Student loan Wage Garnishment - How can I remove them?
Date: Tue, 03/14/2006 - 10:10
Student loan Wage Garnishment - How can I remove them?
Only mandatory deductions are included in the
Only mandatory deductions are included in the calculation....taxes, SSI, Fica and health insurance.
Have you looked at consolidating your loans with the DIrect Loan Program??
Wage garnishment question
I have a student loan that is under wage garnishment and I only owe $325.00 left. Once this is paid since I was under wage garnishment doest this mean I can never receive financial aide again?
Once student loan is paid, you are free to receive additional fi
Once student loan is paid, you are free to receive additional financial aid.
Did my Sl standing improve w/garnishment?
Hello. Wow I wish I had found this site a long time ago. Thank you all that post such detailed advice!! Here is my situation that I would like advice on. I had defaulted student loans for ever it seems. I started working and a garnishment was issued which was hard at first but I adjusted because I wanted to get rid of this. I was garnished for over little over a year. But now I am laid off as of Mar 30th this year and wondering what my next step should be as far as my SL. OH and I did receive my income tax refund this year after YEARS of never seeing one. So I'm wondering what my next step should be to make sure I continue to get my tax refund and does this mean my SL is improving? I do want it paid off.
Thanks in advance for the wealth of information!
Student loans never improve per se while you are in default. Yo
Student loans never improve per se while you are in default. Your next step should be to contact the guarantor to find out what if any is still owed.
I spoke with ConServ and let them know that I was laid off. Unti
I spoke with ConServ and let them know that I was laid off. Until that happened my wages were garnished for over a years time at 56-60 bucks a week. They offered two options with the best sounding one as follows: waive the dnpymt and I make a 9 mo. at 212.04 & 4 at 60.32. They told me I would have to make 13 payments because one of the two is a GNN loan? I told them that I could not do 212 a month at this time. We even went over my finances and he said I was in a negative as far as income in and bils out. Is there anyway I can get a lower payment and still do rehab? I told him that I would call back.
How much do you owe?? They are trying to rehab down
How much do you owe??
They are trying to rehab downpayment is required.
GNN never heard of this type of loan....there is GSL or Perkins?
I would recommend consolidating now with Direct Loans.
I owe 22,664.52. Principal Bal was 10,916.82. Would consolidatin
I owe 22,664.52. Principal Bal was 10,916.82. Would consolidating bring me out of collections and prevent future earnings from being garnished?
Consolidating gives you a new loan thus removes the default. No
Consolidating gives you a new loan thus removes the default. No default, no garnishment.
Can someone explain to me what the difference is between the loa
Can someone explain to me what the difference is between the loan rehab process as opposed to applying for a direct consolidation loan (I only have one loan), and which of those procedures (or another one that I don't know about) would be best for someone currently having his wages garnished (my debt is just under $5,000) but wishes to get relief from the garnishment?
Also,is there a minimum monthly payment I must make if/when the garnishment is lifted, and the determination is made that I'd be eligible for either a loan rehab or a Direct Consolidation loan?
And my LAST question is how long does it take for each of the processes to be initiated, and for my wage garnishment to be halted?
Sorry about all these questions--I hope that some of you may be able to help me!
Because you are being garnished, you do not have the consolidati
Because you are being garnished, you do not have the consolidation option. Your only option is to rehab and that will require 9 payments over and above your garnishment of $50/month based on your balance. So you would be looking at about 10 months before the garnishment is lifted.
my situation is somewhat bleeker-dept of ed has been garnishing my wages for 2 yrs now. ive been in such a depressive state about it all i never even tried to fight it. just kept trying to work overtime to make ends meet- they take approx $400/mo. and my debt is substantial- I think im only paying intrest? How can i get them to stop garnisment and voluntarily hve them withdraw same amt from my acct. this garnishment is killing me--I want to go back to school.
They wont. However you could ask for a would require
They wont. However you could ask for a would require that you make payments over and above the garnishment for 9 months. Then it would come out of default and then you could consoidate it thru direct loans.
was giving student loan not know i needed a hsd to graduate
hi this is quien i was giving a student loan and when i graduated from medical program they stated that i needed a high school diploma to get a job in the medical field. They are trying to garnish my wages and i have never worked in the field before because i dont have a high school diploma what do i do
Did they give you a test prior to entering? If you had the abili
Did they give you a test prior to entering? If you had the ability to benefit from the course then you are legally liable for it. Did you tell them you had a high school diploma?
how about going back and getting your GED??
How do you do a rehab when you are at poverty level wages? CA w
How do you do a rehab when you are at poverty level wages? CA won't work with me or the education department. My income is so low there is nothing to garnish. Based on the income sensitive plan I would pay zero. But I can't do that until I rehab and I haven't got the money to rehab - even 5 dollars a month would be difficult. I have provided the information to the ed department - but they want all the money now - which is absurd - cause they know I don't have it. I have no family to live with either or family living with me - to help out with bills. They have all my income info and expense info. But when they ask for tons of money to rehab - and you don't have it - what can you do? I have no money to give them - and no assests. If they would just let me rehab - then I get out of default - then I get on income sensitive - which definitely I qualify for paying zero a month. What are my options? I have tried everything.
If you have no income, then go straight to consolidation...skip
If you have no income, then go straight to consolidation...skip rehab. Gets you the same results except for the credit improvement.
how do i stop my wages from being garnished? I just started a pa
how do i stop my wages from being garnished? I just started a payment repayent agreement and just made my first payment all of a sudden i get a notice from my boss that they started garnishing my wages?
Did you go thru a hearing to object to the garnishment?
Did you go thru a hearing to object to the garnishment?
I got a letter from the student loan people about garnishing my
I got a letter from the student loan people about garnishing my wages. I called them and they want me to send them a large amount by the 29th of this month. I explained that I can not do that. I have a son and a baby coming. I can not afford for them to garnish my wages or take my income tax. I want to get into repayment but the option they gave me is just too much. What options do I have to stop this from happening?
Did you follow the instructions in the letter, to send in a writ
Did you follow the instructions in the letter, to send in a written appeal of the garnishment? Calling is not part of the appeal process.
my hsuband got a letter from some place that Student Assistant C
my hsuband got a letter from some place that Student Assistant Corp I belive the name was General Revenue corp. A long time ago when my husband had to have surgery I dealt with these people while he was in the hospital over a credit card bill. They threatened to take my home and everything. It was a nightmare! I was even cursed out on the phone. I sent some money every month to them by cashiers check. They did not cash them for 3 months and them sold my loan to someone else. We cannot afford to have his wages garnished. I just got back to work after being out off work for a year. His loans are consolidated and he aquired them before we were married 18 years ago. I went to college later. I am not on his loan but is there a way to consolidate our loans together and make one payment? Does anyone think this would help us at all? Does anyone have a good answer.
So he has defaulted on his loans? Are these federal? Within th
So he has defaulted on his loans? Are these federal?
Within the federal system, you can no longer do a spousal consolidation. They were a nightmare.
Yes he is in default. Im not sure some what kind of loans they
Yes he is in default. Im not sure some what kind of loans they are some are federal I am sure.
Um What kinda a nightmare are we talking about here. When I spo
Um What kinda a nightmare are we talking about here. When I spoke Salle Mae, My lender they said something about consolidation of our loans together. I just thought well maybe we would get the money soon to start paying. I feel hopeless.
What was in the letter from General Revenue? If these are feder
What was in the letter from General Revenue? If these are federal loans in default, they can garnish him without a court order unless he is current repayment. You would also be looking at your state and federal tax returns being seized too.
so my wages are being garnished for a defaulted loan. can they g
so my wages are being garnished for a defaulted loan. can they get my tax refund as well. if they are getting 180.00 every 2 weeks why should they take my refund?
Yup, they will take them because 1. you are in default and 2. y
Yup, they will take them because 1. you are in default and 2. you are not in voluntary repayment. Your loan balance became due in full on demand upon your default.
Thanks. I have not had a refund in the last 6 years this might h
Thanks. I have not had a refund in the last 6 years this might have been my first. Oh well.if it gets the loans paid great.
Garnishment started on my paycheck's maybe 6 months ago (15%). B
Garnishment started on my paycheck's maybe 6 months ago (15%). Before, garnishment they took my tax refund (08). Will they take my refund for 09 since my paycheck's are being garnished? If they do, is there anyway to file an appeal?
You are not paying voluntarily so yes, they will take your tax r
You are not paying voluntarily so yes, they will take your tax return. You would have been sent a letter last summer to inform you of their intent....that was the time to enter into voluntary repayment to avoid tax offset.
My loan payments are $459 a month. I can not pay this. I can only afford $100 a month. What can I do? My loan is in collections. Money is already tight- we are having to foreclose our home- I do not qualify for economic hardship. I just spoke to someone at Sallie Mae and they are putting me in Forbearance till Feb 14th-then all my forbearance is up. I still won't be able to pay that then. Do I have any options? :confused:
My wages have been garnished for about 5 years now for failure t
My wages have been garnished for about 5 years now for failure to pay back my student loans after college. My tax refunds have also been taken for the same amount of time. In a couple of months I'll have fulfilled that financial obligation. That's also around the time that I'm expecting my federal tax return. Do I need to fear that the CA will continue offseting my tax refunds or garnishing my wages once this debt is paid? I know that I now owe about $900 but I keep contacting DCA to find out the exact amount but they continue to ask for my social security number. They say that it's my account number and that they can't give me any information without it. I've always been reluctant to providing this information to anyone, especially a CA! What can I do?
This is a federal student loan...your account number is your soc
This is a federal student loan...your account number is your social security number.
I would suggest you wait to file your taxes. Because you are not paying voluntarily, there will be a lien and the lien figures are not up to date with what you have been garnished. Say you finishing paying your balance March 1st and file shortly thereafter...odds are that the lien will still seize whatever amount. The guarantor will refund it but it is going to take time.
Is the $900 your calculation or an old calculation from the CA? Keep in mind that interest is accruing until the last payment arrives.
Thank you SOAPLADY for your response. That is the amount that I
Thank you SOAPLADY for your response. That is the amount that I was quoted in December as my balance and I estimated that to be at least 2 more payments but there will be a little less than $150 left to pay afterwards and I assume that they'll take it from a 3rd payment. I've always been able to get my account balance information over the phone without giving my SS# so I thought it strange for them to request it now with a couple of payments left.
soaplady, you seem knowledgeable but also kind of unobjective. y
soaplady, you seem knowledgeable but also kind of unobjective. your advice and responses bear a strong hint that you may be a debt collector yourself, probably an aggressive one.
It is called tough love. Just the facts as to what will happen.
It is called tough love. Just the facts as to what will happen. And I am an ex student loan collector and ex financial aid office. And a damn good one at that.
it should have been added above that "aggressive" in the debt-co
it should have been added above that "aggressive" in the debt-collection industry means often, not always doing it legally.
Yup, I was a aggressive and a top collector....however I never b
Yup, I was a aggressive and a top collector....however I never broke the law. What is the point? I worked with my debtors to get them out of default and I got people to pay that no one else could. I had 2000 accounts in my portfolio on any given day and it the debtor wanted to be an asshole, I shipped them off to the garnishment unit if we had their place of employment. I could be firm but never rude. I educated my borrowers and in several situations, I walked them thru how to persue and sue other collections that did violate the fdcpa.
as you probably know, many CA's do try to go further than the la
as you probably know, many CA's do try to go further than the laws allow. it happens all the time.
at least to me, it's easy to see that you have a profound disgust in the back of your mind towards deliquent student loan debtors. your foot is too poised on a foundation of the CA and as such, you're ineffective to help people's inquiries on their rights with garnishment issues on this web forum - i don't understand why you're here.
i'm surprised that all over this debt consolidation forum for the past two years, no one else has ever seemed to see that....and i only happened upon this site for the first time a few hours ago.
I dont and wont sugar coat it. And in most cases, by the time s
I dont and wont sugar coat it. And in most cases, by the time someone gets to the garnishment department, they have had ample opportunity to enter into repayment voluntarily. Truthfully, I dont have a lot of sympathy...too many people bury their heads when it comes to student loans and the federal loans are the easiest consumer credit to manage....loads of deferments and forebarances and consolidation with the ICR repayment plan prior to default makes student loan repayment affordable. However, I will not stand for collection agencies strong arming with incorrect information and threats.
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousas you probably know, many C
Originally Posted by Anonymous as you probably know, many CA's do try to go further than the laws allow. it happens all the time. at least to me, it's easy to see that you have a profound disgust in the back of your mind towards deliquent student loan debtors. your foot is too poised on a foundation of the CA and as such, you're ineffective to help people's inquiries on their rights with garnishment issues on this web forum - i don't understand why you're here. i'm surprised that all over this debt consolidation forum for the past two years, no one else has ever seemed to see that....and i only happened upon this site for the first time a few hours ago. |
Dude, what in the hell is your problem? Soaplady can be abrasive at times, but she's an incredible asset to this community. If you're in a bind with a defaulted student loan, would you rather have facts, or some sugar-coated version of what you want to hear?
If you have a point to make, kindly make it. Otherwise, I'll thank you to keep the innuendo to yourself.
what this forum needs are additional specialist members who are
what this forum needs are additional specialist members who are financial advisors and/or rights advocates with genuwine motives to help people, and not just a one-sided former bill collector.
You hit the point! Collectors dont give a damn what is happenin
You hit the point! Collectors dont give a damn what is happening in an individuals life. It is the reality of being in debt....that is why I will not sugar coat. However the majority of the debtors that I worked with defaulted out of burying their heads in the sand...that or setting other priorities like having kids, not opening their mail, buying that new car they just gotta have. I worked damn hard to get my borrowers in affordable repayment....there was no such thing as "I cant afford to pay". And quite frankly I dont give a damn what you think, particularly when you post as an annoymous non contributor.
i'm far from the only one in America who sees the textbook colle
i'm far from the only one in America who sees the textbook collector's maverick tactics. many of those collectors don't always know the profound laws pertinent to the issue and/or follow it, nor do they know every debtor's situation as some may often claim - this is general terms amongst a country of 300 million people. whatever user identity i personally choose to post under has little-to-no relevance.
OK so, I must agree, that Paying my loans where not my priority,
OK so, I must agree, that Paying my loans where not my priority, expecially, in that I never made enough to cover any of the many payment agreements. Any how, they are now garnishing my income tax refund and my wages. This is causing some major hardship on my behave, because I now can't afford to pay my rent. I have a four year old boy and Im a single parent.
Can someone please give me details on how to get this situated immediately.
Sorry, but you wont get it changed. You would have been sent a
Sorry, but you wont get it changed. You would have been sent a notice last summer informing you of their intent to offset. Same with the could have appealed that on hardship and probably gotten a lower voluntary payment. The CA probably would have suggest you rehab or consolidate under the Income Contingent Repayment plan.
So basically there is nothing i could do to fix this. So what
So basically there is nothing i could do to fix this. So what was the point of sending them all of my bills in request of a hearing. i haven't received a response from them and they don't answer any of my calls.
Did you send your hearing request in timely? Within the 30 day
Did you send your hearing request in timely? Within the 30 day window? Or did you wait? If your request is outside the window, you have to wait....those who are requesting a hearing within the proper time frame will be push ahead of you.
How long ago did you request a hearing?