What to do with credit card debt
Date: Sun, 02/09/2014 - 09:32
What to do with credit card debt
Hello would like some advice,I have over $30000 in credit card debt and I have about $14000 cash.what I was thinking of doing was not using the 14 k to pay the debt and use it instead of credit card.being that is the only free money I have or do I pay it all to the credit cards and continue to keep using the credit and be stuck in the same cycle?
Do you have any other source
Do you have any other source of income? I think that would be a deciding factor in telling you what to do with your cash.
Do u have any other source
Yes I have a full time job and the wife doesn't work( stay at home mom).see I would like to use the cash to pay for everything and make payments to credit cards to bring them down over time but my wife wants to just pay all the cash to card but the problem is the card will continue to be used and I am trying to break that habit.but what I need to know is that the smart thing to do or do I pay it all to the card ?