Skip to main content - the USA consumer forum they trying to KILL us?!?!

Date: Wed, 04/12/2006 - 09:05

Submitted by Seeing_the_Light
on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 09:05

Posts: 529 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 33 they trying to KILL us?!?!

I just received this email from WEEK after I consolidated them with T&C!! They're CRAZY!!

"Dear Customer,

In an effort to offer you new and improved services, we are happy to announce that we have launched our Credit Extension program! The new service will allow you to request additional funds before your loan is
paid in full. For example, if you are currently borrowing $300 and your maximum available credit is $500 you can request an additional $200. You will be given a new contract stating that your new principal amount is $500 and the total amount due is $625. A minimum payment will still be due on your next due date."

A year ago, I would have fallen prey to this TRAP! Don't let yourself be consumed by payday loans...fight back! Thanks to this forum, I am well informed of my rights and better able to "just say no" to payday loan offers!!

I just defaulted on all my PDLs and one local store called me and said if I go in with cash and pay the whole amount, I can get another loan on the spot for more than I owe right now. Gee, I just let your check bounce and told you I have no money to pay it back and you want me to hurry and grab another loan from you, that you know I probably cannot pay! I hate these places so much.


Submitted by tw11382 on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 09:15

( Posts: 10 | Credits: )

Sonic has been harrassing me to pay them even though I am with T&C now, and yesterday their message on my phone said, "well, if you pay us by Moneygram on Friday morning, you can apply for another loan within 30 min. and have the money by Monday!" I mean, they have been leaving me threatening messages for a week despite my being with T&C, and they STILL want to give me a loan!!??!! These people are such bad news, and I can't wait to be FREE of them!


Submitted by Seeing_the_Light on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 09:20

( Posts: 529 | Credits: )

That's hysterical.
After I sent USFast Cash the letter stating I was no longer going to make payments and they violated my state's laws...30 minutes later I get this email saying "thank you for paying off your loan with us" and offered me another loan?
I saved it for my investigations...


Submitted by erzeke1 on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 11:17

( Posts: 1145 | Credits: )

I owe sonic over 1500.00 dollars and signed up with T & C. They said I have to pay both loans in full by Western Union on the 21st or they will contact my employer. I could lose my job over something like this. I can make the payments in two installments but they refused. Isnt some better than none? I wonder if I need an attorney to help with this.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 12:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Who stated you had to pay them back in a month? T & C? Did they accept your payments from T & C?


Submitted by jmid1969 on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 12:59

( Posts: 102 | Credits: )

horseplay, immediately today fax/email them a note saying that you immediately and permanently revoke any presumed or actual voluntary wage assignment. Then sit down with your employer (if you can) explain to them what is up and give them a copy of your revocation. Tell them that this is an illegal company that you are fighting.. if you need more help, let me know.


Submitted by jj on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 13:09

( Posts: 1057 | Credits: )

Sonic or CTC would give me until next payday to PIF. They would not accept payments from T and C. I was going to pay $500.00 per month.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 13:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Another wrinkle is, which "Sonic" are we talking about. One is a legitimate payday loan company with brick and morter offices. The other is an internet scam artist. If the latter, I'd bet they're not licensed or registered to do business in your state and I'll be they're charging more than your state allows. (Unless you live in one of those states that doesn't care about such things.)

If the internet scam people are the ones you're dealing with, they're operating illegally and you don't have to pay them at all. Painful as it may be, give your employer's accounting and/or personnel depts. a letter advising them that there is no valid wage assignment in effect, that you've been victimized by a scam, and that you're working on solving the problem, but in the meanwhile, they're not to honor any wage assignment that doesn't have your original handwritten signature on it.


Submitted by Virginia-Legal-Defense on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 04:16

( Posts: 260 | Credits: )

I just found out that payday loan charlatans recieve a whopping 80% commission on drowning you folks in their debt. All of your money goes into their pockets for dink-lengthening cars, clothes from Abercrombie and Fitch, five-inch long acrylic nails, redicuously oversized car speakers, shoe collections, and everything. So, when you get vacuumed into their scam, you, in your difficult situation, pay for their superficial standard of living. I have seen it all!


Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 05:42

( Posts: 2192 | Credits: )

What a sham we have fallen victim to! Perhaps we should give them a taste of their own medicine.


Submitted by jmid1969 on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 05:50

( Posts: 102 | Credits: )

I'd thought about that "taste of their own medicine" thing myself, as I can't help musing over hypothetical legal situations. Most of what I do is defense, so I've been thinking, how would I defend someone who's been either charged with a crime or sued on account of having obtained a payday loan from a loan shark not licensed in Virginia, and whose stated intention is to charge interest and fees in excess of the amount permitted by law in Virginia?

Let's say that someone with a legitimate checking account, telephone number, residence address, job, etc. were to go online and get as many payday loans as he can over the course of, say, two or three days, checking on each one to make sure they're not licensed (in a state that requires licensure - that's a central factor) and charges usurious interest and fees (i.e., beyond what state law allows), and they're operating as a corporation without having registered to do business as a foreign corporation in the state in which the borrower lives. The borrower thus carefully determines that for each such creditor, the creditor (1) doesn't exist as a legal "person" in his state; (2) the creditor is unlicensed; and (3) the creditor charges unlawful rates of interest and fees. So the borrower takes out as many loans as he can for as much money as possible from the loan sharks, and watches his bank account grow over the following couple days or so. Then he closes the account (withdraws to a zero balance) giving the bank written notice that all preauthorized withdrawals are cancelled and that they are not to honor any withdrawals on the closed account (that makes the bank liable if they go ahead and do it anyway as long as the bank was notified of the stop payment at least three business days prior to the first preauthorized withdrawal - 15 U.S.C. 1693e). (Creating and maintaining a proper evidentiary basis for all this, of course, because the bank's clearly going to charge overdrafts on transactions they allow to go through notwithstanding the notice.) Upon closing the account, the borrower takes the money to a different bank and opens a new account before the solid waste hits the fan. Then, the borrower and the borrower's employer have to be patient as the loan sharks wail and moan about their money, threaten arrest and such. The borrower (and the borrower's family, employer, and former bank) basically have to completely ignore the loan sharks and their collection agencies until they all go away. The borrower has to keep an eye on his credit report and file notices of false debt claims everytime someone posts an item about the loan sharks' activities.

My analysis differs, depending on the cause of action and/or crimes alleged. If there's a civil suit relating to a simple failure to pay as a result of the borrowing, the borrower can win fairly easily, and even recover a judgment for violation of state law on a counterclaim. Same thing on a criminal charge, though there's no counterclaim.

On an action or criminal charge for fraud, however, the borrower's going to get screwed (although he can still file and win a counterclaim in a civil case). It will be necessary to show that the borrower took the money, having at the time he took the money, no intention of ever repaying the debt. That should be fairly easily shown from the evidence if anyone bothers to subpoena the bank records. On a criminal matter, it doesn't really matter whether one is scamming criminals. Remember, one can be found criminally responsible for **** a ****. Stealing from a thief is still stealing.

On top of that, there's all the hassles one has to be willing to put up with, with all the credit rating crap, and you know, someone is going to wonder what all that is about. But if one's credit were already shot, he has no job, no family, and the loan sharks are still willing to send him money, he could probably get away with it. Anyone with something to lose shouldn't take the risk.

If, on the other hand, one were to take all the money, close the account with notice to the bank, etc. and immediately file suit for declaratory judgment and civil damages for violation of whatever state consumer and banking laws allow for the damages, then I'd bet he'd be home free on all counts. And he could legitimately keep the money (i.e., no fraud) and not pay it back because of the judgment for his own damages that he'd get from the court, and the copy of a court judgment in his favor would be much better in a credit report than notices of false debt.

[color=Red]****Adult term removed - Jason[/color]


Submitted by Virginia-Legal-Defense on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 06:18

( Posts: 260 | Credits: )

Remember VDL, most of us here have not done that scenario, we have problable paid each PDL 3 times what we originally borrowed and still owe them principal and one or two payments of interest on each loan. But that was a great scenario. Kudos to your creativity this early in the morning!


Submitted by jmid1969 on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 06:32

( Posts: 102 | Credits: )

To be paying triple fold the original balance of the loan and still haven't touched the principle is extortion. My ass you still owe the principle. Fees and applicable interest are only percentages not exponents. Write to them, as Jessi did, detailing what you have paid and declare this loan paid in full. If you do't stand up for yourself, I'm afraid they'll never let you go!


Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 06:35

( Posts: 2192 | Credits: )

They are the original Charletans! The phone calls at work did finally stop, but they call my cellphone daily. I just blocked them, so they go right to voicemail.


Submitted by jmid1969 on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 06:37

( Posts: 102 | Credits: )

Well, I have to say I went round and round with in January. I had listed them with T &C and they accepted the proposal amount and I had filed a complaint against them with my state's AG's office. How miraculous is that? lol They still had the nerve to bug me so I filed a second round of complaints against this company. The first guy who called me stated I had no rights and they could do whatever they wanted to me. When they said they were going to sue me from Costa Rica, I had to start laughing because they have to file suit in my county from what I understand. I'm not goign to Costa Rica folks. Anyway, they finally accepted my first payment through T &C as payment in full and all this information went through the AG's office, just so I could protect myself down the road. Now they keep offering me new loans even though I agreed never to reloan with them. They agreed never to contact me in any manner. I've even called them to take me off their automated list and I still get the e-mails. Just slam them right back, that is my philosophy in dealing with this company. Ari, that is very interesting but disgusting news. I've made enough car payments for these leeches. Sonic is a company that is hard to deal with. I sent the revocation letter by certified mail, fax, and e-mail. These people are beyond psyco in my book. Don't take any crap from them and don't give them another red cent. They said I could reloan with them if I paid them via western union in full. I almost did but changed my mind. I'm glad that I didn't because I've read horror stories about this in the forums. They don't listen either, they just like to hear themselves talk, talk , talk. They will take payments through T &C, they did in my case before they forgave my debt with them. Now they are sending me e-mails to reloan with them as well. That's not going to happen, EVER. I've never dealt with Cash Today but I would say Sonic is equal to them in the scum sucking business. I would inform your payroll department not to honor any wage assignment with them. Send this letter to Sonic as soon as possible. If you need an address, I have it memorized. Sad to say but let your payroll department that this debt is listed with a debt consolidation company. That should be good enough. This company is not going to take you to court, they might threaten you with it but they would be stupid to even try it. They are not licensed either. Also, file complaints against them with the Better Business Bureau just to get it on file. They won't respond but it will give them more negative information. Also, file complaints with your state's attorney general's office as well as PA and Delaware. They say they have offices here but it will get more complaints on file. They harassmed my counselor at T &C as well. They don't want to cooperate, they just want to scare people into giving them money they don't deserve. :twisted:


Submitted by Cow & Chicken on Sat, 04/15/2006 - 05:54

( Posts: 3571 | Credits: )

Thanks for making us aware about this company. I have a very general bad opinion about the payday loan companies but never thought about such companies making offers even after they are restricted from calling you. Have you enabled the opt out feature in your credit report? This feature will keep you away from such marketing calls? You need to contact the credit bureaus to activate this feature.


Submitted by john on Sat, 04/15/2006 - 13:38

( Posts: 1231 | Credits: )