash advances are quickly becoming a viable alternative to solve many consumers' cash crunches today. As of 2005, there are close to 100 million cash advances issued each year. This explosion of subprime lending has resulted in more than 24,000 cash advance companies being established in stores, check cashing businesses and pawn shops throughout the United States.[/quote]



Submitted by Seeing_the_Light on Fri, 04/21/2006 - 11:12

( Posts: 529 | Credits: )

While I agree with you, you know that isn't going to happen, and they will hide behind the "OC" status. Gpoing as far as finfing someones screen name for a messenger prgramis extreme. But its also proabbly entirely legal, as out laws are not written withthat form of communication in mind. Therefore since the law is silent on the matter they probably feel they are legally ok to do it.. Not saying it right, just trying to provide an insight to their thought process.


Submitted by LCW on Fri, 04/21/2006 - 17:00

( Posts: 1151 | Credits: )

While I agree with you, you know that isn't going to happen, and they will hide behind the "OC" status. Going as far as finding someones screen name for a messenger programm is extreme. But it's also probably entirely legal as our laws are not written with that form of communication in mind.

Therefore since the law is silent on the matter they probably feel they are legally ok to do it. I'm not saying it's right, just trying to provide an insight to their thought process.


Submitted by LCW on Fri, 04/21/2006 - 17:01

( Posts: 1151 | Credits: )

this is wierd i got a email on myspace from e-payday loan saying i defaulted on a payday loan do these people have a life there finding ways to go after people..


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 06:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This company is extremely crooked and they are actually based out of Atlanta and it's illegal to do pay day loans in GA


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 07:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

perry carter

this is wierd i got a email on myspace from e-payday loan saying i defaulted on a payday loan do these people have a life there finding ways to go after people..

THAT is out of line, there must be SOME laws somewhere to protect people from this type of harrassment, I think if I were you I would be researching to find out, that IS uncalled for!


Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 07:51

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )