Official communication with Riscuity, Inc.
Date: Tue, 03/14/2006 - 22:00
Official communication with Riscuity, Inc.
- 04 February, 2006 21:31 - Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance., from Bob Cervelli of Riscuity to Vikas and Marcia Brown of DebtCC.
- 09 February 2006 10:02 -Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance., from Vikas to Bob.
- 13 February 2006 14:58 - Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance., Bob to Vikas
- 20 February 2006 16:46 - Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance., Bob to Vikas (and cc to Jason, Marcia, Bcorales(at)
- 21 February 2006 17:33 - Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance., Vikas to Bob
- 21 February 2006 12:33 - Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance., Bob to Vikas
- 23 February 2006 14:46 - Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance., Bob to Vikas (and cc to Jason, Marcia, Bcorales(at)
- 23 February 2006 17:41 - Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance., Bob to Vikas (and cc to Jason, Marcia)
- 24 February 2006 17:34 - Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance., Vikas to Bob
- 24 February 2006 17:48 - Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance., Vikas to Bob
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From: "Bob Cervelli"
Subject: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance.
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 21:31:38 -0500
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I am hoping you can help me. My name is Bob Cervelli. I am the Chief
Operating Officer of a company named Riscuity, Inc.
There is a string of postings that are going on about my company on your
debt consolidation Care website.
Here is a link to the original thread:
Over the past few months, there has been some major smearing of our
organization by ex-employees. I understand free speech when someone has a
problem or needs clarification of how a business does business, however just
before the holidays, so called "ex-employees" or Ex-management" started
posting personal information about the CEO, Edward Chen. They published his
home number and home address. This caused the CEO to change his number. His
wife, who is home pregnant, also had major concerns about their physical
address being posted on your website.
It is now coming to the point that people or "Ex-Employees" are posting a
lot of false information about Riscuity along with slenderness comments
about the management of the company. This is now turning into a bloodbath of
rude comments and untrue facts about Riscuity and its management team.
Let me first explain that any ex-employee making these posts would have a
vendetta against the company because most likely they were terminated for
wrong doings. Face the facts, companies do not terminate people who are
doing a good job.
I, on at least one occasion, asked our in-house counsel to post a rebuttal
to a post in order to help clear the air on a misunderstanding that one of
our debtor's had.
Finally, your board was designed to allow debtors a vehicle to ask questions
and receive answers. It was NOT designed to slander a company, allow
ex-employees to vent out their frustrations or divulge personal information
of the executives of the company.
With that said, I am asking that this entire thread be removed from your
system as it is causing a lot of turmoil within our company and placing a
major black mark against a company that is small in nature and trying to
offer opportunity to those who work for it.
I can sincerely assure you that Riscuity, Inc. works within the laws of the
fdcpa. Has not violated and laws and has a clean record with any regulatory
body. In fact, if you were to search the internet, it is only your website
that has derogatory information about Riscuity.
Riscuity did go through a cleaning out process of problem employees about
1.5 years ago. It is those employees that find thrills of what they are
attempting to do.
With all this said, I am making a formal request that you take down this
particular thread as it is defeating the purpose of what your website is
trying to promote and accomplish.
Unless you can supply me with a reason WHY you can not do this, I have no
other alternative but to seek legal methods to accomplish what I am asking
for in a businesslike manner.
These postings have gone too far. Please help me in resolving this issue and
understand our prospective and the reason why I am making such a request.
Bob Cervelli
Chief Operating Officer
Riscuity, Inc.
From: To: "Bob Cervelli" References: Subject: Re: Erroneou
To: "Bob Cervelli"
References: <007201c62c3e$2d2064d0$3400640a@riscuity.local>
Subject: Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 10:02:39 +0530
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Hi Bob,
We are helping the debt consolidation care community with an open platform for debates and discussions on various debt related issues. If some of the ex-employees of your company are using this forum to bring general awareness which you believe is contradictory, please make your posts explaining the legal existence of your business and working within the fdcpa lines so that the truth stays and your company's reputation is protected. Eventually, this forum is a place of general discussion and we can't remove the entire thread for you or your company.
We are here to provide a platform which can be used by debtors, creditors and the CAs for a better experience and our website is serving the purpose nicely.
I am happy to say that this site has helped many understand the real problem and also has exposed many fraud cases. We will surely like to continue this unique service offered inline with openness.
We appreciate your suggestions and feedback.
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From: "Bob Cervelli"
Subject: RE: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:58:02 -0500
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Hi Vikas,
Thank you for your response. What we have found is then when we go on the board to rebut some of these statements, it just fires up more untrue comments and rumors from ex-employees. So we have tried that approach. Secondly, broadcasting where we live or our personal home addresses is our major concern and would like all that removed.
I am a single parent with a teenage daughter at home. Because of the hours I keep she is home by herself. Having where I live deluged on the internet is not safe for my family or me. Edward Chen has a pregnant wife who is home on her own most of the day. Again not smart to have his telephone number and address broadcast on internet.
If you can not remove the entire thread, I am asking that you remove the rumors of the COO being fired, The personal attacks on the management of this company by Ex-employees. The personal information divulged on the website. You can leave everything else. Again, businessman to businessman, I am making this request. Please do not force us to move towards a court order by taking the legal route. It does you and I no good to spend unnecessary money doing this.
Just remove all comments and posts from ex-employees. These posts have nothing to do with anything other than to voice their grievances with Riscuity and vendetta for why they were fired in the first place. These are the bad apples that we removed from our organization in the first place.
Bob Cervelli
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From: "Bob Cervelli"
"'Edward Chen'"
Subject: RE: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 16:46:23 -0500
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I am making one final request to remove the slenderness comments and bashing from ex-employees on your website about Riscuity. This has now become a free-for-all.
We are in the process of lining this company up for major venture funding and possible sale. Not to mention that again, these people are not posting in accordance to YOUR OWN RULES of Terms of use.
With that said, I await your reply. Failure to help remedy this matter will force us to proceed with legal action. This is what I have been trying to avoid with these emails.
We feel this matter is falling on deaf ears as I get no response from anyone associated from your website.
Our corporate counsel is carbon copied on this email for record purposes.
Bob Cervelli
From: To: "Bob Cervelli" References: Subject: Re: Erroneou
To: "Bob Cervelli"
References: <004501c63667$19b65930$4c00640a@riscuity.local>
Subject: Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 17:33:21 +0530
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Hi Bob,
We understand your problem but it's hard for us to find all the contradictory postings. So it will be helpful for us if you specifically point out the postings and the exact comments and send those to us. We will review it and remove as per the forum rules.
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From: "Bob Cervelli"
Subject: RE: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:33:17 -0500
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Thank you for your reply. Attached are the posts that we would like you to remove. As you can see I was very fair in leaving up posts that voiced displeasure with Riscuity. I can not control how people feel. But the attached are the ones that have nothing to do with how a debtor was treated. More of bashing and ex-employees venting in order to try to cause harm to our company.
These need to be removed. I trust you will fell the same way as I and remove this trash from your website. HOPEFULLY the message sent is that your website will not tolerate this type of behavior.
Bob Cervelli
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From: "Bob Cervelli"
"'Edward Chen'"
Subject: RE: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 14:46:52 -0500
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Vikas, You are kidding me right?? I see you posted my letter to you and your company company asking for help to resolve an issue under a heading in your public forums "List of companies threatening to sue us"
How unprofessional is THAT? We are trying to work with you to eliminate all these postings, that once again, I remind you, fall outside your own "terms of use" on your website.
I hope you are getting the proper legal advice for your lawyers.
Bob Cervelli
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From: "Bob Cervelli"
Subject: RE: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 17:40:48 -0500
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One final email, We have actual images from your website of actual posts. We also have these email threads and dates. Do not think that we have not noticed and have record that your "Terms of Use" and specifically "Off Topics" has been removed since we started talking along with you adding the ability to post communications such as emails.
Taking a email that I wrote to you as the webmaster asking for assistance to rectify a problem and posting it in open forum without my or anyone else's permission from Riscuity is not only un-professional but just shows how un-businesslike YOUR company really is.
Where I thought you were being professional, this just shows how unethical you and your website is.
You should have been a little more careful about what you did.
Bob Cervelli
From: To: "Bob Cervelli" References: Subject: Re: Erroneou
To: "Bob Cervelli"
References: <003301c6370c$e860c8b0$4c00640a@riscuity.local>
Subject: Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 17:34:29 +0530
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Hi Bob
We have reviewed the entire thread of Riscuity in our forums and gone through all the members' posts. We did not feel the need to delete or alter any of the posts because nothing should be kept shady in front of the community. None of the posts here specify violation of the forum rules. The forums are open platforms that intend to bring the facts out.
However, we still give you a chance to clarify your point. Please point out the posts that you feel is bringing out personal contact information of your company employees. We will review it and if there is any personal info, we will delete it.
From: To: "Bob Cervelli" References: Subject: Re: Erroneou
To: "Bob Cervelli"
References: <004a01c638ca$32ab6380$4c00640a@riscuity.local>
Subject: Re: Erroneous postings on your website. I am asking for your assistance
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 17:48:40 +0530
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Hi Bob,
We survive as a community and our TOS clearly says that we will have to make the conversations public. If you are asking Vikas then you are asking the community representative. And as a community representative I can not take a decision without the community approval. We have reviewed the posts and none of our members feel that there is something to remove.
I will again talk with the community members with the doc that you have sent. We are here to help everyone. We request your co-operation for the Truth and we do not want to harm anyone good. I request you to directly interact with the community if possible.
Do let me know if you have more queries.