From being the king on the hill to no money for food
Date: Fri, 05/13/2005 - 04:31
From being the king on the hill to no money for food
I was offered a job in New York which I declined to start my own technology company in February 2000. I was the king on the hill, I had a technology company of my own, it was funded by venture capitalist and soon we had 20 people working the company.
And then came the tech crash! Everyone around me suddenly just woke up and realized that tech was not sexy any more. We had run out of most of the initial funding and the investors decided to stop the funding and hence we closed down the company.
After we closed down the company I went through a period where I racked up $20K or so in credit card debts. I still remember thinking where to eat McDonalds or Taco bell, and then thinking well taco bell is cheaper and with $5 in my pocket to last till I find the next odd job, it better be the cheapest place. Well those were the hard times. I had to go through a lot of struggle. I slept in churches, Salvation Army and on the streets while at the same time looking for a job. One thing didn't stop coming all this time and those were the collection letters in my rented mailbox and the threats on my cell phone from the collection companies.
Finally got myself a job, found out the laws related to the collection agencies and dealt with them with the rules of the game.
I created this website to tell everyone that deal with the creditors and the collection agencies with the rules of the game. Don't be naive when dealing with them.
Remember, when there is no hope. There is hope just around the corner. :!:
Hi Welcome to the forums. Vikas has created this website for
Welcome to the forums. Vikas has created this website for the community welfare and make people informed while dealing with creditors and collection agencies.
Hope that the unbiased information provided in this website will help you in each and every sphere of your life. Have a wonderful stay with us in the forums.
Vikas, You made something awesome come out of such a tough situ
You made something awesome come out of such a tough situation! Kudos to you and I hope that you're situation continues to progress!
Technology is a competitive, fluctuating market these days..definitely a risk and it's neat that you were able to take a shot at it!
When I first got referred to this site, I was kinda uncomfortable to really talk about things that I have been through but then when I started reading the forums I realized ''WOW'' all of these people have been through maybe worse situations than me,and I am not the only one in debt. then I started to open up and realize this is a wonderful place I love coming here.As soon as I get off work everynight I am here I love it! Thanks Vikas
Ch, thanks for including this forum in your daily life. Let all
Ch, thanks for including this forum in your daily life. Let all of us try to build a community together and do some noble work for others.
vikas everyone does have a real life experience and it does make
vikas everyone does have a real life experience and it does make you feel your problems are not that bad and someone does always have it worst well you know what they say you have to know where you've been to know where you're going
listening to everyone i realize i created mostly all my problems
listening to everyone i realize i created mostly all my problems finacially i always had usually decent jobs just always counted on my chickens before they were hatched and something always came up and i never had the funds to pay my needs because i took care of my wants and recreation first which i am now paying for more ways then 1
so just because we do get older doesn't mean we get much wiser i
so just because we do get older doesn't mean we get much wiser i'm still learning its just sad we sometimes learn by the ones that are younger or they are really learning from our mistakes "what not to do"
Well Vikas the more I read the more I am glad you lost your tech
Well Vikas the more I read the more I am glad you lost your techie company!!! What is going on here is awesome...I know that I don't let my kids live on credit (do the work, THEN get paid, if you want it SAVE for it)so I certainly have no idea how I got so deep...but thanks for the site!!
:D I am also very thankful you made this site.You have saved mys
:D I am also very thankful you made this site.You have saved myself, and many others from sinking further into debt.I hope you know how much this site has helped so many.I look forward to coming here everyday when I can,and if I can give someone advice or anwsers to thier questions,I feel great.
Thanks so much,Great Job Vikas
Wow Vikas, what a great story. You help a lot of people! And you
Wow Vikas, what a great story. You help a lot of people! And you've made a system where people can earn points and donate points. Thats incredible. GREAT JOB!
Thank you so much to all of you. :D It's a nice feeling to
Thank you so much to all of you. :D
It's a nice feeling to stay together and help people in times of need. Moreover, I keep stressing on building this community because we get to share the experiences in our small world. A small help or an option can be meaningful to a person in desperate need.
Your presence is highly appreciated and we hope to continue with the good work. :)
Thanks once again
Vikas, Thank you for sharing your story with us. I learned s
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I learned some things I didn't know about you. What an inspiration you are and I thank you for these forums! They have literally save my skin on more than once occassion :)
I've just read this story, and it gives me hope. I am finally de
I've just read this story, and it gives me hope. I am finally dealing with my debts, and I know it's a long road, but hopefully with the help of this community and the power of knowledge, I will be telling my success story someday in the future. :?
Hi to all
Hi to all!
this is my first Thread, i hope thats okay, i would be say "hello" to this Forum :-) I came from Germany and i must lern English for my School Exam. so i will be speak over this Forum to any Members to train my English Online. Thats more Funny that the boring Schooltraining....
So, thanks in Advance for your Questions and Answers to me to help me train my English....
Greetings to all,
I just wanted to say thanks for creating this site. My husband a
I just wanted to say thanks for creating this site. My husband and I have been on this crazy path for seven years now with most of our problems happening with my last 3 pregnancies (kids are 12, 7, 4 and 3) so we are looking at at least another 4 years of fighting these agencies. Your site has inspired us to take charge and not be afraid to stand up to the CAs who harrass and threaten and to make peace with our past faults, come to terms with them and find a way to pay off the small pebbles so the avalanche doesn't begin crashing on our heads once again.
Thanks for sharing your story.